Chapter 549
Su Wei had three ups and downs. Although he knew that he was more of a decoration for the emperor at this time, he was happy and carefree, but most of the time he was really just a decoration.

If the emperor wanted to grant Luo Cheng to stay in Liaodong, he would not object. Even if the emperor really granted Luo Cheng the title of king, he would not object.Anyway, at an old age, I can't stand the toss.

However, Yu Shiji, Pei Shiju, and Pei Yun still firmly opposed it.

They thought that although Luo Cheng had made great contributions in the Eastern Expedition, he was young after all. He was only 21 years old this year, and he was just a young adult. Isn't it a bit absurd that he should be left behind in Liaodong in eleven counties.What's more, there are [-] soldiers and horses in Liaodong.

"His Majesty."

"There is a fast horse in Liaodong!"

At this time, a servant came in to report.

Yang Guang was a little surprised, "Another good news?"

Luo Chengcheng is unconscious, what good news can there be at this time?
When the waiter delivered the victory report, Yang Guang became more and more delighted the more he read it.

"Look, take a good look, and see how Luo Cheng can handle things!"

The emperor waved the good news to those prime ministers who resolutely opposed Luo Chengren staying behind, and then asked his servants to show it to them.

The good news came about the agreement reached between Luo Cheng and Yuan Tae-joo, the North Korean treaty signed by Li Shimin himself in the country with Yuan Tae-joo.

The "North Korea Treaty" is the first official treaty. After all, China has always regarded itself as a celestial dynasty. The barbarians in China are not in charge of the country, and they continue to open up borders and expand land.

When it is strong, just fight until the service is over, so there is no need for any formal treaty at all.If you lose your strength, just run away.

For example, the Eastern Jin Dynasty, who was well-dressed and traveled south, was like this. If I can’t win, I run away, and then I call the Northern Expedition. There is no need to make any treaties.

Yang Guang likes the feeling of the celestial dynasty coming to the kingdom most, but he does not rely on any agreement to maintain this celestial system, but actually sends troops to fight until he is convinced.Whether you are East Turkic or Western Turkic, or Linyi, Liuqiu, or Khitan, Goguryeo, or Tuyuhun, you can fight until you are served.

If you are afraid of beating, it is natural that the courtier is the younger brother.

However, Luo Cheng made a Korean treaty with Yuan Tae-joo.

This treaty was completely drafted by Luo Cheng himself. The treaty stated that the land of Liaodong has been owned by China since ancient times. From Liaohe to Beijiang, from Xiangping City to Pyongyang City, there was King Shang Zhou's uncle Taishi Jizidong in the Yin and Shang Dynasties. After crossing the Korean peninsula, he established the Marquis of the Ji family in North Korea. Later, King Wu of Zhou went to Korea to make the Ji family the king of North Korea and named him the Marquis of North Korea.

At the beginning of the Han Dynasty, King Lu Wan of Yan fled to the Xiongnu after rebelling against the Han Dynasty. His general Wei Man led more than a thousand people into North Korea.After entering North Korea, he later became the palace minister of Jizi Dynasty, and later overthrew Jizi Dynasty and established himself as Weishi Dynasty.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent troops to conquer Wei's Korea, and set up Lelang, Xuantu, Zhenfan, and Lintun in the central and northern parts of the peninsula. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Gongsun family occupied Liaodong, and separated from Lelang. It was inherited by Cao Wei and Western Jin Dynasty.

Goguryeo's original Fuyu prince Zhu Mong went south to establish it, but Fuyu Kingdom has always been a vassal of China and friendly to the Central Plains.After Ju Mong established Goguryeo, he was also a vassal of the Han Dynasty.

It wasn't until the Wei and Jin Dynasties that Goguryeo was rebellious and often made troubles.

In short, Luo Cheng summed it up, except for the small area at the southern end of the Korean peninsula, where the natives of Sanhan have been playing with mud, the northern and central parts of the peninsula have been the territory developed by China since ancient times, since the Yin and Shang Dynasties Jizi Dongdu established the Jizi North Korea, and then the Wei Dynasty North Korea, all of them are Chinese people.

Although the Buyeo people later went south to establish Goguryeo, and gradually occupied the northern central part of the Korean peninsula and the Liaodong area after hundreds of years, Ju Mong was from Buyeo, and the Buyeo state, which was founded 700 years ago, has always been a vassal of Huaxia.You, Ju Mong, were originally a subject of my Huaxia state, and the 700-year Goguryeo that you established is naturally also a subject of my Huaxia.

During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, you took advantage of the chaos in the Central Plains, so the slaves stole the master's land, and now it is naturally time to return the original.

Therefore, now Yuan Taizuo also realized this, so he took the initiative to request to be attached to the Sui Dynasty again.Of course, Da Sui also appreciated Yuan's attitude.

So now the Great Sui regained the land of Liaodong Korea again, listed it as a direct jurisdiction, set up counties, and appointed officials.

From then on, there was neither Goguryeo nor Joseon, only the Liaodong Road and Joseon Road of the Sui Dynasty.

Of course, in order to commend Yuan Taizuo's loyalty, Da Sui specially bestowed the title of King of Joseon, and granted him the first-rank official rank of Kaifu Yitong Sansi, and also awarded him the prefect of Xuantu County.

In the Sui Dynasty, Yuan Pure Land was also granted the prefect of Fuyu County.

The boy from Yuanyuan was the prefect of Lelang County.

Yang Wanchun was appointed as the prefect of Daifang County.

Gao Huizhen was granted the prefect of Zhenfan County.

Yuan Taizuo signed and sealed the agreement, and Luo Cheng signed and sealed the agreement on behalf of Sui.

The emperor now holds one of the two copies of the Korean treaty.

"The Yuan family actually gave up even the vassal state, and directly led the land to belong to me, Tai Sui?"

This surprised even Yang Guang. Before, he was satisfied as long as Goguryeo was willing to surrender and become a vassal. Before that, even Yuan Taizuo was willing to come to see him.

But now, Luo Cheng made Yuan Tae-joo give up the title of Joseon, and take the remaining land and people directly to the Sui Dynasty.

His territory is also set up as five counties. Yuan Tae-joo only has the title of the king of Joseon. He is no longer the king of Joseon, but only the prefect of Xuantu County.

The result was the same as that of Tuyuhun. The Tuyuhun country was gone and replaced by the four counties of Qinghai.

But now, Goguryeo or Joseon is gone, replaced by the land of nine prefectures of Sui's Liaodong Road and Chosun Road.

And it is clearly written in this victory report that Yuan Taizuo has sent his eldest son Yuan Gai Suwen to Beijing to meet the emperor in order to show his sincerity. At the same time, he has also begun to release the soldiers of the Sui army captured in previous wars. The first batch of 2 people.

At the same time, he has already supplied 40 shi of grain and grass to the Sui army in Liaodong, and will continue to provide about [-] shi of grain and grass in the future.

According to this treaty, the five counties of Joseon Province will also accept the rule of the Sui Dynasty starting next year. At that time, the five counties of Korea Province will only retain a maximum of [-] soldiers in each county, and the rest will be abolished.In addition, the imperial court will also send officials such as master book, long history, Sima, county magistrate, and county magistrate to the five counties.

The emperor was almost dancing.

Originally, soldiers and civilians should not be recruited, and he had already been forced to stop the Eastern Expedition, but who would have expected that Luo Cheng's resistance to the purpose would have such a result.

Goguryeo was destroyed directly.

Since then, there has been no 700-year-old Goguryeo in the world, only the Liaodong Road and Joseon Road of the Sui Dynasty.

"Is there any one of you who wants to object to my granting Luo to be left behind in Liaodong?" Yang Guang asked several prime ministers triumphantly.

The three of Pei Yu looked at each other, no one could have expected such a result, at this moment, it was useless to object any more, they could only silently admire Luo Cheng's ability to make Yuan Taizuo voluntarily go to the country as Sui Minister, great.

"Your Majesty, although Yuan Tae-joo has gone to the country, the five counties of North Korea are still under his control." Pei Shiju reminded the emperor
"So what's the matter? Next year, we will begin to abolish the Korean army, station troops, and appoint officials. By then, the land thousands of miles east of Haidong will be my territory of China!" Yang Guang felt that this achievement was a little bit It is not as good as when Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent troops to destroy Weiman Korea and established four counties.

It even goes far beyond that!

(End of this chapter)

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