Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 646 Fighting for Whom

Chapter 646 Fighting for Whom
"Shibobi, let me ask you, when you grow up, will you come to kill me one day?"

"will not."

"Don't you hate me, I killed your father!"

"My father Khan rebelled against the Sui Dynasty, and there is a reason for his death."

"Hahaha, boy, I didn't expect you to be very scheming at such a young age. No matter what you think in your heart, and no matter how much you hate me, please remember your current forbearance, and please remember, no Before you have enough strength, don’t do stupid things. If you really want to kill me, then follow me well, learn more, see more, wait more, maybe you will never have the chance to kill me in your life, maybe you wait After a long time, I can finally wait for the opportunity.”

Shi Bobi was thoughtful.

Daye 11 years, early November.

Luo Cheng finally began to lead the Zhongwu Army back to Liaodong.

When they came out, the Zhongwu Army had [-] cavalry, and the Khitan and Xiqi cavalry had [-] cavalry. When they returned, there were only [-] cavalry left from the original [-] Zhongwu Army, and only [-] Qidan and Xiqi cavalry remained.

However, Khitan Khan Duoluo and Xi Khan Kedu did not regret it, and their efforts were rewarded.

Luo Cheng gave them a lot of cattle and horses, and also gave them a lot of weapons and money.

Among them, the ordnance made them most happy. Although in the eyes of the Sui army, these were just rags, but for the Xiqi and Qi tribes who lacked iron and craftsmen, this pile of rags was a treasure.

If you want the horse to run, you must let the horse eat some grass.

Luo Cheng knew very well that if he had to control the two parts and let them work hard, there must be some benefits for them.Luo Cheng did not give them Turkic slaves, but some horses and money, as well as some damaged and outdated weapons.

He was not too worried that the two departments would threaten him in turn. The biggest threat to the north is now the Turkic people, then the Goguryeo people, and then the Tiele people, and then the Khitan people, Mohe people, Shi people. Wei people these.

This is the best strategy.

As for Luo Cheng's Zhongwu Army, [-] cavalry were lost, but after this battle, Luo Cheng added [-] cavalry from the Tiele people, and [-] cavalry from the Turkic people who had surrendered to Monan.

So when I came, it was [-], but when I went back, it became [-].

Not to mention, there are more than [-] horses and nearly [-] Turkic captive slaves.

The return route is still the same as when we came here, passing through Datong and then entering Hebei through the military capital Xing, and then exiting the customs through Linyu.

The fourth child rode a horse and rode side by side with Luo Cheng.

He looked at the four newly adopted sons who were not far behind Luo Chengma.

Four young men, Ashinash Bobi, Yili Yinan, Dahemohui, and Mohefusuzhi, rode horses with different expressions, all of whom were relatively silent.The oldest of the four is Mohui, the most majestic is Yinan, and the youngest is Shibobi.

The fourth child rolled his eyes.

"I said that the three of Kan Leng and the others you took in as adopted sons were indeed very discerning. Now those three boys have grown up and are worthy of generals. But what's going on with you this time? You also accepted four more Hu Zhong is the adopted son, or all of them are the sons of Hu Chief? Even if you are not afraid of Yushi’s impeachment, you are not afraid of raising a few white-eyed wolves, which will bite you back in the future?”

Luo Cheng smiled.

"That's when they have the strength to talk about backlash. Now they don't have the strength."

These four teenagers are not capable of rebelling against him now, but their names represent a lot of influence. Luo Cheng took them by his side as foster sons, not only as protons, but also to borrow their bloodline influence in their respective tribes , to exert their own influence on the ministries.

"If you think their nicknames are not pleasant, I can change their names." Luo Cheng called the four adoptive sons over.

"From today onwards, your names will be changed to Luo Quanzhong, Luo Shouxin, Luo Shunren, and Luo Guiyi. Before you, I also adopted three adoptive sons. They are Dalang Kanling, Erlang Wang Xiongdan, and Sanlang Ximen Junyi. Now Dahe Mohui is Silang Luo Quanzhong, Mohefu Suzhi is Wulang Luo Shouxin, Yili Youyinan you are Liulang Luo Shunren, Ashina Shibobi you are Qilang Luo Guiyi."

"I hope you seven righteous brothers will love each other and help each other in the future."

Yi Nan looked at each other in blank dismay, unexpectedly Luo Cheng would change their names like this.

The fourth child laughed so hard that he almost screamed.

Faithful and benevolent, he really knows how to choose a name.

This is a bit similar to the names of their six brothers, who inherited their ancestors, inherited their karma, and preserved their filial piety, faithfulness, and sincerity.

When Qin Qiong and the others heard about the name Luo Cheng had chosen for his adopted son, they also laughed.

At night, soldiers and horses were stationed by the side of the road, drinking porridge with the dead horse meat they took when cleaning the battlefield. The fiber of the horse meat was rough, and whether it was boiled or fried, there would always be sour water coming out of it, and the meat was sour and smelly. stench.

Horse meat is only delicious if it is dried, and when it is time to march, everyone doesn't have so many choices.

It's good to have meat.

Even the soldiers of the Zhongwu Army had already finished eating the meat floss they brought because they had been out for too long.

"You said what happened to the imperial court? We broke the Khan Court, blocked the way back from the beginning, and the emperor didn't send troops to help. You said that there were few soldiers in Yanmen at that time, but when we arrived in Taiyuan, there were 30 troops. Why didn't the emperor send troops to help?"

Speaking of this, a group of generals of the Zhongwu Army were a little bit indignant.

If it weren't for their good fighting this time, Luo Cheng's command was right, he was trapped forcibly, and then his morale was lost, and finally he defeated the exhausted Turkic army at a side pass, and the Turkic People can run away.

And they fought in Mayi for more than two months.

As a result, no reinforcements came from the beginning to the end.

Even after their battle was over, the victory reports were sent back one by one, but there was still no news.

What puzzled them most was that they only now knew that the emperor had already returned to the east capital before they won the victory.And before that, the Taiyuan mutiny occurred because the reward given by the dismissal of Qin Wangjun could not be honored.

In the end, the emperor abruptly regarded more than 1 Qin Wangjun as rebels and beheaded them.

There are still such strange things in this world.

"I feel as if none of us are fighting for the imperial court!"

"Yeah, we came all the way to King Qin, and we didn't even get to meet the emperor from the beginning to the end, let alone a reward. Where is the reward and what is a reward?"

Everyone chewed the roast horse meat, all expressing their dissatisfaction.

Luo Cheng sat there and listened without expressing his opinion.

Indeed, this is all unbelievable.

But all of this happened.

They fought a decisive battle with the Turks in Mayi, the strength of the army was very different, but the emperor ran from Yanmen to Taiyuan with an army of 10,000+, and before the decisive battle was over, the emperor directly sent 30 troops back home. Not even a single soldier was sent to them.

Up to now, the battle has been fought for a long time, and the court has not heard the slightest reply.

Everyone can't help but ask.

Who are they fighting for?

(End of this chapter)

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