Chapter 6 Appreciation
First he met his second brother Qin Shubao, and now he met Zhang Xutuo, the God of War at the end of the Sui Dynasty. Luo Feng blushed with excitement.In the history of China, he likes the Sui and Tang Dynasties the most, and in the history of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, he likes the fierce men of the Sui and Tang Dynasties the most.

It was really unexpected to meet two idol-level savages one day in a row.

Zhang Xutuo, who was not wearing military uniform, looked very easy-going. This Guanlong general was born, and he was promoted to the Zhu Kingdom step by step with his military exploits. The middle-aged man who was newly appointed as the Qi Juncheng did not show much in front of the two low-status young people. of high above.

"Qin Qiong, as a soldier of the Weifu, why are you here?"

"Returning to the county minister, a certain one originally served under the command of General You Yiwei, and was stationed in Dengzhou to train water warfare with Duke Rong. Just happened to meet robbers on the road."

"Oh." Zhang Xutuo nodded, then turned his head to look at Luo Feng.

Compared to the muscular and strong Qin Qiong, Luo Feng was unavoidably thinner, especially at a young age.

"Luo Wulang, how old are you this year?"

"Back to Zhang Juncheng, the younger one is sixteen this year. Before being conscripted by the county government to serve in digging rivers in Ji County, he returned to his hometown after three months of service. On the way, he met the daughter of the county magistrate Zhao Tutou in our county who came back. He asked us to work together. Escort your companions."

"Luo Wulang, seeing how young you are, I didn't expect you to defeat three blue-faced ghosts. How did you do it?" Zhang Xutuo asked with great interest.

"The young family has made a living by blacksmithing for generations. My father and brother are also blacksmiths, so when I was young, I helped with the work, lit the fire and moved the materials, and when I grew up, I also helped with the hammer. Therefore, I lost some weight, but some The two hands are quite strong. But the reason why I was able to capture the three thieves just now is mainly because the second brother Qin was so brave that he killed the head of the thieves as soon as he made a move, which made the thieves lose their spirits. On a par with Second Brother Qin."

Seeing that Luo Feng spoke very neatly, neither humble nor overbearing, Zhang Xutuo couldn't help being a little surprised that he didn't see the fear and timidity of officials at all, especially when he spoke in such an orderly manner.

"Listening to you, it seems that you have read a book?"

"Back to Juncheng, Jiaci is from the Qin family in Licheng next door, and I have read some books before. My brother and I were taught by our mother to read, write, and arithmetic when we were young. I only know half of it by heart, so I don’t count as having read the book.”

The Book of Filial Piety is one of the nine scriptures officially approved after the establishment of the imperial examinations in the Sui Dynasty. Qin Luo's ability to teach his sons a copy of the Book of Filial Piety shows that he is really amazing.And Luo Feng, the son of a blacksmith, dared to say that he knew half of it by heart at the age of 16, which is also remarkable.

"No wonder you are brave and resourceful. When you were young, you helped your father forge iron, practiced your physical strength, and learned half of the book of filial piety from your mother, adding strategies. What's more, you are so brave. At such a young age, there is a lot to do in the future. "

Zhang Xutuo turned to County Magistrate Zhang and said, "Compared to Qin Erlang and Luo Erlang, the Zhao catcher you really appointed is too dereliction of duty. He only knows to run away when he encounters a thief. You have neglected your duty. If you are in the army, you are a deserter."

"Zhao Laosan is just a fast catcher in the fast class, what kind of head catcher, this bitch is too incompetent and cowardly." County magistrate Zhang also said angrily.

Detective Zhao quickly stood aside, his legs went limp, and he knelt down with a plop.

"My lord, please spare me, the little one also wants to come back quickly to rescue the soldiers."

"If you have meritorious service, you will be rewarded, and if you fail, you will be punished. Zhao Laosan, if you come back and report your meritorious service, the county will remember it and reward you with five pennies, but you will also be punished for abandoning my daughter. Even if you are punished severely It's not an exaggeration, but since my daughter is fine, the county will forgive you once, but the county government will not keep a cowardly person like you in the future, so immediately, I will send you to an errand in the county and go home. "

There are three classes of yamen servants in the county government. These three classes of yamen servants have their own division of labor. There are Zao class, fast class and strong class. The Zao class is similar to the judicial police. Execution of torture and caning.

Kuaiban, on the other hand, is responsible for arrests, arrests, releases and other errands, which is equivalent to the police of later generations.

The strong squad is mainly responsible for guarding key points such as city gates, yamen, and warehouses, and patrolling urban and rural roads, similar to the armed police of later generations.

Each of the three classes has a team leader who leads the class, and each class also has a quota.

However, the so-called third class, together with their class leaders, do not actually have formal official status.In the county government, the official official is the county magistrate, the county magistrate Bo, some large counties also have county magistrates, and some counties also have academic officials such as teaching officials.Others have no grades, such as recording affairs, Zuo Shi, etc., are just officials.

Officials have no rank and are not officials, but officials are considered official civil servants.

And below these officials are Xu servants, the first class of the third class is considered Xu, and the people below can only be regarded as servants.

For example, among the three shifts, those who usually have quotas are regarded as formal contract workers, but there are actually very few regular workers in a county. For example, there are only ten police officers in Zhangqiu County, and ten policemen in a county as big as this. Fast is definitely not enough.As a result, there are many temporary workers, and each policeman will have three or four deputy policemen next to him, and each deputy policeman will have ten to twenty arresters.

These arrests are made by the people directly recruited by the county government from the villages to serve as servants. They are recruited in turn to serve as servants. They usually serve ten days and a half a month a year. They have no wages or subsidies, and they even have to bring their own dry food.

Compared with the arresting servants, although the regular third-class government servants don't have the money to subsidize these things, they are fixed errands and have a lot of power. The so-called power will be beneficial, don't look like a small catcher However, there may be a lot of opportunities to make money, and being a fast catcher is also a very prestigious and rewarding job in the countryside.

County magistrate Zhang immediately dismissed Zhao, who turned blue in the face.

"Where there is punishment, there must be reward, Luo Wu, I see that although you are young, you are also courageous and resourceful. It just so happens that Zhao Laosan was dismissed, why don't you take his vacant spot and enter the fast class as a policeman? "

The subordinate officials in the Sui Dynasty were not as cheap as those in the later dynasties. For example, the officials in the Sui Dynasty still had the opportunity to be promoted to become officials, and the subordinate servants also had the opportunity to serve as soldiers. Besides, in this world, who would not Knowing that there are many benefits to being a prisoner, among other things, if you can really be a full-time government servant, the income is enough to support a large family, and you can even live a decent life.

The pie that was thrown out suddenly made Luo Feng a little stunned.

He really didn't expect such a thing to happen. Being a policeman shouldn't be a bad thing. It's better than an ordinary commoner like him now. He has turned sixteen and is about to start serving.Even if you don't become a fast catcher, you have to take turns to work as a servant in the county government every year. It may be to watch the warehouse, or to follow the guards, or to fight with the fast catcher. Such a servant is not beneficial at all, and you have to bring your own dry food.

As for arresting lowly slaves, he really hadn't thought about it. In his opinion, the official arrester of the county government is equivalent to an official policeman. It's a good job to have a job.

 Accompanying my wife to do the prenatal checkup, sorry for the late update!
(End of this chapter)

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