Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 627 The wings are hard

Chapter 627 The wings are hard
September seventeenth.

The sun is warm and the autumn wind is rustling.

Some trees on the hills on both sides of the Great Wall already have red leaves.

A Turk was riding close to the wolf on horseback, holding a white flag in his hand.

Not to surrender, but to pass on a message.

"My family is profusely asking Luo Shuai to come out of customs!"

"What do you want to talk about?" Luo Cheng said with a smile after closing the door, but he still complied.

Qin Qiong and other generals persuaded, "Beware of fraud."

"It's okay, this is our home field, so why be afraid of him, don't let him take advantage of this!" Luo Cheng is not that kind of stupid person, even if he meets, it will be in front of the two armies, and of course the soldiers and horses of each are the same. far away.

"Then I'll go with the commander-in-chief." Qin Qiong said.

Luo Cheng ordered Qin Qiong and Yu Chiliang to go with him, and brought ten white horse riders with him.

Shibi over there was honest, and he didn't play any tricks.He also brought only two generals and ten entourages.

The two met a thousand steps away from Guancheng, and the army of Shibi was also a thousand steps away.

Luo Cheng came slowly on horseback, and Shibi also came on horseback.

The two came to stand before the white flag that had been planted earlier.

"Luo Shuai, we meet again." Shibi cupped his hands.

Luo Cheng also cupped his hands, "Why didn't Khan stay in the Khan court, but came to our Tai Sui? In our Central Plains, anyone who comes without invitation is considered a bad guest."

Shibi looked at Luo Cheng.

"I just heard that the emperor has come to the Northland, so I can't help but want to see the emperor. Who knows that the emperor has kept the door closed and refused to see me, but let me make this trip for nothing." He said again, "I heard that I During the time when I was not at home, Luo Shuai also ran to my house, and even entered my house directly, which is even more rude."

Luo Cheng shook his head, he was not interested in talking about these things with Shi Bi.

"Shibi Khan, you think your wings are hardened, so you want to fly solo. This is human nature, but when your wings are hardened, you don't go back to your hometown Mobei, but you still rely on our Dasui to give you an safe place in Monan." If you don’t leave your nest, you even turn around and want to peck at the master who raised you up, that’s not right.”

"We Turks are not your ministers of the Sui Dynasty."

"At the end of the day, there is an old saying in the Central Plains that one must be strong enough to lift the table. Don't think that you have 40 people who control the strings, and think that the wings are strong enough. But don't even think about it, you father and son can have Today, what are you relying on? Without the support of me, Da Sui, you would have today?"

"Enough!" Shibi was annoyed.

"Why, why don't you let me talk? If you don't have the skills, don't overturn the table. This battle was started by you, but when it ends, I have the final say. See Guan Cheng behind me, formerly known as Canhe Pass, now I have rebuilt it again, and it has been renamed the Killing Pass.”

When Shibi heard the word "kill Huguan", his face was very ugly.

"Luo Cheng, do you really think you can stop me? There are 20 cavalry behind me!"

"20? No, my information shows that you should only have 17 left at this time, and what kind of iron cavalry are you? You often visit my Central Plains, have you never seen the Central Plains iron cavalry? If you wear iron armor and have an armored cavalry, that’s considered an iron cavalry, what kind of cavalry are you? It’s just a shepherd who went south to rob 10,000+, dare to call me an iron cavalry?”

Shibi gritted his teeth.

"Don't look down on my Turkic cavalry, you can give it a try!"

"Try it and try it. Who is afraid of whom? Shibi, I'm here to give you a piece of advice. If you get off your horse and kneel down and ask for your surrender, maybe I, the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty, can remember some old feelings and save you from death, but If you continue to be obsessed with your obsession and insist on going all the way to the dark, the ending will be very miserable. Back then, the Turkic Shaboluo Khan, Datou Khan, Dulan Khan, Chuluo Khan, etc., were all yours A lesson from the past!"

"What a big tone, just relying on you, just relying on this small pass city, do you think you can stop me?"

"Hahaha, you should be the one who speaks so loudly. After all, you can't even break through Yanmen City, so why bragging? Also, you should brush your teeth more, your breath is really loud, open your mouth, It’s just a big smell. Let me tell you, you Turkic people like to eat meat, so you should brush your teeth more, otherwise it’s not only easy to clog your teeth, but also the meat will stink after being stuffed in your teeth for a long time. No wonder Princess Yicheng said that since she became your Ketun, she has refused to let you into her account, it's all because of her bad breath."

After being humiliated by Luo Cheng, his face flushed with anger.

"Luo Cheng, don't be so quick-tongued. Let me advise you. Even Yang Guang doesn't dare to stop me. You are the only one who dares to stop the car with your arms. If you are sensible, let go of the switch. I will let you return to Liaodong safely. 20 Turkic cavalry broke through the pass, slaughtered all your loyal soldiers, and even twisted your head to make a wine vessel."

Luo Cheng chuckled.

"Sibi, your Chinese is pretty good, and you actually know the word mantis to block the car, but it's not appropriate to use it here. Let me test you. Do you know the two idioms "Frog at the Bottom of the Well" and "Ye Lang is arrogant?" Do you know what he means? "

"If you don't eat a toast, you will be fined." Shi Bi was annoyed.

"Oh, Shibi, who did you learn your Chinese from? Yelang's arrogance and the frog in the well, what does this have to do with toasting and not eating fine wine? You can't use idioms indiscriminately." Luo Cheng said with a smile.

A Turkic attachment can no longer be heard.

The Lord humiliates the minister to death.

The guard was quite loyal, he drew his sword fiercely, and rushed over.

"court death!"

With a roar, Qin Qiong drew his mace and rode forward.

The two rides intersect.

Qin Qiong smashed down the mace, and the knife in the guard's hand was knocked down. The copper mace continued to drop, and landed on the guard's wolf helmet, and then smashed his sky cap.

one move.

The attached knight dies.

With this move, both sides drew their weapons.

Luo Cheng didn't move.

He looked at Shibi with a smile.

"Why, you can't talk about it, you have to go through two tricks, it's okay, Shibi, I heard that you are also a Turkic warrior. How about the two of us gesturing in front of the battle today, and the two of us will fight each other, and life and death will be at ease Destiny. If I lose, I will let you go out. If you lose, you will surrender, how about it?"

Shibi stared at Luo Cheng, at the six-leaf hammer he hung on his horse.

"This is a battlefield, not a place where individuals compete with each other."

"If you're afraid, you're afraid. Why bother talking so much nonsense."

Unexpectedly, Luo Cheng, who has a great reputation for viciousness, is actually such a guy who likes to take advantage of others, he is about to explode in anger.

Seeing Shibi staring at him with red eyes like a cow, Luo Cheng patted the horse's neck.

"Why, want to try it out? It's up to you whether it's a one-on-one fight or a group fight. It's just a dozen or so riders from both of us, how about it!"

Shibi touched the handle of the knife, but finally controlled himself.

He was indeed a Turkic warrior when he was young, but Luo Cheng's reputation was even worse. It is said that Yang Xuangan, who was once the number one martial artist in the world in the Sui Dynasty, was also picked to death by him.

Shibi shook his head.

"Luo Cheng, since you are so ignorant of current affairs, let's have a decisive battle in this pass city tomorrow. I want to see if you, Luo Cheng, can defend, or I am good at attacking!"

Luo Cheng seemed a little disappointed, and spat out two words in disdain, "You bastard!"

Then he turned around and left.

Shibi Khan over there was so stimulated that he almost ran away again.

Once back in the camp, Shibi drew out the Golden Wolf Saber.

He slashed continuously with his knife and killed all the attached guards who were protecting him. Ten of them went and nine of them returned, and all nine of them were hacked to death suddenly by him.These people did not dare to resist, and their eyes were still wide open until they died, bewildered.

After Shibi killed nine people in a row, he vented his depression.

"Order all the ministries to prepare for the battle. Tomorrow morning, they must win the Canhe Pass. If anyone wins Luo Cheng, I will reward him with a hundred taels of gold and a thousand heads of cattle and horses, regardless of whether he lives or dies!"

 Thanks to Mrs. Xiao, I love you, Xintian 1, and Maple Leaf Dingding for their rewards, thank you.

  I recently read a good book, Great Tang Official, a very interesting novel about the middle Tang Dynasty, you can read it if you like it.

  Then I recommend this light-hearted book, "The Universe of the Super Seminary", which is easy and funny in daily life.Learn about!
(End of this chapter)

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