Chapter 514

As soon as Luo Cheng rushed to send the good news to Beijing, the whole Luoyang was boiling.

"Did Liu Yuanjin be beheaded by Luo Cheng?"

"Well, it has been publicly beheaded by Luo Cheng in Jiangning to deter the rebels."

"All the seven counties in the south of the Yangtze River have been recovered?"

"It's all recovered. In less than a month, all seven counties will be recovered."

"Where are the rebels?"

"It's all over. About seven or eight thousand were killed, and about 15 were captured."

"This is the second false emperor killed by Luo Cheng, right?"

"Well, Yang Xuangan, the false Emperor of Chu, and Liu Yuanjin, the false Emperor of Wu, even captured Gao Yuan, the king of Goguryeo alive." Some people were amazed.

"Not only that, you didn't even count that Luo Cheng also killed eight kings and thirteen princes in Pingyuan County before."

"If you want to calculate it like this, it will be terrible. Last time Luo Chengping puppet Chu Xiao, he also killed more than a dozen kings and dozens of princes."

The topic can't be continued.

This Luo Cheng is indeed worthy of the title of Killing God, not to mention those messy false kings, he has killed two emperors and captured one king, which can be regarded as destroying the Three Kingdoms by one person.

"Heavenly Killing Star descends to earth."

"It's more than that, it's obviously Bai Huxing who came down to earth."

The people in Luoyang talked about how Luo Cheng was able to fight, counting how many emperors and emperors he killed and how many kings and princes he captured.

But in the court, what was being discussed was something else.

First of all, how to appease Jiangnan.

10,000+ rebels have been captured, and there are hundreds of thousands of family members of the rebels. How to deal with this?
Luo Cheng said that these people would be exiled to Shibian in Liaodong.

However, there were people in the court who opposed it, and the one who opposed it was Yu Wenshu the most. He thought that these people were rebels. Liaodong has not yet been pacified.

Another one, getting so many people to go there will take a lot of manpower and material resources, and they have to be allocated land, etc., etc., in short, it is too uneconomical, so they will be killed directly.

Anyway, the most indispensable thing in the Sui Dynasty is people. Now the Sui Dynasty is full of people, the land is narrow and the population is large, there is no place to put the many people, and it is better to kill some.

However, apart from Luo Yi who personally stood up to support Luo Cheng, there was also a prime minister who also openly supported Luo Cheng, that is, Pei Shiju.

After Pei Shiju was expelled from the Ministry of War last time, he still served as his Huangmen servant.He is an expert in diplomacy, and he strongly advocated Zhengliao. He very much agrees with Luo Cheng's proposal.

He believes that the imperial court has now set up four counties in Liaodong, but the four counties only have cities and garrisons, but no people. They cannot be self-sufficient and cannot provide troops. In the long run, there will be great pressure.

It would be a good idea to send the rebels to Liaodong to plant land for the army.

Yang Guang thought for a long time. He now has zero tolerance for rebellion, especially for those who dare to call themselves emperor.

"As for the backbone of the rebellion, we must not be lightly forgiven. They should be screened out and then executed. As for the other rebels and their families, I think we can follow Luo Cheng's suggestion, confiscate all their property, and then exile them to Liaodong After they get there, they can’t be directly granted land and land, but should be allowed to become soldiers in the army, responsible for farming for the army for ten years, and then they can be given free status and be granted land and land.”

In a word from the emperor, this matter has been decided in this way.

"Your Majesty, Luo Cheng led the army to quell the Jiangnan rebellion in two months. Now there are [-] soldiers from the Left Five Army, and [-] Jianghuai sailors recruited by Jianghuai. Please also give rewards from the Supreme Lord, and then be a good teacher."

All the ministers are waiting for this.

But Yang Guang frowned.

Without him, before Luo Cheng went to the expedition, the emperor had promised that after the rebellion was put down, the meritorious soldiers would be rewarded heavily.

But now, Luo Cheng put down the rebellion in two months, and the peace was clean and thorough. He captured more than 15 prisoners alone, not to mention beheading more than 8000 rebel heads.

These are all real numbers. If the rewards offered by the emperor were used before, it would be an extraordinary reward.

But now the emperor is unwilling to honor it.

Yang Guang remained silent.

Yu Wenshu immediately jumped out.

"Your Majesty, I think that in order to reward the meritorious service of the soldiers, you can re-open the rewards of honor officers and award corresponding honor officers to the meritorious officers and soldiers."

Before, the emperor merged the Honored Officers with the Sanjie, leaving only the Sanguan without the Honored Officers. Now, in order to help the emperor avoid the huge reward, Yu Wenshu proposed to reset the Honored Officers.

But the emperor had another decree before, and those who have been awarded honorary officers are no longer on the right path. Under normal circumstances, they are not qualified to take up official positions. This is cheating.

In this way, besides being an honorary title, what role does this honorary officer have?

It is still Yuwen Shu's thoughtfulness.

He had long thought that if he was only awarded the title of an honorary officer, the counter-insurgency soldiers would definitely not accept it.So he proposed to award Yongyetian, an honorary officer, according to the honorary officer.

That is, what kind of honor officer you get, you will be awarded a piece of honor field.

For example, before the withdrawal, the honorary officer was at the eleventh rank.

The lowest is the governor, and it is regarded as the seventh rank, that is to say, it is equivalent to the honorary title of the seventh rank, and can enjoy some courtesy of the seventh rank, but there is no salary or salary.Now Yuwen said that if a meritorious officer who has been awarded a rank will be given a piece of land, he will be given [-] acres.

The higher the honorary officer, the more honorable fields will be awarded, and the highest Shangzhu country will be awarded up to [-] hectares.

Of course, the Central Plains is small and crowded, and there are not so many fields to grant.So Yu Wenshu came up with another compromise plan, and allocated Xuntian to Liaodong and Liaoxi, where the land was sparsely populated.

In this way, it is perfectly solved.

In fact, this was all discussed by the emperor with Yu Wenshu long ago, but at this time it was pretentious, and the emperor pretended to think about it for a long time.

"Okay, then reset the honorary officer, award the honorary officer to the soldiers who have made great contributions to countering the rebellion, and bestow the honorary field."

"Luo Cheng has made great achievements in calming the chaos, and he is specially awarded the honor of Shangzhu Kingdom, the second rank of Bizheng, and three thousand acres of Xuntian in Liaodong!"

"The rest of the meritorious soldiers will be awarded honors according to their merits and given to Xuntian."

For Pei Xingyan, Cheng Yaojin, Xu Shiji, and Shan Xiongxin who performed the best in this counter-insurgency, the emperor awarded the four generals of Huya Lang, and each awarded nine honors and transferred them to the army guards. Three products. "

Originally there were [-] ranks of Honored Officers, but because Kaifu Yi and the Third Division had previously entered into a separate rank, the emperor came up with a new system of Honored Officers, and increased it to [-] ranks, the highest being Shangzhu Kingdom , and then Zhuguo, but the lower ones are not the generals and generals, but the guards and guards, and the lower Kaifuyitongsansi and Kaifuyitongsansi, etc., have also been changed to Shangqingche Captain, Captain Qingche.

Next in turn is the riding captain and the riding captain.

Then there are Xiaoqiwei, Feiqiwei, Yunqiwei and Wuqiwei Fourth Lieutenant.

The first-ranked Wuqiwei was awarded [-] acres of Xuntian, and the second-ranked Yunqiwei was awarded [-] acres of Xuntian.

Awarding officials, giving Xuntian, and then it is gone. There is no reward in kind, no money, no silk, and no fields in the Central Plains.And for some of the officers and soldiers who have made great achievements, they are appointed.

For example, Pei Cheng and the other four were conferred Huya Lang generals, but more were conferred such as vice-principal, deputy brigade commander, deputy captain, etc., all of which were deputies, and the emperor actually wanted to add a deputy post after a full-time post. In fact, other than the first point of deputies, the deputies were just in name only, and were specially awarded to send off the meritorious officers and soldiers this time.

And once the Eastern Expedition is over and they are dismissed and returned to the government, the deputy position will be gone by then.

This can be regarded as the emperor changing his ways to play tricks and refuse to honor the reward.

"Your Majesty, don't be careless when rewarding meritorious service." Pei Shiju said something fair, but the emperor just gave him a glare.The national treasury of the Sui Dynasty was quite abundant, but the construction of the Great Wall and the digging of canals in the capital of Jiandong, the two conquests of Goguryeo, and the suppression of chaos, were too much to bear.

In addition, the emperor also felt that it was too easy to put down the chaos this time, so there was no need to reward too much.

Luo Yi just stood there quietly, Luo Cheng is the commander in chief of the suppression of the rebellion, it is not suitable for him to stand up and ask for rewards for the suppression of the rebellion, otherwise it would be easier to explain clearly.

But in his heart, Luo Yi was also very dissatisfied with what the emperor had done.

(End of this chapter)

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