Chapter 506

Yang Xuangan raised troops in Liyang, and the news spread to the south of the Yangtze River. Liu Yuanjin took the opportunity to kill officials and rebel, and then countless people from Sanwu who suffered from military service came to participate.

Tens of thousands of people gathered at once.

Liu Yuanjin then led his troops northward, preparing to go to the Central Plains to respond to Yang Xuangan, who knew that Yang Xuangan had been beheaded by Luo Cheng as soon as he arrived at the Yangtze River.

Just at this time, Zhu Xie of Wujun and Guan Chong of Jinling also rebelled, so the three joined forces and did not cross the river, but returned to Wu to rebel.

They pushed Liu Yuanjin as the main force, led the army to the south, and broke through Wu County, so they simply called the emperor there, set up a hundred officials, and the country was named Great Wu.

Liu Yuanjin was the emperor, and Zhu Xie and Guan Chong were the left and right servants. For a while, Piling, Dongyang, Kuaiji, Yongjia and other counties responded one after another, hunting and killing court officials everywhere, and attacking cities and destroying land everywhere.

It has been several months since they rebelled, but the trouble was not big before, so the magistrates also concealed it and did not report it until they could no longer hide it. The newspaper came up, but they didn't care, and they didn't report to the top.

When Yu Shiji waited for the prime minister to inquire, he went to find out the official document reported below.

At this time, Liu Yuanjin had already been the emperor for a month and captured the land of the seven counties.

Compared with Yang Xuangan, Liu Yuanjin's Wu Kingdom has undoubtedly developed smoothly.

Yang Guang was startled when he heard the report played again.

"Seven counties?" The emperor's anger was constantly soaring.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yu Wenshu hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, calm down, Liu Yuanjin is just a country ranger. Although he rebelled and raised his troops, it is not a cause for concern. I think that if you send a general to lead the troops, you can calm down within ten days. Rebellion. It happened that Luo Cheng, the Duke of Chu who put down Yang Ni’s rebellion last time, was still in Beijing, and his soldiers and horses who put down the rebellion were still stationed in the suburbs of Beijing. The minister thought that it would be a good time for Duke Chu to take a hard trip and lead his troops there. Jiangnan, kill those jumping clowns."

"I have appointed Luo as the prefect of Liaodong, and I will let him go to Liaodong to take up the post when the sky cools down," said the emperor.

"Your Majesty, there is no war in Liaodong for the time being, so it is easy for Duke Chu to go to the south of the Yangtze River. It also saves the time for conscripting troops and horses to assemble!"

Yang Guang thought about it, this is true, it will take time to temporarily recruit from various places, and Luo Cheng's Left Fifth Army is still resting outside Luoyang City.

"Then grant Luo the envoy to comfort Jiangdong and Jiangxi, lead the army south to quell the chaos, order the soldiers and horses of all counties in Jiangdong and Jiangxi to be restrained, and give Luo Cheng the right to act cheaply and kill first and then play."

When the emperor's decree reached the barracks.

Luo Cheng was swimming in the Luo River. It was hot July and the weather was too hot. Everyone was tired of going shopping in Luoyang City every day.So Luo Cheng took the army out to swim in the name of training, in the euphemistic name of training the soldiers' water skills and enhancing their combat skills.

In fact, everyone thinks it's too hot, so they stay by the Luoshui River, and who can't stand it if they don't go swimming.

More than 2 horses surrounded a section of the Luoshui River that was several miles long, and brothers from the Fifth Left Army were everywhere.

If the water quality is good, it is natural to swim to the middle depths happily, but if you can't swim, you can only swim on the shore.

Or, there are also those bold ones who take sheep urine soaked in pig urine and blow up the air, then hug the water and throw themselves into the water.

After a few days, not to mention, most people can at least order a dog planer, and they will sink if they don't enter the water.

Some people even wanted to come out and get some small boats, rowed dragon boats on the river, and started competitions. The days were really comfortable, making people forget the situation of being stuck in Luoyang city for a long time and not being able to go home.

The angel went to the big camp in vain, so he went to the Luohe River again, and finally found Luo Cheng, but saw the Duke of Chu swimming in the river with only a pair of four-legged shorts.

Luo Cheng's water skills are good. When he was in college in his later generations, he was on the football team, and he was also a good swimmer at the same time, so he was quite proficient in all kinds of postures.

Although I haven't swam with this body very much, once I learn the skill of swimming, I will never forget it. No matter how many years have passed since I haven't swam, I will remember it as soon as I step into the water.

"Chu Guogong, Chu Guogong, Your Majesty has an order, please accept it."

"Wait a minute, I'm going to get dressed."

It is also disrespectful to the emperor if the clothes are disheveled.

Change your clothes and listen to the angel's will.

"Liu Yuanjin rebelled in Sanwu, Your Majesty asked me to lead the Left Five Army to Jiangnan to quell the chaos?"

"Now they are no longer the Left Five Army, they are the Jiangnan Ping Rebellion Army." Angel said with a smile.The Fifth Army of the Left is the designation of Zhengliao, and they are not in Liaodong now, so naturally there is no Fifth Army of the Left.

The last time he pinged Yang Xuangan, he knew the military forces in Henan and Huaibei. Now that the Three Wus are in rebellion, the emperor asked him to be a consolation envoy from Jiangdong and Jiangxi. He is really a fire brigade.

Returning to the camp with the decree in hand, Luo Cheng also summoned a group of generals and schools who were having fun in the river to discuss the matter.

"Your Majesty gave us three days to prepare, and after three days, we will take a boat to the south of the Yangtze River to calm the chaos."

"Who is this Liu Yuanjin, have you never heard of it?" the fourth child asked.

"I haven't heard of it either. Didn't I just inquire about it just now? It is said that Liu Yuanjin was just a ranger when he was young. He has nothing special about him, except that his hands are very long, reaching below his knees."

He was just another Liu Bei, with his hands stretched out beyond his knees, like a gibbon.This man's family has some property, and when he was young, he liked to idle about and not do business. He was a handsome ranger, fighting around injustices, and then he was very well received by the village.

Later, when he was older, he married a wife and had children, inherited the family business, and became a local tycoon.Then this time I don't know which tendon is cramping. I heard that Yang Xuangan raised troops against the Sui Dynasty, so he resolutely broke his family and revolted.

With his reputation, there are actually many responses.

The most rare thing is that he is not afraid of death, Yang Xuangan was defeated and died, he didn't try to hide, instead he fought more and more bravely, and even called himself emperor.

Over there, a Chu emperor just died, and here comes another Wu emperor.

Early the next morning, two generals came to report.

"At the end of the day, all the fish will be caught."

"In the end, I will spit out all my thoughts."

These two generals, both in their early fifties, were ordered by the emperor to accompany Luo Cheng to the south to conquer.

Yu Juluo is eight feet tall and has a loud voice, especially those eyes, which are actually double pupils.

As soon as he came in, the two generals, Qi Guoyuan and Li Rugui, were very excited, and they all stepped forward to say hello to the general.These two men were both Yujuluo's generals. Yujuluo was guarding Hetao Fengzhou back then, but it made the Turkic people dare not go south to herd horses. It's just that they offended Yang Guang and were dismissed from office. Some people said it was Because of his eyes, it is said that the pupils are the appearance of the emperor, so he violated the taboo of the emperor, and it is rare to be able to use them again this time.

Tuwanxu's surname is Tuwan, his first name is Xu, and his character is Changxu.Xianbei people, Daibei people.

This is also a famous general like Yu Juluo, with a big body and a loud voice. He once became the general of Zuo Tunwei. Just because Yang Guang wanted to kill He Ruobi, He Ruobi asked Tu Wanxu to testify his innocence. After testifying, he was naturally demoted and dismissed by the emperor in anger.

"The two last generals came here according to the order, and followed Luo Shuai to the south of the Yangtze River to put down the rebellion."

Luo Cheng hurriedly stepped forward to help the two of them up, "The two old generals have made great achievements, and they are indeed seniors. With the help of the two old generals, this time the chaos will be settled."

Tu Wanxu said, "Your Majesty also ordered one person to join the conscript, Wang Shichong, but he is now in Jiangdu, and he will join us when we pass by."

Hearing that Wang Shichong was going south with him, Luo Cheng was a little surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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