Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 658 Bestowing the National Surname

Chapter 658 Bestowing the National Surname

When Luo Cheng returned to the outside of the customs, it had been 12 years since the great cause.

They didn't catch up with the New Year's Eve.

Fortunately, the huge victories and rich spoils kept the soldiers returning east in a good mood. It didn’t matter if they missed the reunion with their families on New Year’s Eve. They came back this time with a lot of spoils, including Turkic slaves, Turkic war horses, cattle and sheep, There are also captured bows, armors, knives and arrows.

Luo Cheng broke up with Keduzhe and Dahe Duoluo outside Linyu Pass.

This time the Khitan and Xi people sent 3000 troops to support Luo Cheng. When they returned, there were only [-] men left in the two departments, and the loss was not small.But the harvest was not small, Luo Cheng gave them many weapons and horses, not to mention obtaining titles and official positions from the imperial court for them.

The imperial court accepted Luo Cheng's suggestion, set the land of Khitan as Songmo County, set up Songmo Governor's Mansion, named Khitan Khan Dahe Duoluo as Songmo Governor and Prefect, and gave Dahe Duoluo the surname Yang and the name Guozhong , and decided to bestow the title of princess on a royal family, marry Yang Guozhong, and give the title of Marquis of Songmo.

Take the Kumoxi land as Raole County, set up Raole Governor's Mansion, and seal Xi Han Kedu as Raole Governor and Prefect, and give the name Yang Guoqing, and also give the title of Zong's daughter Princess, marry Yang Guoqing, and give Raole the title Marquis.

The two were originally considered a small tribe, but now they fought for the Sui Dynasty. Although they suffered a little loss, they also received the treatment of being a princess of the Sui Dynasty, not to mention being given the title of Governor, Marquis, and Silver Qing Guanglu. Such a good thing as a doctor's rank.

The loss of thousands of troops is not worth mentioning.

When they parted, the two were all smiles, and they were extremely respectful to Luo Cheng, a handsome man outside the customs.They sent troops with Luo Cheng this time, and witnessed with their own eyes how powerful this God of War is. To them, Shibi Khan used to be a stronger and more direct existence than Sui, but this time he was killed by Luo Cheng defeated and died.

"In the future, if there is anything to do, the commander-in-chief will call, and I will come immediately." Dahe Duoluo, who was named Yang Guozhong, said while patting his chest. Be obedient and serve the commander well."

Two fathers and sons, one became the son-in-law of the Great Sui Dynasty, named Yang Guozhong.One of them became Luo Cheng's adoptive son and was named Luo Shouzhong.A pair of father and son, two surnames.But Duo Luo didn't think there was anything wrong with it, on the contrary, he thought it was very honorable.Especially the national surname bestowed by the emperor is even more proud.

When he received the decree before, he even cried with excitement. From now on, he is no longer a barbarian, but a Chinese.

Luo Cheng is very polite to the two chiefs, and there will be more times when he will rely on them in the future.

"After I go back, I will set up border markets in western Liaoning and eastern Liaoning. You are welcome to come and trade in the mutual market."

Yang Guozhong and Yang Guoqing couldn't help but be overjoyed. These nomadic tribes only know nomadic hunting, and their production capacity is too weak, especially many things they can't produce by themselves, such as tea, good wine, and iron products.Even books, Buddha statues, many medicines and various luxury goods cannot be produced by ourselves.

It is not easy to think about buying, because there are often various restrictions.

We can only send caravans to the Central Plains, or merchants from the Central Plains, but the cost is too high.

If the Sui Dynasty is willing to set up a border market on the border with them for a long time, allowing large-scale mutual market transactions, and reducing a little tariff, it will certainly be a great thing for them.

Of course, for Luo Cheng, there are only advantages and no disadvantages in trading with Xi and Qi.

As nomads, Xi and Khitan have a large number of cattle, horses, sheep and camels, as well as a large amount of fur, etc., which are actually very much needed in the Central Plains.

Especially cows and horses.

Although the Central Plains region, especially the northern region, is also suitable for raising horses, the cost of raising horses is higher than that of raising cattle. In particular, places are needed for pastures, and free-range breeding is not enough.

Previously, for the Eastern Expedition, the imperial court asked the rich households in the north to raise horses and forced the wealthy households to raise horses, but many people were dissatisfied and even went bankrupt.

But the demand for horses is so great, so if there is a channel to buy them, it will be more than raising them yourself.In China, especially in the north, there are more people and less land, and it is better to grow food on land, and it takes land to raise horses.

When Luo Cheng trades with them, Liaodong can actually enjoy the advantage of a trade transfer station, enjoy the benefits of trade from the middle, and even drive the development of processing and production in Andong Road's handicraft workshops.

But without agriculture, there is no stability, without work, there is no life, and without business, there is no wealth.

Sometimes nomadic tribes even went to war and invaded in order to be able to trade with the Central Plains, forcing each other to trade.

If you don't sell them things, they can only come and grab them.

And how profitable is it to trade with the steppe tribes?

It was the busiest tea-horse trade for huge profits, such as buying tea bricks, some worthless metal utensils, and some low-quality cloth in Han, and then bartering them with the prairie people for their horses Cattle, sheep and furs, the profits in this are astonishing.

A piece of ordinary tea brick can be exchanged for a high-quality sheepskin, and a piece of cloth about twenty feet can be exchanged for a cow.

Buy an iron pot from the Central Plains and sell it to the tribesmen at the side market, at least five times the price.A bowl can be doubled ten times or twenty times.

And by bartering things, you can make another fortune.It only takes three or four horses to make silk, but if the horses enter the customs, ten or twelve silks can be sold, and the profit will be several times.

And by opening a border market, Luo Cheng can still collect taxes on the ground, and when merchants come to open shops, he can also sell the shops to collect rent, not to mention, when there are more people, this hotel, restaurant, tea shop, and brothel can also open. It is taxation, and it can also drive local development.

No matter how remote the place outside the customs, if the border market is established, it will also be prosperous and rich. This has long been precedent in history.

The two new marquises were even eager to make a deal.

"Luo Shuai, you see that we have also distributed a lot of horses this time, many of which are excellent Turkic war horses. We want to simply give these horses to the commander and take them back to Liaodong. We will take the horses with the commander. How about some Central Plains merchants such as tea and silk?"

Luo Cheng smiled.

"I don't have so many tea, silk and other commodities in my hand now."

"It's okay, the commander-in-chief will take the horse first, and let us know when you have collected the goods, and then we will send someone to the side market to pick them up."

Luo Cheng was also very satisfied to see them so forthright.

"Alright, then let's agree on a transaction price first. I will accept your horses first, and then make a price. Then you can order the corresponding Central Plains goods with me according to the horse money. How about it?"

"That's good, that's good."

The two were also very satisfied with Luo Cheng's happiness, so they simply sat down and talked about the prices of various tea, horse, silk, fur and so on.

"How much is a war horse worth?"

"A tea cake, how much is it worth!"

(End of this chapter)

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