Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 632 The heart is not cruel and the country is unstable

Chapter 632 The heart is not cruel and the country is unstable

Kill Huguan on the city.

With his hands behind his back, Luo Cheng watched the sound of fighting from the Turkic people, which lasted for a long time.

"Could it be that the third child came from behind the Turks?" Cunxiao plucked his ears, "Shall we go out and have a look?"

Luo Cheng just shook his head.

As a battle-tested commander, Luo Cheng has already seen some clues. Although he dare not say for sure, he is almost [-]% sure.

"Shibi Khan is really ruthless."

"What does this have to do with Shibi? I think he is a complete idiot." With a flick of his finger, the fourth child sent a piece of earwax flying down the city.

Luo Chengdao, "Don't you understand? Shibi Khan is killing people. He drove 8000 to [-] people to attack the city and used our swords to kill people. But now, the chaos in the Turkic camp over there shows that some people must not want to Then he came to die, so Shi Bi didn’t borrow the knife at all, and did it himself.”

"Do it yourself, kill someone? What do you mean? Could it be that you want to tell me that this idiot, Shibi, is actually killing his own people?" The fourth child looked unbelievable. , but killed his own people before the pass?
"What's so strange, you have to understand that the grassland is different from our Central Plains dynasty. Even if Shibi is a Khan, even if it is the Ashina royal family, it is still a system of enfeoffment, and their system of enfeoffment is actually a system of separation of production."

What is the analysis system?
Most of the nomads on the grasslands adopt this method of family property division and inheritance. In a herdsman family, when the eldest son becomes an adult, his father will give him a part of the cattle, sheep and horses, distribute these properties to him, and then let the eldest son grow up. He lived alone and made his own account.

One tent on the grassland is often a family, and one tent on its own is a self-supporting family.

When the son became an adult, the family separated.

Those who are separated have nothing to do with the family, at least they have no property relationship.

Parallel to this system of distributing property, there is also a system of adoption and marriage.

Herdsmen on the grassland often take concubines after marrying wives. Therefore, after the father dies, the eldest son can inherit the last bit of his father's family property, and even his father's second wives, concubines, slaves, etc. are also his.

It is this traditional method of division of property that makes the leaders of those tribes have always been divided in this way.

Even in a powerful khanate like the Turks, when the Khan’s sons became adults, he began to divide the families of these sons, directly allocated a piece of land to him, and then distributed him a number of tribal populations and livestock for him to graze. Become the noble head of this area.

The sons of the Khan are generally entrusted as a set or special service.

When the Khan is dying, or after his death, a new king is chosen according to his wishes. Usually, the eldest son inherits. However, if the Khan's son is too young, sometimes the older Khan brothers will inherit.

This system of distributing property and enfeoffment made the khan's sons very powerful, and the incomplete system of heir succession also made the khan's brothers and nephews all have the right to inherit, so in the end often there would be battles for the khan's position. It all depends on the strength of each person.

Because of this system, although the Turks are big and strong, they are extremely unstable internally, especially the Ashina family, all of whom are descendants of the royal family, and even because they are often brothers and sisters, the royal descendants of several major branches In theory, they all have the right to inherit the Khan throne.

In addition, there are people in each territory, so of course there will often be wars against Khan's succession.

On the other hand, the Turks did not have too much control over the other tribes that were attached to the Turks, such as Tiele, etc. They were completely deterred by their own strength. After all, the tribes had their own territory and their own tribes The population has its own tribal soldiers and horses.

Therefore, the Turkic Khanate is actually a big alliance composed of the princes of the Ashina family of the Turkic royal family, other Turkic tribes, and other affiliated tribes.

Even if it is Khan, he just orders the ministries.

It is far from the centralization of power like the Sui Dynasty. The government soldiers in the Sui Dynasty were controlled by the central government, and even the local county soldiers were also controlled by the local government under the central control.

But the Turks are just a big alliance.

It is precisely because of this that, on the one hand, the children of the Ashina family in the Turks continued to strife, and on the other hand, the subordinate tribes such as Tiele and Khitan rebelled frequently.

The fourth child scratched his head, still unable to understand Sibi's behavior.

"The battle is imminent, what kind of skill is fighting in this nest?"

"Although it is cruel, it is necessary from the perspective of beginning and end."

"Then let's just watch?"

"Well, just look at it, guard this Shahu pass, and don't let him pass."

"Then what if the Turkic people run away from other roads?"

"I have already sent letters to various places, asking them to find a way to block the return of the Turks."

"Can it be sealed?"

Luo Cheng smiled.

It is impossible to keep all the Turks, but at least Shibi Khan has to shed a few layers of skin.If Shibi loses a lot of power, he will no longer be able to gain a foothold in Monan, and for Luo Cheng, his goal will be achieved.

"Sibi is really ruthless, most people probably really can't do it."

"I have a question. After all, if he really directly attacks the leader or tribe that threatens him as you said, then he is not afraid that after the news is passed back, the people of these tribes on the grassland will rebel?"

"The lesser of two evils."

Qibige was killed in a daze.

The 2 Qibi tribe was besieged by Xue Yantuo and the rest of the Tiele people in the camp. More than half of them were killed or injured, and finally the rest finally knelt down to Shibi.

Then Shibi broke up the surrenderers of the Qibi tribe and distributed them to the Turkic army generals, which was regarded as swallowing the soldiers and horses of the Qibi tribe.

Xue Yantuo, who lost his bowl in Yi, fought for a long time, and lost thousands of people himself, but in the end he didn't get any benefit.

This day, the rest has been very quiet.

Another night passed.

Another big frost.

early morning.

Countless Turkic troops stepped on the frosty and hard ground to attack Guancheng.

The attack was violent and lasted almost all day.

It was not until dusk that Mingjin retreated.

In a day of fierce fighting, about a thousand people were lost in Guancheng, but the Turkic people lost at least seven or eight thousand.

It was another quiet night.

At dawn, the scouts came to report.

The Turks had already retreated.

They retreated quietly before dawn, and they retreated cleanly.

"Which way to retreat?"

"It seems to be going to Yunnei City in the southeast."

"Inside the cloud."

Luo Cheng frowned. In Yunnei, Siye is now stationed in Heng'an Town and Niupi Pass in Yunnei, but Siye only has 3000 troops, and they still have to guard two passes.

Cunxiao rushed over, "Run away at the end of the day? It doesn't make sense. After putting on such a big fight, in addition to driving more than [-] people to be imprisoned and sent to death, then he ran away?"

Zhao Gui, who inspected the Turkic camp, told Luo Cheng that there were more than [-] corpses left in the Turkic camp.

"Based on this, Shibi killed nearly 3 people here? Do you know what tribe it is?"

"It seems that they are all Tiele people. Their appearance is very different from that of the Turkic people. Their noses are high, their eyes are dark and their skin is white. Judging from their clothes and costumes, these people who died seem to be from the same Luo tribe, Qibi tribe, Xue Yantuo, and servants. The bones and other people are almost all Tiele people, and no Turkic corpses have been found."

Thirty thousand.

Luo Chengcheng was secretly startled.

Shibi is really ruthless.

30 ride south.

When Yanmen withdrew, he had already discounted 12 yuan, and then he still felt that there were too few dead, so he killed another 15 yuan at the Tiger-killing Pass, and made up a whole number of 30 yuan, which just happened to take away the [-] yuan he brought south. Half gone.

(End of this chapter)

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