Chapter 564 Exile Yu Wenshu

On Beiyuan Stadium.

The two teams galloped like lightning, fought bravely, and fought fiercely. The polo stick was used as a mace. Even though they were wearing thick armor and iron helmets, some people were still knocked off the horse from time to time, even bleeding full face.

But no one stopped.

Polo is a game for the brave.

If you fall off the horse with a slight injury, get up quickly and continue.

There will be no referee calling for a stop and foul. There are very few rules in polo games, as long as you are within the boundary line, you can fight for it.There are also those who are seriously injured and difficult to continue, so they will change and fight again.

After playing for less than a quarter of an hour, the two teams on the field have already played a real fire.

They only saw all kinds of tricks and swings, but it didn't seem like they were playing polo in the back, and no one cared about passing and hitting the ball. The stick always ran towards the opponent.

The emperor smiled brightly.

In fact, Yang Guang also liked playing polo. Most of the nobles in the Sui Dynasty were able to ride and shoot on horseback. They naturally liked this kind of horse racing. Polo was also known as the No. [-] noble sport in the Sui Dynasty.

The emperor played equally fiercely, and sometimes fell off the horse and was injured, but it was still the same.

Shibi laughed along with him, but secretly marveled in his heart.

I thought that the Turks, as a horse race, learned to ride and shoot when they were young. This polo must be better than that of the Sui people.After all, when they were children, they started riding sheep and shooting rabbits at the age of three, and riding pony to shoot foxes at the age of six or seven. By the time they were teenagers, they were already good hunters. After they were twelve years old, they could participate in wars and become An honorable warrior.

It can be said that every adult Turkic man on the grassland has superb riding skills and excellent archery skills.

Turkic riding and shooting is unparalleled.

But now, looking at the bravery of these heroes of the Sui Dynasty, and seeing their skillful riding skills on horseback, I still feel that I have underestimated the Sui people.

Just like when he saw the Sui army's first million-dollar expedition and was defeated at the city of Liaodong, he predicted that the Sui army would definitely not be able to destroy Goguryeo, and would definitely lose more soldiers and horses in Liaodong, and might even collapse because of Liaodong.

But now, although the two Eastern Expeditions failed, but in the third Eastern Expedition, Luo Cheng alone led the Liaodong Frontier Army and surrendered Goguryeo.

The Xiaoguo Forbidden Army formed by the emperor has been so brave in less than three years.

The polo game was very exciting.

But Shibi Khan, who has always liked polo games, was a little absent-minded today.

At the end of the match, it was no surprise that Sui Xiaoguo won. In his team of knights, only three of them were still standing on the field, and the rest couldn't get up.

Lost completely.

Shibi praised Sui Xiaoguo's bravery and the emperor's greatness loudly, which made Yang Guang laugh out loud, very happy.

When he was happy, he rewarded each of the Xiaoguo knights with [-] yuan, and gave each of the Turkic knights a piece of fine silk.

The emperor also rewarded Zhechonglang General Luo Siye of Xiaoguo Zuoyi Army with a set of fine armor.

After the game ended, the emperor and others began to enjoy drinks and snacks.

The uncles and nephews of the Luo family were summoned.

The emperor first praised Siye for leading the Zuoyi army well, and then asked with a smile, "Ji'er is doing well recently. The queen brought her into the palace a few days ago. She said that she had severe morning sickness, and she vomited almost everything she ate. At night Still can’t sleep. It’s winter, but I just want to eat lychees from Lingnan and fresh abalone from the East China Sea, so I have no choice but to order local officials from Lingnan and Jianghuai to pay tribute.” Speaking of this daughter, the emperor really loves it.

Siye said respectfully, "Your Majesty has received the Lingnan lychees and Princess Donghai abalone that were given to you by someone. After tasting them, I like them very much. After eating these, I really didn't vomit. I can finally sleep peacefully these two nights."

"That's good. Since I like to eat, I will order more places to pay tribute."

In this season, in fact, there are no fresh lychees in Lingnan, but the local refrigerated summer lychees are not easy.

It can be said that a lychee sent to Beijing from Lingnan on a fast horse is more expensive than a body of copper coins.

"Siye, I have always loved Ji'er, and I also know that she is a bit savage sometimes, and now that she is pregnant, she must have a more irritable personality, so you have to be more tolerant."

"Siye understands, and will take good care of the princess."

The emperor nodded in satisfaction, and then said to Luo Cheng, "You only arrived in Beijing a few years ago, and I haven't had time to summon you alone these two days. It was Yu Wenhuaji's fault for sending someone to assassinate you, but Luo Yi did it in front of you." In front of me, Yu Wenshu was blinded in one eye, and both sides would have to discuss crimes, but I couldn't bear it."

"Your Majesty will decide everything about Luo Cheng. No matter how he handles it, he is willing to accept it and dare not have any dissatisfaction." Luo Cheng said.

"Don't dare, not won't?" The emperor chuckled.

Luo Cheng bowed his head and remained silent.

"Okay, I know you are angry, but I can't kill Yu Wenhuaji anyway? In fact, I wanted to kill this frivolous rascal a long time ago, but after all, it's not easy for Yu Wenshu, an old dog, to accompany me all the way. He has worked hard, and now that he is old, if I kill his eldest son, it will make him sad, and I can't bear it."

The members of the Luo family remained silent.

The emperor sighed.

"Of course, I'm not the kind of foolish emperor, so I plan to demote Yu Wenshu from Beijing. As for Yu Wenshu, I'll throw him directly to Dunhuang to guard the border. Are you satisfied with the result?"

Luo Cheng made a sound at this time.

"Your Majesty, I heard that the Liao people in Xining, Nanning, are making a lot of trouble again. I think that General Yuwen has commanded troops for many years, has rich experience, and is someone His Majesty trusts. He can definitely send General Yuwen to Nanning to comfort the Nanning. Li Liao, put down the rebellion and stabilize the frontier."

Hearing Luo Cheng's words, the emperor couldn't help but smile wryly.

Nanning or Xining are extremely remote and remote places, not so much the territory of the Sui Dynasty, it is better to say that they are uncivilized places.It's worse than Liaodong. Except for a few yamen of the imperial court, what else is there, all of them are barbarians, and they are all mountains with inconvenient roads.

The emperor originally wanted Yu Wenshu to go to the Jianghuai area, or the Jingxiang area, but Luo Cheng was so ruthless that he wanted Yu Wenshu to go to Nanning or Xining.

However, the emperor looked at Luo Cheng's expression, and finally smiled and said, "Forget it, then let Yu Wenshu go to Nanning, and I will appoint him as Nanning Comfort Ambassador and Nanning Prefect."

Luo Cheng was very satisfied with the result and expressed his gratitude.

Yuwen Shuzhen went to Nanning, and he will definitely not come back for a while.

When the Sui Dynasty replaced the Northern Zhou Dynasty to establish the country, Nanning Prefecture was established in the fourth year of Kaihuang, and Wei Chong was appointed as the Nanning Prefecture. Gongzhou (now Chongqing), Xiezhou (now Zhaotong) and Kunming (now Kunming) were established in Yunnan. , and appointed Cuanwan, the leader of Xicuan, as the governor of Kunming.
The West Cuan tribe is also called Baiman in the Central Plains, and its counterpart is the East Cuan tribe at the junction of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan, also known as Wuman.In fact, these Cuan people are also collectively referred to as Nanman. In the Central Plains, the relatively civilized people are called Baiman, and the more barbaric people are called Wuman.These people are also the ancestors of the Yunnan-Guizhou ethnic minorities such as the Yi people.

At this time, they were all extremely backward and barbaric. The imperial court caressed and beat them there, but it was still out of control. In fact, at this time, the imperial court had practically abandoned the Yunnan area. It can be regarded as letting go, not even setting up a county.

If Luo Cheng kicked Yu Wenshu there, it would definitely be equivalent to exile, even worse than exile, if he failed, his life would be lost.

(End of this chapter)

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