Chapter 690 Foreign Aid
After staying in Rao Le City for a few days, when Luo Cheng left, Kedu Zhe personally led [-] Xi clan soldiers to accompany him, followed by [-] disciples and family members who drove Nian Yang to follow.

His precious daughter Mingzhu also insisted on going with Luo Cheng. These days in Rao Le City, this bold girl had already voluntarily sneaked into Luo Cheng's room at night.

For these passionate girls of the Xi nationality, they have to boldly pursue the person they like, and once they are in love, they can be together openly and aboveboard.

As for etiquette and the like, they didn't care too much.

But Luo Cheng doesn't dislike such a passionate girl. Originally, if you like it, you will love it, and no one can control it.

Leaving Rao Le City, I walked south along Rushui for a few days, but instead of crossing the Great Wall and entering Beiping County, I started to turn north.

After walking for a few days, the Tuohechen River is in front of us. If we go northward along this river, we can enter the territory of Khitan.This river is the Beiliu River, which flows from south to north, and finally flows into Ruoluo River.The Tuohechen River is actually the Laoha River of later generations, and this weak Luoshui is the Xiliao River.

The West Liao River is a little to the west of Fuyu City and joins the East Liao River. After the east and west rivers meet, they turn south and flow into the sea.

The Khitan people are nomadic in the Xiliao River Basin and the lower reaches of the Laoha River.

And in the north of the Ruoluo River, there is another tribe, 蜫.

People in the Central Plains regard the 霫 as a different species from the Xiongnu, living in the north of the Ruoluo River, and also the hometown of the Xianbei.It connects Mohe to the east, Shiwei to the north, Shangougou to Turkic, and Khitan to the south. The land is thousands of miles away, surrounded by mountains on all sides. There are many people who are good at shooting and hunting, and they like to wear red leather. Bring a small copper bell, and other customs are similar to those of the Khitan people.There are about [-] households and [-] troops in its ministry.

It can be said that Xi, Khitan, and Yu were sandwiched between Liaodong outside the pass and inside the pass in the Sui Dynasty, making Liaodong and the inside of the pass only a very narrow passage through the Liaoxi Corridor.

But on the other hand, the existence of these three divisions also separated the Turks from outside the customs.

The scenery of the Northland is indeed majestic.

Especially all the way from Xijing, it is not all grasslands, but rolling mountains, surging rivers, green grasslands in between, very vast.

It can be seen along the way that all tribes still live in a very backward nomadic shooting and hunting lifestyle, and most of them wear fur robes and grass clothes.When they saw Luo Cheng, a huge team passing by, they were very hospitable.

They drove cattle and sheep one after another, and came to trade with the accumulated fur.For these remote Saibei tribes, sometimes they may not see a foreign caravan for a month or two.

They want to change salt.

I heard that it was the commander of the Han family from the Central Plains, and the team also brought many good things from the Central Plains, such as salt, tea, fine wine, silk cloth, etc., so they excitedly drove all the cattle, sheep and horses in the tribe, except for keeping The female animals that are giving birth, the male animals that are kept for breeding, and some animals that are kept for milking and eating meat, all want to exchange them for things.

For these small tribes, Luo Cheng generously accepted their trading requests, and even offered a very good trading price.

So they went north all the way, and tribes kept coming to trade. They drove cattle and sheep, pulled furs, and even some strange medicinal materials.

Luo Cheng would not refuse anyone who came, and he couldn't change much anyway.This time he left Liaodong and went to Yehuling in secret, but in Xidi, he did it semi-openly. He even organized a caravan to accompany him on purpose as a cover.

The merchants were willing to come out with Luo Cheng, because with Luo Cheng around, they would not be in the slightest danger if they went deep into the northern part of the Great Wall under the protection of the loyal soldiers. They could also take the opportunity to explore the route and find better business opportunities.

However, if you go deep into the grassland, it will be a little harder, but the rewards will be good. Trading here is very profitable.

In the horse market in Liaodong, Luo Cheng offered a horse in exchange for [-] catties of tea.But the merchants traded with these tribes on the banks of the Laoha River, and they exchanged twenty catties of tea for a good horse.

When the Laoha River was about to flow into the Xiliao River, Khitan Khan, Songmo Governor, Prefect, and Songmo Hou Yang Guozhong rushed over with a large team.

He has already heard about the agreement Luo Cheng reached with the Kedu Zhe in Rao Le City, and he has long been envious of him.

So before Luo Cheng arrived at his Songmo City, he took the initiative to summon eight thousand tribe warriors, and he also brought his very beautiful younger sister.In addition, he also organized a large number of cattle, horses and camels.

In the distance, Dahe Duoluo came galloping on horseback and shouted loudly, "Guozhong is late to greet the commander, please punish him."

He jumped off his horse when he was dozens of steps away from Luo Cheng, then ran to Luo Cheng, knelt down on the ground, and hugged Luo Cheng's thigh directly.

"Father has worked hard from afar."

Luo Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, "Your son was adopted as my foster son, you and I should be of the same generation."

But Duo Luo said, "I call my son Dad, it's the same."

It's not without reason that Du Luo worked so hard. The horse purchase agreement reached between Ku Moxi's Kedu and Luo Cheng was too tempting, and he wanted it too.

After Duo Luo euphemistically explained his request, Luo Cheng readily agreed.

After all, Duo Luo didn't mention it at first, and he would take the initiative to bring up this trade. Now Duo Luo took the initiative to mention it, and even expressed early that he would lead eight thousand Khitan white horses and green cattle warriors to go with his father to Yuantai who couldn't open his eyes. Zuo.

How could Luo Cheng refuse.

Luo Cheng worked so hard to come to Xiqi and Xiqi this time, not just to discuss trade cooperation, trade is just a pretext, and Dayuan Taizuo is just a cover.

Luo Cheng's real purpose is to fight Yuan Taizuo as an excuse, so that each of the two tribes will send an elite to him, but after Luo Cheng brings the two tribes to Liaodong, he will definitely find a way to pull them into the customs of.

This will not only prevent them from being pulled over by the Jiangdu court to threaten their backyard at critical times, but also greatly enhance the strength of the Zhongwu Army.

Duo Luo said that although he has several daughters, they are either too young or too ugly to be worthy of you, Dad. Fortunately, I have a younger sister who is very young and beautiful, and she also admires you very much In the name of a hero, so now I boldly beg Father, if you don't dislike her, please accept my sister.

With that said, he pulled the girl over.

It was a very fit girl, she had Khitan-style hair, like a man, most of her hair was shaved off.She kept a bunch of long hair in the middle of the top of her head, combed it into a bun, stood upright on the top of her head, and then shaved off the hair around the bun to form hair circles on both sides of the top of her head, leaving two locks of long hair in front of her forehead, hanging down. In the ears and temples.

This hairstyle is a common hair style for Khitan women. Both men and women in Khitan have bald hair, but men have more types of hairstyles and generally keep less hair, while women have fewer hairstyles and keep more. .

There are common shawl hair, short hair with ears, short hair with bangs, board inch and so on.

Originally, it would be ugly for a woman to wear her hairstyle like this, but this girl named Qingfeng has this hairstyle, which makes people feel very individual, especially highlighting her cold and handsome face.

He is really good-looking, and it doesn't matter if he has a hairstyle or not.

Compared to Miss Mingzhu's initiative and enthusiasm, this girl Qingfeng looked extremely cold and arrogant, like a rose with thorns, aloof and glamorous.

"Are you hard to beat?"


"Are you good at riding a horse?"


"There is no basis for saying it. If you can shoot arrows better than me and ride better than me, then I will marry you. Otherwise, no matter what kind of commander you are in the Central Plains or the Duke of the State, I will not marry a company. I'm not as good as a man."

Looking at such a girl with personality, Luo Cheng couldn't help laughing. He waved his hand to signal Duo Luo not to speak, "Okay, let's have a discussion."

This cold and arrogant Qingfeng girl is indeed good at riding and shooting, but Luo Cheng is still superior.

After the competition, Luo Cheng's riding and shooting skills won rounds of applause from the soldiers of the Xi and Qi clans. Da He Qingfeng jumped off his horse and said, "You won. From now on, you are my man."

Da He Duo Luo heaved a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that something bad would happen to this girl.

"Commander, I, the eight thousand Khitan warriors, are willing to fight with Commander!"

Luo Cheng jumped off the horse with a smile, and then stretched out his hand to pat Dahe Duoluo who was approaching, "Don't worry, Lord Songmo, I, An Dongdao, will also buy horses with you, as much as you have, and give them to Xi The king's conditions are the same."

Dahe Duoluo trembled with excitement. The Khitan was sandwiched between the Turks, the Great Sui Dynasty and the Goguryeo three powerhouses. These years, they have not been less splinted. In the early years, they were briefly strong for a period of time, and that was in the Northern Zhou Dynasty. At that time, both Turkic and Goguryeo were greatly weakened by the Central Plains attack and civil turmoil.

The Khitan Eight Divisions were also strong and strong at that time, and they seemed to be rising stars in the Northeast.

But later the Sui Dynasty only sent one envoy, borrowed a troop from the Turks, and ran thousands of miles away, killing the eight tribes of the Khitan with countless casualties. It was many years later that the current Xinbabu was reorganized, and the Dahe family was the leader of the Xinbabu alliance.

Over the years, Dahe Duoluo has always adhered to one thing, that is, to ignore the Turks, but cling to the thighs of the Sui Dynasty in the Central Plains. With this, he finally recovered some improvement slowly.

The last time Sui Luocheng attacked the Turks, Dahe Duoluo thoroughly experienced the power of the Central Plains Dynasty. Even though he had suffered heavy losses in the expedition to Goguryeo, only one frontier general could wipe out the 30 troops at the beginning and the end.

With such strength, Duo Luo reminded himself from time to time that he must never be an enemy of Sui and Luo.

Compared with the emperor of the Sui Dynasty who gave him his name, Duo Luo felt that the commander of the Zhongwu Army who was right beside him was a greater threat to them, and now, Luo Cheng's border market trade and market horses made him even more nervous. Hold Luo into thighs.

There is a saying in the Central Plains that the current officials are not as good as the current management.

Luo Cheng can not only destroy their Khitan at any time, but also allow their Khitan to pass through the border market and become strong again. Maybe after Goguryeo and Turks are destroyed by the Sui Dynasty, their Khitan can replace them and become the new northern overlord.

And the key to all this lies in Luo Cheng.

(End of this chapter)

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