Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 509 Capture Wu Emperor Alive

Chapter 509 Capture Wu Emperor Alive

"This commander is determined to cross the river tomorrow and kill Liu Ni by surprise."

As soon as Luo Cheng finished speaking, Wang Shichong immediately stood up and asked for orders.

"The next official is willing to be a forward."

Luo Cheng glanced at Wang Shichong, who was like a fat bear, but he didn't immediately veto it.In fact, although Wang Shichong is good at flattering, his fighting skills are indeed very strong. However, although Wang Shichong flattered him, Luo Cheng did not regard him as one of his own.

This time I went south to quell the chaos, and that was for merit points. Of course, such a good thing as being a pioneer cannot be entrusted to outsiders like Wang Shichong.

"Wang Juncheng, you are in charge of staying in Jiangdu, and it is enough to provide food, grass, equipment and other support for the counter-insurgency Wangshi."

Tuwanxu and Yujuluo also asked for orders almost in unison.

"How can you use a sledgehammer to kill a chicken? Why bother with the two veterans in person."

Luo Cheng's eyes swept over the generals under his command. Siye is now serving as a son-in-law in Beijing, and Zuo Zhechong Zhonglang General of Zuo Xiaowei, commanding one of the six armies of the Beiya Imperial Army.And Cunxiao did not go south with the army this time, he went to Lushun to take over the post of prefect of Lushun.

When Cunxiao left, Luo Cheng asked his eldest brother-in-law Zhou Dewei to go with him to assist him in Lushun.

The general Feng Xiaoci went to Liaodong, and Luo Cheng was temporarily unable to take office, so he sent this general to guard first, and at the same time sent his third brother-in-law Zhao Gui to assist.

Luo Cheng looked at the generals and school under his command, he was not unavailable, although he left his heir, Zhao Gui, Feng Xiaoci, Zhou Dewei, a great general, but there were also other generals such as Shixin Fuwei, Qin Qiong, Cheng Yao, Jin Shanxiongxin.

Admiral Qin Qiong competed with Yuwen Chengdu at Duanmen, and was bestowed the post of Huya Lang by the emperor himself, which is already a show.

After thinking about it, Luo Cheng was going to give up the opportunity to play forward this time to his brother-in-law Shan Xiongxin and his good brother Xu Shiji.

"Shan Xiongxin and Xu Shiji stepped forward to listen to the order!"

When the two heard their names, they both stepped forward excitedly.

"The last will obey."

"This commander now orders you two to be the vanguard, each with a thousand light cavalry and two thousand cavalry infantry, and four thousand Jianghuai soldiers will send you across the river."

"Commander, after crossing the river, should we break the siege of Danyang first?"

"No, after crossing the river, you go straight to Wu County, Wu County."

Luo Cheng's military order was surprising, and Wang Shichong was even more secretly surprised. He didn't expect Luo Cheng to be a bold man of high skill.He didn't think about solving the siege of Danyang first, but actually wanted an army to surprise Wujun, the nest of the rebels.

Wujun is still in the southeast of Danyang.

"Cheng Yaojin and Pei Xingyan stepped forward to listen to the order."

"The end is here."

"This commander ordered you two to ride three thousand horses each, and be escorted across the river by four thousand sailors. After you cross the river, you must take Jingkou and control the canal."

Both of them stepped forward to receive the order.

A total of 2 horses were sent from the two armies, and then General Luo Cheng led the troops across the south of the Yangtze River.

The military meeting is over.

Qin Qiong said to Luo Chengdao helplessly, "Marshal, I am very helpless now."

"Second brother, you are already General Huya, but Second Brother Shan and the others are still only generals of Yingji or captains. We must give them a chance to make meritorious service."

"Fifth brother, I also want to play." Shi Xin also complained.

"You are a heavy cavalry, and you can only have a chance to fight if you follow the big army. Send you alone. In the Jiangnan where the water network is densely covered, if you are surrounded, it's not that the meat buns beat the dogs and never return. Don’t do that loss-making business.”

Yu Juluo and Tu Wanxu, two veterans, were less optimistic about not being able to play.

"Is it too risky to send only Shan Xu Er to lead 1 troops to attack Wu County?"

"Soldiers are precious and fast, but if there are too many, you will not be fast. However, I never thought that relying on them to break through Wu County, but at least they can stop Liu Yuanjin and cut off his escape route."

When Wang Shichong returned to his garden in Jiangdu City, a group of brothers, nephews and nephews came to welcome him.

"Have you received the military order?"

Wang Shichong shook his head.

"Then our men and horses are not pulling up for nothing?"

Wang Shichong said, "It won't be in vain. Let's wait." Wang Shichong has a clear view of the current situation. There will be great disturbances.So he deliberately made friends with local tycoons in the Jianghuai area, and bought people's hearts extensively.He also tried to find loopholes in the law to grant relief to many people who committed crimes and went to jail, taking the opportunity to buy people's hearts.

This time, an edict was issued to calm the chaos and let him cooperate.So he recruited men and horses, thousands of them were his confidantes secretly recruited by his brothers, just waiting to participate in the suppression of the chaos this time, so as to take advantage of the opportunity to make meritorious service.

But who would have thought that Luo Cheng didn't need him at all, and only let him stay in Jiangdu to be responsible for the supply of food and grass.

The wind in August has brought some coolness to Jiangnan.

The rebel army is in full swing.

The left servant shot Zhu Xie led an army of [-] to attack Danyang, and the right servant shot Guan Chong led an army of [-] to attack Xuancheng.

If the generals were to put down the chaos, maybe they would cross the south of the Yangtze River and fight step by step.

But Luo Cheng did not do this. He sent Shan Xiongxin and Xu Shiji to lead an army of [-] troops under the escort of [-] sailors to cross the river quietly. They didn't even land at Jingkou or take the canal, but went down the Yangtze River first. We made a big circle along the coastline and landed at Songjiang Estuary.

They entered Songjiang by boat and went up the river.

This happened to the accident of Emperor Wu Liu Yuanjin, who was in Wu County. They were guarding the north, and there was no news of the official army crossing the river from Jingkou, so it was even more unexpected that an official army would come from the sea from the east. .

It wasn't until the navy entered the canal from Songjiang and sent the six thousand pacers directly to the city of Wu County that Liu Yuanjin heard the rumbling drum alarm from the city.

It's just that it's already a bit late at this time.

After Liu Yuanjin proclaimed himself emperor in Wu County, he quickly sent troops to attack everywhere. Now he has seized seven counties in a row. Attacking Xin'an and Poyang, Wu Jun, the capital of Wu State, is relatively empty.

When Xu Shiji and Shan Xiongxin led their troops to the city, there were only five thousand Liu Yuanjin's imperial guards in the city.

Of course, the strength of these imperial guards is indeed average, and many of them are the original county soldiers and village braves.

When Luo Ziqi and Zuowujunqi appeared at the foot of the city, the imperial guards on the head of Wujun City felt as if they had passed away. Many of them were conscripted to assemble in Donglai during the previous two expeditions to Goguryeo. Some went to Pyongyang during the first Eastern Expedition, and some once transported the Fifth Army back to Dongnae.

Now seeing the military flag of the Fifth Army and the Na Luo flag, many people are stunned.

"Luo Shuai is here."

"Luo Shuai brought the Fifth Army here."

"This battle cannot be won."

When Xu Shiji and Shan Xiongxin were still forming a team under the city, a team of defenders directly opened the city gate at the east gate of Wujun City.

They waved their arms fiercely towards the outside of the city, beckoning them to enter the city.

Xu Shiji looked at this scene and was still in a daze, "Could it be a trick to lure the enemy?"

"Damn it, we'll find out by sending someone in to take a look." Shan Xiongxin thought more simply and directly.

A group of vanguard cavalry rushed to the city, then tentatively slowed down and approached, entering the city.

After a while, the flag of the government and army was planted on the top of the city.

"Grass, it's actually true."

"Then let's enter the city."

When Xu Shiji and Shan Xiongxin entered the city of Wu County with disbelief on their faces, Liu Yuanjin was still giving orders in the palace, ordering his Imperial Guard generals to strengthen the city gate defense.

"Liu Yuanjin is still in the city? Then what are you waiting for, capture Liu Yuanjin alive!"

An hour later, the imperial palace of the Great Wu Kingdom was captured, the Emperor Liu Yuanjin of the Great Wu Kingdom was captured alive, the capital of the Wu Kingdom fell, and the five thousand Wu Kingdom Imperial Guards barely resisted, and they all disarmed and surrendered.

(End of this chapter)

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