Chapter 661
The sky was gray and gloomy.

The earth is covered with silver.

Luo Cheng was wearing a thick fur and a thick fur hat on his head, covering his face.

He sat on the sled, and there was a small stove beside him burning coals.

Groups of Turkic captives acted as sled dogs, carrying sleds forward.

The snow is so deep that if you step on it, you can reach your knees.

The soldiers who returned from victory enjoyed the treatment of victors just like Luo Cheng. They all sat on sleds and were pulled forward by the Turkic captives.

The cold wind howled.

Those Turkic people arched their backs and retracted their necks one by one, but the cold wind was still able to penetrate through every hole.

Quite a few Turkic people were moving forward with one kick and one shallow kick in their hearts, cursing secretly in their hearts, cursing Shibi Khan for being aggressive and incompetent, and cursing Luo Cheng for being vicious.

In this damn weather, they should have stayed in the winter camp, lying in a warm tent, drinking milk tea and spending the winter comfortably, but now, their family members are still far away, and they don’t know what’s going on there , In such a cold winter, are the tents set up firmly, are the lambs and calves still warm, and is there enough forage for the winter?
There is a vast area ahead, and they are also full of confusion about the future.

"Marshal, Tongding City is ahead, and Liaohe is not far ahead."

"Oh, there should be soldiers from Tongding City, right?"

"There were more than 500 people, and they got home."

Luo Cheng got up, the wind was very strong, he wrapped his robes in a cage.

The more than 500 soldiers have arrived home and will part here. Luo Cheng is going to say goodbye to them.He rode his horse and came to the gate of the city. There were already many people gathered here.

There were officials from the city who came to greet them, and more often the family members of those soldiers who went to the conquest came to greet their relatives.

And those government soldiers who were about to go home all gathered in front of the city and stood upright in the cold wind.

"The handsome man is here!"

More than 500 government soldiers stood at attention excitedly.

Luo Cheng looked at these guys and said with a smile, "How about it? I have finally arrived home after being away from home for a few months. Many of you should have seen the relatives waiting there to welcome you? I guess you are all eager to get home." I’m going home, so I won’t talk nonsense anymore. Take your trophies and rewards, go back, enjoy the warmth of your family at home, comfort your wives, serve your parents well, and spend more time with them. Be with your children."

"Of course, I know that you have also received a lot of spoils this time, but remember to be diligent and thrifty to manage your home, don't waste money, and don't gamble and drink too much. When you have time, tidy up your home and practice martial arts."

"Okay, disband, get out!"

More than 500 soldiers laughed and saluted Luo Cheng, and then ran aside to get their own salutes and trophies.

Everyone has a lot of things. In addition to the two horses, spears, bows, knives, armor, etc. when they were recruited, each person was also allocated a few horses, some cattle and sheep, and slaves.

There are brave men, one who gets four horses and six slaves.

At the least, they all got two Turkic horses and two Turkic slaves, not to mention some armored bows and knives.

The family members of the government soldiers who had been waiting at the gate of the city for a long time also ran over calling their names.

There are young couples who can't help embracing each other, elderly fathers who hug their sons, and young children who jump into their father's arms.

And in these joys, there is also some sadness.

Some people stayed in their hometown forever.

"How many brothers died in Tongding?"

"Tongding recruited 560 people, only 230 three returned, and [-] seven died in battle."

Luo Cheng nodded.

At the gate of the city, many people have been calling and looking for the names of their relatives, but they have not received a response.

Luo Cheng asked people to report the names of these soldiers who died in battle, and called their families over.

"It is a pity to inform you, your relatives, that they were not able to come back. They were the bravest fighters who died loyally for the country. We can only bring back his ashes and some of their relics."

After Luo Cheng finished speaking, there was a lot of crying.

Luo Cheng had to interrupt his speech, and after a long time, he continued to announce the compensation for these soldiers who died in battle, and distributed horses, armor, and money and silk to each family's wife and children as compensation.

"The military fields granted by these brothers who died in battle will be inherited by their wives and children."

"The burial expenses of the brothers who died in battle will be paid by the Yamen of the Jiedushi. If the descendants become adults, they will be selected first to join the army. If the brothers who died in the battle have no descendants, their relatives can also hire them. They will still be given priority for employment even after they reach adulthood.”

"Every brother who died in battle will be given [-] acres of land as a one-time pension, and another [-] yuan will be given to settle down."

In addition, even if they died in battle, all the rewards they had received for their previous contributions would be given in full, and even after they died in battle, they could still receive a share of the spoils.

Therefore, for the four thousand brothers who died in battle this time, Luo Cheng paid his capital to support them.

The horses, armor and weapons that each person carried during the expedition were returned. In addition, a reward of spoils was also given, and [-] mu of land and [-] pennies were given as pensions. In addition, the burial expenses were also paid separately.

"Jiedushi's yamen will also build a special monument for heroes, engrave their names on the monument, and send people to sacrifice regularly. And the soldiers who have no descendants will also adopt righteous children for them and inherit incense for them."

In addition, those soldiers who were not injured were also given extra compensation money according to the level of disability.

"For the helpless wives and children of the brothers who died in battle, the Jiedu envoy Yamen will provide lifelong assistance!"

"For brothers who are disabled and have to retire from the army, the Jiedu envoy Yamen will grant additional military land, cattle and horses, as a permanent career."

After the announcement of these pensions and rewards, although it can't bring the dead back to life and the wounded, after all, it can give them some protection and comfort while they are sad.

"Marshal, the standard of this pension is not low. If it goes on for a long time, it will be a big burden." Wei Zheng reminded Luo Cheng in a low voice.

"I know, but the foundation of our Andong Dao is these government soldiers. If we can't properly compensate and rescue these dead and injured, how will we fight in the future? Who will work hard?"

Besides, in fact, this standard is not high even if it is said to be high. For many dynasties that value soldiers and generals, there are special pension regulations, which are actually not low.

Luo Cheng also specially called the local officials from Tongding, and told them that they must take care of the families of these soldiers who died in battle, as well as the wounded soldiers who had retired from the army.

"Drinking water and remembering the source, our stability is also inseparable from the contributions of these brothers, so you must treat their families well, especially those wounded soldiers who have retired from the army, and you must take good care of them."

(End of this chapter)

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