Chapter 698

Facing the bronze mirror.

Yang Guang couldn't help thinking about why he ended up in this situation.

Yang Xuangan and Li Mi, who were born in Guanlong aristocrats, opposed him, and Pei Yun, Yu Shiji, and Pei Shiju, who were promoted by him from Jiangnan and Guandong gentry, deceived him. Brother Cheng also turned against him.

A cool autumn wind blew by, the emperor felt a little dizzy, and coughed a few times.

Before succeeding in seizing the throne, the emperor had guarded Jiangdu for nine years, and his best years were here. That time was the most relaxed and happiest time in his life, and it was also a comfortable period of time.He has long been accustomed to the climate here, especially the autumn in the south of the Yangtze River, which is not as dry as in the north, which always makes him feel comfortable.

But now, he is a little annoyed by the weather in Jianghuai.

He wants to go back to Luoyang, wants to tour the customs, and even wants to go to Saibei again, to Liaodong, to the Western Regions.

But now, he can't go anywhere.

Luo Cheng finally turned against him.

Du Fuwei raised troops in the south of the Yangtze River, and actually raised his troops to cause chaos in the name of the Qing emperor. With the seal of the Jiangnan appeasement envoy awarded by him, he has now occupied several cities such as Xuancheng, Piling, and Wujun.Du Fuwei even commanded [-] soldiers and horses, stationed in Jingkou, collected ships around, and put on a posture of crossing the river to attack Jiangdu.

Yang Guang didn't know whether Du Fuwei would call or not. He regretted that he didn't listen to Xiao Yu at the beginning, and he shouldn't have given Du Fuwei's damn appeasement letter. In the end, not only did he not deceive Du Fuwei Jiang Du came, but it gave him the convenience to rebel.With this seal, I don't know how many damn people have been deceived, and now they are doing rebellion in the name of the emperor of the Qing Dynasty.

Du Fuwei is Luo Cheng's fellow villager, and even his best friend who has followed him for many years. Now that he is making trouble, if he says that it is not under Luo Cheng's order, he will never believe it.

The blue sky, without any clouds, looks so high and so blue.

But Du Fuwei's rebellion is not the worst news.

The urgent report just delivered by the fast horse said that Mayi Ying Yanglang will kill the governor Wang Rengong for rebellion. He has claimed to be the governor of Mayi. Taiyuan.

There is no good news, but bad news comes one after another.

Liu Wuzhou's rebellion must be the same as Du Fuwei's rebellion.Liu Wuzhou once also served under Luo Cheng's command. Although he left Liaodong later, it is said that he respects Luo Cheng very much.

In front of the emperor's hall, there are more than 100 beautiful girls from all over the world. They are all young and beautiful, unmarried girls aged 16 to [-], with innocent family background and beautiful appearance.

Some of these people are from Jiangnan, some are from Huainan, some are from Henan, and some are from Shannan. They have already changed into the same style of palace gauze skirts. Clothed in silk, hair coiled up.

Is so young and beautiful.

The eunuch is checking and registering them, and then assigning these newly entered palace ladies to different bureaus.

A servant came over to ask the emperor if there was anyone who seemed to be lucky enough to appreciate it.

But the emperor was not in the mood, no matter how beautiful the beauty was, he couldn't move his heart at this time.

"Have Yuan Chong and Li Yuan arrived yet?" the emperor asked.

"The two prime ministers are coming."

After the two prime ministers Xiao Yu and Lai Hu'er left Beijing, now there are only two prime ministers Li Yuan and Yuan Chong left in Jiangdu.

"Do you think I can still trust Li Yuan? His daughter is Luo Cheng's concubine." The emperor seemed to ask the servant, but he was talking to himself.

The servant lowered his head, not daring to say anything.

Under the steps in front of the palace, the group of young girls secretly looked at the emperor from time to time. Compared with the emperor's worry, these young girls still had awe and admiration for the emperor. Secretly looking forward to being favored by the emperor, if the emperor is lucky, then he can fly on the branch and become a phoenix.

Not long after, the right servant shot Yuan Chong and Li Yuan, the servant of the Huangmen, arrived.

The two prime ministers came in a hurry, and they were even sweating in this cool autumn day.

"Is the defense ready?" the emperor asked directly.

Yuan Chong then reported that he had dispatched the Xiaoguo army to garrison Jiangyang City in Jiangkou according to the emperor's order, and sent Huainan troops to the two river islands of Guizhou and Yangzijin in the Yangtze River, and also sent troops to Jiangdu. Hailing and Liuhe on the left and right sides.

In addition, Jiangdu Palace and Yangzi Palace also sent additional Xiaoguo troops to garrison them.

But the emperor was obviously not satisfied, he said, "I heard that the Xiaoguo army had people who fled fearing the war, and there were a lot of them?"

Yuan Chong then said that there were indeed Xiaoguo soldiers who escaped, but only a very small number of people escaped. Those people were newly added before, and some were formerly captured rebels and bandits.

The emperor hummed, nodded, and then made a chopping gesture, "I don't care who these people were in the past, but since they joined the Xiaoguo army, they are the emperor's guards. The battle is imminent. If you want to escape, this example cannot be opened, this trend cannot last, immediately send the Xiaoguo army to hunt down, capture all the fugitives, and then publicly execute them."

Li Yuan reminded the emperor that the situation is tense now, and if the deserters are killed, it may cause even greater anxiety.If he is not caught, he will be punished with twenty lashes, and then ordered to be sent back to the army to continue serving.

But the emperor refused, "How can we let these deserters return to the army and kill them?"

The emperor thought for a while and said, "Take a batch of money and silk from the treasury and distribute it to the soldiers of the Xiaoguo Army."


"Liu Wuzhou of Mayi killed Wang Rengong and claimed to be the governor. He has seized the three counties of Mayi, Yanmen, and Loufan, threatening Taiyuan at all times. And Du Fuwei deceived my Jiangnan pacifier, Yin Xin, and raised troops in the name of the Qing emperor. In the rebellion, most of the cities in the four counties of Xuancheng, Danyang, Wujun, and Piling have been captured, and troops are stationed at Jingkou, threatening Jiangdu."

"Yuan Chong, Li Yuan, what can you do to calm the chaos?"

Faced with this situation, Yuan Chong has no good solution. He was originally a secretary and supervisor, and a minister with a good essay. Facing the emperor's inquiry, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and say, "I think the biggest official in the imperial court is now. The enemy should be Luo Cheng, although Luo Cheng has not rebelled yet, but in fact has already rebelled. Therefore, I think that at this time the court has no choice but to show its attitude and attack."

Li Yuan said, "If there is a crusade order, there will be no room for turning around this matter."

"There is already no room left. Hesitating any further is just conniving at Luo Ni. Although I am not talented enough to fight against His Majesty's army, I have a strategy to offer to calm the chaos."

"Oh, if you have any good ideas, tell me quickly."

Yuan Chong's strategy was very simple, but it made the emperor's face look ugly when he said it, because he suggested to the emperor to concentrate on dealing with Luo Cheng first, so the emperor could issue an order to recruit Li Mi, Meng Rang, Zuo Caixiang, Li Zitong, and Wei Dao Er, Wang Xuba and others, as long as they are willing to accept the recruitment, then the imperial court can grant them the military post of the twelve guards or the prefect of the county, even the title of marquis.

There is only one condition for recruiting security, to obey the dispatch of the imperial court and crusade against the rebel general Luo Cheng.

"Your Majesty, use Zuo Caixiang and Li Zitong to attack Du Fuwei in the south of the Yangtze River."

"Use Li Mi and Dou Jiande to attack Shandong Luogui."

"Use Wang Xuba and Lu Mingyue to attack Liaoxi, and use Wei Daoer and other bandits from the east of the river to attack Liu Wuzhou!"

"You can even send people to contact Goguryeo in Liaodong and Turks in Mobei, and join forces to fight for rebellion!"

The right servant shot Yuan Chong's words astonishingly.

(End of this chapter)

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