Chapter 693
Autumn is getting cooler.

In Jiangning City, several horses rode out at a gallop. These are the adopted sons of the prefect Du Fuwei.When Du Fuwei was in the south of the Yangtze River, he also adopted Luo Cheng's adopted son. He selected those brave and skilled soldiers around the [-]th and [-]th years in the army to adopt him as adopted sons.

Du Fuwei is only nineteen, but he has already adopted more than thirty adopted children aged sixteen or seventeen.

Later, Du Fuwei came to see the angel with a team of soldiers.

"When will Du Shuai leave for Jiangdu to meet the emperor?" the angel asked.

Du Fuwei changed into a purple robe and jade belt today. He was already a fourth-rank eunuch and a third-rank dismissal before.He didn't look so sharp when he put on his robe.

"Originally, I planned to go across the river with the angel to meet the emperor tomorrow and receive the seal of the soldiers. But I am worried about the rebels in Jiangxi, the situation there is urgent, and I will come back after seeing the emperor to get the seal. I am afraid it will be delayed again. Not long ago, I just heard that Zhao Taifu had entered Beijing from Kuaiji and was about to pass by, so I decided to go through the handover with Zhao Taifu first, and then go to Beijing to meet the emperor, so that after the court meeting, I can take a boat directly from Jiangdu to the south of the Yangtze River. gone."

Du Fuwei's words made the angel a little unexpected.

Angel hesitated.

Seeing him like this, Du Fuwei confirmed his judgment even more.

The emperor didn't want to promote him at all, but he just wanted to find a reason to transfer him away from Jiangnan. When he arrived in Jiangdu, the emperor had the final say on whether to kill him or imprison him. He didn't even have room to resist. nothing.

He is very clear about the reason of all this now, that is the tense relationship between Luo Cheng and the imperial court.

He has already received a letter from Luo Cheng, in which Luo Cheng told him a lot.

In a word, hold the soldiers and horses in your hands and wait for the situation to change.

Soldiers and horses are the foundation of the hands.

"What? Is there any embarrassment?" Du Fuwei smiled, "I also want to go to Jiangnanxi to suppress the rebellion as soon as possible."

The angel thought about it, "Zhao Taifu is also going to Jiangdu to meet the emperor, why not hand it over when he is in Jiangdu?"

"There is no way to hand over the errand of the Jiangnan appeasement in Jiangdu. Naturally, it should be handed over in Jiangnan. I have also sent people to the counties to send orders to summon the prefects and prime ministers of the counties. Besides, after the handover is completed, I'd like to immediately start recruiting soldiers, horses, food and grass to support Jiangnanxi counter-insurgency."

Jiangnan Road is extremely large, with many counties and counties, but now there are rebellions everywhere, and even the eastern counties, the most important center of Jiangnan Road, have lost several counties now, so Du Fuwei said that he could not come if he called the prefects. several.

The angel also wanted Du Fuwei to go to Jiangdu to meet the emperor first, but Du Fuwei insisted that the handover should be done with Zhao Yuankai in Danyang first, and what he said was beyond words, as if you would never leave if you didn't agree.

The scene was a little stiff for a moment, and finally the angel thought for a long time, "Please allow Du Shuai to send someone to Jiangdu to ask for instructions."

The news was quickly sent to Jiangdu.

Yang Guang then asked the prime ministers of Xiao Yu, "Is this Du Fuwei aware of something and deliberately refusing to enter Beijing?"

Yuan Chong said, "Maybe, but not necessarily. Since Du Fuwei said that he must first get the seal of the Jiangnan appeasement and handle the handover first, then His Majesty might as well agree to him. Let him cross the river when he gets the seal, and then accept it." It's not too late to come back."

Yuan Chong believed that Du Fuwei was young after all, and although Luo Cheng was in the same party, he must be moved by the high position of the appeasement envoy.

Xiao Yu was about to leave for Taiyuan, but at this time he still strongly stated that he could not hand over the seal to Du Fuwei, and just let him cross the river to Jiangdu.

"But will this alert Du Fuwei?" Yuan Chong asked.

So several prime ministers argued for a long time, and finally Yang Guang made a decision. The emperor said that Zhao Yuankai should give him the seal of Jiangnan Dao's appeasement envoy, and it would be fine for him to keep it for a few days.

a few days later.

Danyang, Jiangning.

Jiangnan appeasement envoy Zhao Yuankai handed over the appeasement envoy's commander-in-chief to Du Fuwei in front of the angels and the prefects, county officials, and captains of several counties.

Du Fuwei took it with a smile.

"Angel, please go back to rest first, and I will make some arrangements here. I will cross the river with Angel to Jiangdu to meet the emperor tomorrow morning, and then I can go directly to Jiangxi."

Seeing this, Angel and Zhao Yuankai left satisfied.

In the prefect's mansion.

Du Fuwei smiled and hugged Fu Gong Er.

At this time, Fu Gong Er was still the prefect of Xuancheng County.

"Now that you have the seal, what are you going to do next?" Fu Gong Er asked with a smile.

"I know the reason, I can't really go to Jiangdu, the commander also wrote to you, right?" Du Fuwei asked.

Fu Gong Er nodded, "The commander asked me to hold the soldiers and horses in my hand and advance and retreat with you."

This time, in order to attack Luo Cheng, the imperial court also took action against Luo Cheng's henchmen, using the method of rewarding and transferring. It is to let them go to Jiangdu to pay homage to the emperor.

Du Fuwei played with the handsome seal.

This handsome seal is still useful, it depends on how to use it.

"Kan Ling."

"The end is here!"

"Immediately lead your troops to surround the angel's post, and don't let anyone leave. Remember to keep it secret, and don't make a fuss."

"Wang Xiong's birthday!"

"The end is here!"

"Immediately take my seal and military order, go to Piling County, recruit Fubing County Yong, and take over Piling."

"Ximen Junyi, take my seal and military order and go to Wu County."

"Gong Er, you go back to Xuancheng immediately."

And Du Fuwei himself, on the grounds of going north to suppress the rebellion, assembled Danyang soldiers and horses, and went to Jurong Jingkou.

At this time, Jingkou, an important crossing of the Yangtze River, was an important place on the south bank, but it belonged to Jiangdu County. Jingkou Ferry, which also controls the canal, is very important.

Du Fuwei decided to seize here first.

"I seized Jingkouhui, and I will make a gesture of going north to attack Jiangdu here, but in reality I will be stationed at Beigu Mountain in Jingkou, and you will divide your troops and seize the time to control Xuancheng, Piling, and Wujun counties."

Either don't do it, or do it big.

"Isn't it too early for us to raise troops before Luo Shuai's mobilization?" Fu Gong Er asked.

"Are you afraid?" Du Fuwei asked back.

"I'm afraid of a bird." The man who once stole sheep from his aunt's house to feed Du Fuwei immediately expressed his attitude towards the teasing of his childhood friend. "I'm just afraid of disrupting the commander-in-chief's plan."

"Actually, if I want to tell you, the commander-in-chief could have rebelled a long time ago. The world is in such a state of chaos that the Sui family has been overthrown. Let's welcome the commander-in-chief as the emperor and establish a new dynasty. Confer a duke and a marquis, and a wife and son." Du Fuwei laughed loudly.

"Can we stop Jiangdu's soldiers?" Fu Gong Er asked again.

"Soldiers come to block, water comes and soil floods, if we can't stop, we will block, if we can't, let's run, we can go south or west, anyway, we are not fighting alone, what are we afraid of?" Du Fuwei said.

(End of this chapter)

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