Chapter 614 Arrogance
Those hundreds of soldiers who violated the law and should be executed all looked ashen.

But I can only grit my teeth and pick up the shield and horizontal knife. There are [-] Turkic cavalry in front and [-] Sui troops in the back. They are fighting to the death. Maybe there is still a chance of life. But if they retreat, they will be executed immediately by military law. .

Xue Shixiong's subordinates whispered, "General, there are many county soldiers and township warriors who were temporarily recruited by King Qin. They are not as good as the soldiers of the Weifu. Are they more lenient?"

But Xue Shixiong didn't pay attention.

"Doesn't this commander know that there are [-] Turkic Qingqi in front, even if we join forces with Luo Zhechong in the city, we are only equal in strength, but in terms of strength, we are a mixture of infantry and cavalry, and we are by no means as strong as the Turkic Qingqi. A few soldiers and horses came here in a hurry, and there was no tacit understanding in cooperating, and there are so many county soldiers and village heroes, they are not as tough as the government soldiers, and if they are afraid, they will lose three points before fighting."

Xue Shixiong deliberately troubled those people, but it wasn't because he was cruel.

Kindness does not hold soldiers.

For these generals who commanded tens of thousands of soldiers in the First World War, if the command was not good, a single defeat might mean the end of the entire army, and tens of thousands of soldiers might be gone.

Therefore, human life is sometimes just a cold number on the battlefield.

Drive hundreds of soldiers who violated the military regulations to be the dead soldiers in the battle. Strict, anyone who dares to panic and escape will die.

Horizontal is death, vertical is also death, so they can only fight hard, maybe they can survive.

the other side.

Li Jing, Yang Yichen, and Dugu Zun were also patrolling the camp, doing almost the same thing as Xue Shixiong.

Pull out some panickers and let them be the fighters.

There were also some Xiangyong who were too frightened and afraid of death. After being pulled out, they yelled and had their heads chopped off with a knife.

Those who dare to shake the morale of the army have always been directly killed without mercy!
The four generals assembled a battalion of about a thousand dead soldiers under their command.

Everyone has only one round shield and one horizontal knife, this kind of combination is like sending to death.

"Beat the drums and cheer for them off!"

The drums were beating.

To the soldiers in the battle, it sounded like a urging note.

Some people's hands and feet were trembling, but the soldiers behind them had already drawn their bows.

He was afraid to fight and was executed on the spot.

A young man held a knife and rushed towards the Turkic people like crazy, cursing loudly while rushing, and he didn't know who he was cursing.

With him taking the lead, the rest had no choice but to bite the bullet and rush forward.

At this time, the distance between the two armies was about one or two miles.

These people started to run, and quickly ran to pieces.

The Turkic people on the opposite side paid no attention to the thousands of people from the Sui army charging, they were even pointing and laughing at each other.

When they finally got close.

The Turkic talent sat on the horse lazily raised his bow.

Instead of firing salvos, they deliberately brought people closer and aimed slowly.

One after another, Sui soldiers fell on the way to charge.

There are still twenty or thirty steps away from the Turkic people, but at this time there are no more than a hundred of the thousand or so people left.

The Turks put away their bows.

A group of Turkic people galloped out on horseback. They swung their knives and ran into them, chopping off their heads right away.

There were more than a hundred stragglers without the cover of the army formation, facing the Turkic Qingqi who were close to them, they could only die.

In less than a moment, it was dead.

And these thousands of dead soldiers, from beginning to end, only killed a few dozen Turkic people.

The Turkic people laughed loudly, and unscrupulously chopped off the heads of the Sui army, stripped off their armor, and took away their swords and shields.

And behind these Sui troops who died in battle were [-] silent Sui troops.

Those who fall into the battle are either dead or alive.

But it is too cruel for thousands of people to die like this.

Some young Xiangyong even wanted to cry, but there were precedents before, so they could only hold back.

No one dared to whisper to each other casually.

No one dared to look around.

They could only stand in the army formation like puppets and clay figurines, letting the wind blow and the laughter of the Turkic people come.

Even with a violent heartbeat.

Even if your legs are fighting.

He didn't dare to show it in the slightest.

Did not dare to say anything else.

With more than a thousand corpses, this patchwork of [-] soldiers from all walks of life was extremely depressed.

In this depression, either explode or die.

The Turks easily killed thousands of Sui soldiers, only injured a dozen unlucky and careless guys, and became more and more proud and arrogant.

Even Che Lifushe was not as worried and nervous as before.

In his opinion, the generals of the Sui army were too stupid. How could there be any reason to send thousands of people to kill them before the war started?
But he forgot that it was not the first time that the Sui Army did this, but did it often. The bigger the battle, the more likely this move would be missed.

Back then, Yang Su's [-] cavalry attacked the first [-] Turkic cavalry. Before the decisive battle, he also came here once.

The silver wolf goes down.

Ashina Tuli Fushe no longer paid attention to the 4 people who came to aid. He only transferred about 2 people from the left wing to rush and kill these weak Sui people, and then focused on Luo Siye who came out of the city.

He sent [-] cavalry to fight against Luo Siye, and led [-] Chinese troops to lead the formation, ready to charge and kill Luo Siye at any time, and wiped out this Mo Dao general in one fell swoop.

The Turkic Qingqi slowly began to accelerate, and they lined up in long rows like that.

This formation fully demonstrated their disdain for the Sui army, otherwise they would have formed a more impactful formation.

"Hold on!"

In front of the Sui army.

The captains and team leaders shouted and shouted one after another.

The square chariot formation of two to 300 people was fully focused on preparing for the battle, waiting to meet the Turkic cavalry attack.

The generals Xue Shixiong and Li Jing also returned to the rear.

They don't have to charge at the forefront, they just need to stay in the command position behind them and guard their flags.

Thousands of Turkic cavalry galloped up.

"Raise your shield!"

The officers shouted again.

Experienced officers already know that the Turkic cavalry will soon come on galloping horses and launch waves of arrow rain volleys, and the blow of the ten thousand arrow volleys is quite fierce.

Fortunately, the Sui army also came prepared.

Soldiers hurriedly raised their various shields. The heavy infantrymen held up tower shields that were two meters high, while the sword players raised their round shields on their heads. They squatted down as much as possible to minimize the exposure. area.

The cavalry also raised their shields.

The archer took out his own square shield and put it in front, shrinking half of his body underneath.

next moment.

A sharp howling sound had already pierced through the air.

The rain of arrows tore through the air, screaming and falling.

The clanging and clanging sounded non-stop, and the shield blocked a large number of arrows, but the arrows were still pervasive, and soldiers from the Sui Army were hit by arrows from time to time.

But even if he was hit by an arrow, he could only grit his teeth and hold on.

If he dared to yell, he would most likely be beheaded by the captain with a knife, and he would be punished for the crime of shaking the morale of the army.

(End of this chapter)

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