Chapter 649 Died of Pride
"Marshal, Jia Juncheng is surrounded by bandits."

A Qingqi rushed to Zhang Xutuo's horse and reported loudly.

As if in response to his words, bursts of roars came from Daihai Temple, and the drums and trumpets were urgent.

Zhang Xutuo was taken aback.

He didn't expect that the bandit army could turn around and fight at this time.

"It's a trick to lure the enemy. From Xingluocang to Hulao Pass and then to Xingyang City, the rebels have been cheating and defeating to lure the enemy." Zhang Xutuo frowned in a low voice, "This Li Mi is really willing to spend all his money. One defeat after another, leading us to pursue Baili, just to ambush here."

He had to sigh in admiration in his heart.

The pursuit of hundreds of miles made the officers and soldiers exhausted, not to mention the successive victories, which made them relax their vigilance.

"Luring the enemy into an ambush?"

The faces of several school lieutenants couldn't help changing, "The commander must have overestimated the thieves. I think they were defeated, but now they are being chased by Jia Juncheng, and they have to fight a trapped beast. Commander, Let's kill him and capture Li Mi alive!"

In Henan, although the rebels have risen and recovered, Zhang Xutuo and his lieutenants have always been there, and it has been difficult for the rebels to gain a foothold in Henan. Even if there is an uprising in Henan, they will either be wiped out or flee go elsewhere.

For a long time, Henan officials and soldiers have formed a fixed impression in their hearts, that is, the bandits are all mobs, and they are all vulnerable. No matter how many they shout, they cannot withstand their attacks.

Not to mention that Li Mi claims to be 40, even if he calls for a million, Henan officials and soldiers are not afraid.

One against ten is an overestimation of the bandit army, and it is common for them to fight against one hundred.

Zhang Xutuo did not underestimate the enemy as much as his subordinates, but he did not back down either.

Jia Wu was originally his old brother, and now he is surrounded by bandits with his vanguard. He can't leave them behind, he must rescue them.Besides, he was somewhat proud in his heart, and he didn't think that Li Mi's trick to lure the enemy into an ambush could defeat him.

"Let everyone be careful. After we rescue Lao Jia, we will retreat and regroup."

A group of generals didn't take it seriously, and none of them took the bandit army seriously. They clamored to kill the bandit army, and then led their troops forward.

Daihai Temple.

On a high tower of Daihai Temple, Li Mi laughed out loud when he heard that Zhang Xutuo was advancing instead of retreating.

"This Sutuo is nothing more than that. We haven't even seen that we are going to surround and annihilate him, and dare to come here to die?"

Li Mi smiled and said to his subordinates, "Zhang Xutuo must have seen it, but he thinks he can defeat us. This is his pride, and he will die here. Pass down the order, and all the generals will give us Let's besiege Zhang Xutuo together, and we must not let him go!"

With Zhang Xutuo's bravery, he would not retreat and counterattack. If Wei Jun didn't show some desperate posture, he might not be able to keep him.

But Zhang Xutuo was a stumbling block in front of Li Mi, and he had to take him down.

No matter how brave Zhang Xutuo was and how fierce he was after being trapped, he had to kill him.

"If Zhang Xutuo wants to leave, I'm afraid we may not be able to trap him!" One person said.

Now Zhang Xutuo is still attacking, but if he sees that the situation is not good and wants to run, who can stop him?Zhang Xutuo has traversed Henan in recent years, how many rebel armies have been defeated by him.

Zhou Wenju, who had suffered several defeats under Zhang Xutuo, still had lingering fears when he thought about it, "Although we have a large number of troops, we lack brave fighters. I have fought against Zhang Xutuo several times, and although his men have no armor, Riding such an invincible heavy cavalry, but there are also many light cavalry, especially facing us who lack armor and bows, they can directly defeat our army's morale with light cavalry."

Another Li Gongyi also said, "Even if Zhang Xutuo doesn't need cavalry to charge the battle, his infantry are also very good. They have a lot of bows and crossbows, almost every man has a bow. When the two armies are fighting, they can shoot from a distance. They killed us in large numbers, but we don't have enough bows and crossbows, and they can even rush forward with infantry, and they can smash us head-on."

Li Mi nodded.

"I know what you said. For today's battle, I have planned for a long time and made a lot of preparations. Zhang Xutuo is no more than [-] people. He was exhausted when he just came back from Hedong, and he was lured by our fraudulent defeat earlier. Attracted by the enemy's tricks, he ran for more than a hundred miles and fought several battles. It is the so-called end of the crossbow, and he failed to penetrate Lu Jin."

No matter how fearful those generals were, Li Mi was very confident.

All the generals retreated and returned to their headquarters according to the military order.

Wang Bodang comes over.


"Don't be in a hurry, let those people consume Zhang Xutuo first. His soldiers and horses are exhausted, but they haven't reached their limit. When he is exhausted, even if he is a liger, a tired tiger is not enough. to fight wolves."

"Zhou Wenju and those people can't kill Zhang Xutuo, but they can consume them, consume their physical strength and consume their bows and arrows, and when Zhang Xutuo's physical strength bows and arrows are almost exhausted, he will definitely want to withdraw. At that time, you Then lead eight thousand elites to attack and kill them with one blow!"

"Yes!" Uncle Wang agreed.

"Remember, if Zhang Xutuo breaks through, you don't care about anything, just keep an eye on Zhang Xutuo. As long as Zhang Xutuo is killed, these soldiers and horses under his command will inevitably collapse, so there is nothing to worry about. "

Zhang Xutuo is not only a fierce tiger, but also a banner.

As long as this flag falls, the official army will be defeated.

Outside Daihai Temple.

Countless rebels surrounded them one after another.

They have a large number of people, under Li Mi's sentence that those who kill Zhang Xutuo will be rewarded with a thousand taels of gold, and under the heavy reward of Feng Guogong, countless thieves and thieves all gathered around with red eyes, and they all wanted to kill Zhang Xutuo. Xu Tuo.

Jia Wuben's striker is even more trapped in the center, and it is difficult to stand out from the siege even if he kills left and rushes right.

Zhang Xutuo led his troops to charge forward.

Li Gongyi's general led about a thousand people to block the way.

They raised their shields and raised their spears.

Zhang Xutuo drew his bow and set his arrows on his horse, galloping and shooting again and again.

Every arrow takes away a bandit army.

The dark horse he got off was even more majestic, and it didn't stop for a moment.

In a blink of an eye, he had rushed to the front of the rebel army with his subordinates.

The rebels lacked bows and crossbows, and faced the rushing officers and soldiers, they did not cause any damage.

Zhang Xutuo stepped off his steed and jumped up high, like a tiger descending a mountain.

With a lot of force, the horse landed on the shield wall fiercely.

Even the rebels holding wooden shields couldn't bear such a heavy load. The crude shields shattered, and the shield soldiers were directly crushed and fell to the ground.

But the horse didn't stop, and continued to rush forward by taking advantage of the momentum.

When Zhang Xutuo was on the horse, he even pierced a pikeman and sent him flying with a single blow.

Behind him, there were light cavalry riding one after another, and they rode their horses fiercely into the formation of the bandit army.The thin layer of shield wall of the rebels was as fragile as an egg shell, and before they could even stagnate, the officers and soldiers broke through in one fell swoop and entered the formation.

(End of this chapter)

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