Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 566 Two Capitals and Three Ways

Chapter 566 Two Capitals and Thirteen Roads


The rare warm sun sprinkled through the thick winter clouds, adding a little warmth to the world.

"Just a little bit of care, please accept it from Chu Guogong."

Duke of Chu.

Wang Shichong, who was as fat as a bear, almost exploded a large silk robe. Luo Cheng guessed that this guy must weigh at least 200 catties.What he called a little thought was the tent of bright jewels in front of him, a brocade tent adorned with one hundred and eight pearls, some of which were big and bright, and at least worth hundreds of pennies each. The treasure account is estimated to be worth two or three thousand coins.

"General Wang, you know who I am. I don't like beautiful women, and I don't like treasures."

Wang Shichong twisted his fat body and said with a smile, "It's not a treasure, it's just a plaything. You can't come empty-handed when you come to visit your old boss."

Luo Cheng and Wang Shichong have only worked together for a short time, and this guy can call himself an old subordinate with a shy face. Luo Cheng is also somewhat convinced by this kind of person.

"General Wang will go to the Three Treasures Hall if there is nothing to do, you may as well speak up if you have something to do."

Wang Shichong lowered his voice, "Mr. Chu, you should know that after you wiped out Liu Ni last time, I was responsible for the aftermath. In the past six months, I have made some minor contributions in traveling around the south of the Yangtze River. I’m quite satisfied. I’m going to see my old boss today, and by the way, I would like to ask Mr. Chu to give a good word or two to His Majesty if he has the opportunity, and if he can be rewarded by His Majesty and move up a step, then he will be very grateful.”

"A step up?"

"I heard that General Pei Renji is going to Longyou. His Majesty intends to transfer Tang Guogong to Huainan, so if Chu Guogong is willing to help, maybe I have a chance to take over Jiangnan."

"Your news is quite well-informed."

Wang Shichong laughed, "I heard that His Majesty is going to divide the world into two capitals and thirteen realms. This is the Duke of Chu's suggestion. I think it is very good."

He flattered her without a trace.

Luo Cheng didn't care much, he always believed that Wang Shichong is a capable person, but he is definitely not a person who is willing to be inferior to others. This guy is always looking around, and will strive to climb up whenever he has a chance. Luo Cheng treats him very much. Be wary because he doesn't want to be his stepping stone.

Two capitals and thirteen roads.

In fact, it was not all his suggestion. Before that, the emperor withdrew the state and set up counties, and implemented a two-level system of counties and counties.However, the imperial court originally had 190 counties, and now it has added nine counties in Liaodong, four counties in Central South, and four counties in Qinghai before.

Therefore, there are now as many as [-] counties in the country, and it will undoubtedly be very difficult for so many counties to be directly administered by the central government.

As early as the third year of Daye, the emperor had established Silitai. The chief officer was Sili Dafu, whose duties were to inspect the inside and outside of the capital, and to be in charge of all inspections.There are two Biejia, from the fifth grade, 14 governors, and 40 people from the counties to assist in patrolling counties and counties across the country outside of Gyeonggi.

The fourteen governors are divided into fourteen branches.

However, the establishment of this Dao is only the Sili Governor Dao. Apart from inspecting the governor, there are no other official offices and officials at the Dao level.

But this time, Luo Cheng just suggested that the emperor simply strengthen the Dao one level, from the original virtual Dao to the real Dao, so as to implement the three-level administrative system of Dao, County and County, so that the central government governs Dao, Dao governs counties, and prefectures govern counties. More layered and clear.

However, the emperor still has some fears about the real way, the most important thing is that he is afraid that the power of Guo Fang will be too concentrated.

However, under Luo Cheng's suggestion, after careful consideration, he was planning to be honest, and at the Dao level, he would change the inspectors who were originally divided into various Daoists into permanent yamen and regular officials.

The new official position is tentatively planned to be a watcher, or an inspector, or an interviewer, a watcher, a watcher, etc. The emperor has not yet made a final decision.

Of course, Luo Cheng suggested that they should be called observation and disposal envoys, and let them be in charge of local administration, above the county magistrates.Or, the observation and handling envoys are permanent, but their duties are only to inspect the achievements of local officials and to manage the judiciary and litigation prisons.

In addition, appeasement envoys were set up, which were transformed from the current appeasement ambassadors in various places, and the appeasement envoys were in charge of the administrative finance and taxation.

Observation is in charge of the judiciary, appeasement is in charge of the administration.

As for the soldiers and horses, the government soldiers belonged to the twelve guards, the four government offices and the Ministry of War. The Dao level set up an economic envoy, while the county soldiers were managed by the deputy envoys of appeasement, similar to the captains and county officials in the county who were in charge of the government and county soldiers.

Of course, the imperial court still set up left guards in important places such as border gates, but Luo Cheng suggested that the name of stay behind be changed to Jiedushi.

On the basis of the original fourteen roads of Silitai, according to the geography of mountains and rivers, the whole country is divided into two capitals and thirteen roads.

They are Luoyang, the eastern capital, and Daxing, the western capital.

In addition, the thirteen roads are Guannei Road, Longyou Road, Hedong Road, Hebei Road, Henan Road, Huainan Road, Shannan Road, Jiannan Road, Lingnan Road, Yunnan Road, Liaoning Road, Chosun Road, and Qinghai Road.

If the two capitals and thirteen roads are really launched, the changes will be huge.

Today's temporary comfort envoys may become Jiedu envoys, observation envoys, and appeasement envoys.

It is said that if the first level of dao is really established, these permanent envoys will be the third rank. Although they are not the second rank as imagined, they are still high enough.

What's more, there are now [-] prefectures in the Sui Dynasty, but there are only two capitals and thirteen provinces, and each province has more than a dozen prefectures.

Each envoy has a term of three years, and the term can be up to four years. It would be a lie to say that he is not tempted.

The last time Wang Shichong quelled the chaos in the south of the Yangtze River, he went on a killing spree and killed tens of thousands of Liu Yuanjin's remaining party members. Later, rebellions broke out in places such as Jiangnan and Huainan. The more, the emperor is really happy.

This time he heard that Pei Renji, who guarded Huainan, might be transferred to Qinghai pacifier, and Li Yuan might take over as Huainan pacifier, so he wanted to find a job as Jiangnan pacifier.

The reason to ask Luo Cheng to come here is naturally because Luo Cheng is extremely blessed.

Before Luo Cheng was in front of the Tianjin Bridge, he could force the father and son of Yuwen's family to bow their heads and apologize for their crimes. Now I heard that Luo Cheng also drove Yu Wenshu to Nanzhong, Yu Wenhuaji to Dunhuang, and Yuwen Zhiji to Jiaozhi. .

"The matter of the two capitals and the thirteen roads is still undecided," Luo Cheng said.

In fact, he proposed to the emperor to change the false way into the real way, and he also had his own plans.He is now a left-behind in Liaodong, but the position of left-behind has never been very formal, and it is impermanent.So Luo Cheng hoped to make his position more stable through the real way.

It would be even more remarkable if he could become a Jiedushi.

Even if you can't be a Jiedushi, it's good to be a pacifier.

The difference between staying behind and appeasing envoys is like the difference between the leader of the Central Task Force and a senior official, there is still a big distance.

"If you can't become the appeasement envoy of Huainan, I also want to ask Duke Chu to help me find a job as governor of Jiangdu."

In addition to the Thirteenth Dao, there are two capitals in the east and the west. In addition, there is a mansion this time. The mansion is lower than the capital, but higher than a division of the county. The emperor intends to upgrade Jiangdu, Zhuojun, and Taiyuan to mansions. The places where the emperor once visited, especially Jiangdu, where the emperor stayed in Jiangdu for more than ten years.

The chiefs of the two capitals are called Shou, such as Xijing Shou and Dongdu Shou, while the chiefs of the three mansions are called Yin, Shou is the second rank of Cong, and Yin is the third rank of Zheng, which is at the same level as the envoy of the Taoist chief.

Wang Shichong's idea is good, if you can't be the Jiangnan appeasement envoy, then you can be the governor of Jiangdu. Anyway, you are a third-rank position.

(End of this chapter)

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