Chapter 711 Twelve Emperors


in the palace.

Facing the urgent memorials handed up like snowflakes, the emperor was at a loss.

He thought that he was just depressed for a while, and after killing the four traitors, he would naturally be able to cheer up again and restore Chao Gang.But who would have thought that the current situation has reached such a point.

Luo Cheng, the young hero he once admired and trusted the most, now openly rebelled, supported Qi Wang Yang Hao to proclaim himself emperor in Liaodong, and respected himself as the Supreme Emperor?

And when Dou Jiande of Hebei made his first Eastern Expedition in the seventh year of Daye, there was only a 200-man leader under Luo Cheng's command, and now he is also proclaimed emperor according to the Lixia Kingdom of the Nine Commanderies of Hebei.

There is also Meng Rang, who was just a sixth-rank master of Qi County before, but now he is also proclaiming himself emperor and building Qi State in Lujiang County in Huaixi.

There is also Xiao Mian, who is only the magistrate of Luochuan County in a district. It was because he was a cousin of Empress Xiao that he was given an official position by the kindness of his relatives. As a result, he now rebelled under the banner of the royal family of the Liang Dynasty and proclaimed himself emperor in Jiangling. In the Liang Dynasty, hundreds of officials were set up, and according to the old rules of the Liang Dynasty, they recruited troops wantonly.

There is also Lin Shihong, the general of the rebel Cao Shiqi. Cao Shiqi died in battle. Lin Shihong led his troops and captured Yuzhang and Jiujiang.

"Your Majesty, there is also Xue Ju and his son in Jincheng, Longyou, who killed officials and rebelled. First they called themselves the Overlord of Western Qin, and then they pretended to be the Emperor of Qin, and moved their capital to Qinzhou."

"There is also Li Gui of Hexi, who was originally a powerful man in Gansu, and he also started a rebellion. He called the king of Daliang in Hexi, and when Xue Ju became emperor, he also assumed the title of emperor. towards."

"Shen Faxing, a powerful man of the Three Wus, also arrogated himself as the emperor, established the Liang Dynasty, established his capital in Yuhang, established his reign as Yankang, and set up hundreds of officials."

"Other Shuofang Liang teachers are called Emperor Liang, Li Zitong is called Emperor Chu, and Zuo is called Emperor Wu."

The following prime minister, Yuan Chong, reported to the emperor, but the more Yang Guang heard it, the more painful his headache became.

"Is this going to turn my Great Sui Dynasty into a Warring States period?"

"Your Majesty, they are just a bunch of jumping clowns." Li Yuan, the servant of the Huangmen, said.

But this time the emperor will not believe this lightly.

"What about Li Mi, why didn't Li Mi proclaim himself emperor and establish a dynasty?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, Li Mi voted for Meng Rang before, and although he divided his troops into Henan, he is still under Meng Rang's command on the surface. After Meng Rang proclaimed himself emperor, Li Mi was appointed King of Wei."

Dou Jiande, Emperor of Xia, Meng Rang, Emperor of Qi, Liang Shidu, Emperor of Qin, Xue Ju, Emperor of Liang, Xiao Xian, Emperor of Liang, Wu Faxing, Emperor of Liang, Li Zitong, Emperor of Chu, Lin Shihong, Emperor of Chu, Zuo Caixiang, Emperor of Wu .

The ten rebels proclaimed themselves emperor, not counting his own son Yang Hao also proclaiming himself emperor.

Now there are twelve emperors in total in this world, including two Emperors of Sui, three Emperors of Liang, two Emperors of Chu, and one each of Xialiang, Wu, Qi and Qin.

This is not counting the anti-imperialists and anti-kings that the court has eliminated in recent years, such as the former emperor Yang Xuangan of Chu, Liu Yuanjin of Wu Emperor, and other messy kings such as this emperor and that emperor.

"Has this world reached this point?" asked the emperor.

Li Yuan lowered his head and didn't speak, but he was thinking in his heart, these are only the emperors, but even though these emperors are based in seven or eight counties, and they are based in four or five counties, they are not considered the strongest now. of.

The real strongest son-in-law Luo Cheng, the Duke of Chu who only supported King Qi in the foreground, is now the strongest anti-king.

"Your Majesty, although there are many traitors, there are still many loyal people. For example, the governor of Beiping, Dugu, is loyal. Yang Hao, the false emperor of Liaodong, sent people to persuade Dugu to surrender, but Dugu not only killed the envoy and refused to surrender, but also I went to Fanyang alone, and when I learned that Xue Shixiong wanted to join the enemy and rebel, I immediately used my plan to kill Xue Shixiong, seize Fanyang City, and regain control of the soldiers and horses of Fanyang Mansion, so that the imperial court retained Beiping and Fanyang."

This news finally reassured the emperor a little bit, "The country is in trouble and thinks of loyal ministers. Zhao Guogong is really worthy of being a relative of the emperor and a pillar minister of the country. He drafted an imperial edict to confer the title of Zhao Guogong as the crown prince and the third division , merged Fanyang Mansion and Beiping Governor's Mansion into Fan Yang Jiedu Mansion, appointed Dugu usurper as Fan Yang Jiedu envoy, let Dugu usurp and Hebei appeasement envoy Li Jing work together to suppress bandits and quell the chaos."

"Your Majesty, Li Jingzhan is dead."

Yuan Chong said with regret on his face, in this chaotic situation, Li Jing would inevitably insist on being loyal to the emperor and protecting the country, and finally died in the king's affairs, which is extremely rare.

"Li Jing is dead?"

This news caught the emperor by surprise, it was even more shocking than Li Jing defecting to Luo Cheng.

"When fighting the traitor Dou Jiande, he was lost in the battle."

The emperor let out a long sigh.

Too many Zhu kingdoms fell in the Sui Dynasty.

If this one fell down, wouldn't there be only Dugu usurping in Hebei to support himself and fight alone?
There was a long silence in the hall.

"Your Majesty, I think that in the current situation, we should do everything possible to calm the chaos, and use both suppression and appeasement." Yuan Chong said.

"What's your plan?"

"The best strategy is to pardon Luo Yi, Luo Cheng, Luo Siye, Luo Gui, Zhang Xutuo, Liu Wuzhou, Du Fuwei, etc., pardon their crimes, appease them, and then let them send troops to conquer those who pretend to be emperors and kings."

Yang Guang looked at Yuan Chong like he was looking at a fool.Luo Chengcheng has reached this point, how could he still accept recruitment?

"What about Zhongce?"

"The middle strategy is to recruit Li Mi and others, and then order them to attack Luo Cheng and other rebels, and send people to contact Turkic, Goguryeo, Xi, Khitan and other tribes, and let them send troops together."

"But they were either scared of being beaten by Luo Cheng, or they had a good relationship with Luo Cheng, why did they listen to the court?" Li Yuan asked.

Yuan Chong gritted his teeth, "As long as they agree to send troops to help quell the chaos, Your Majesty can promise to cede their land or give them gold and silk women after the matter is completed. For example, the Monan Hetao will be handed over to the Turks, and Liaodong will be given to Goguryeo. Give Liaoxi to Xi and Khitan."

"You are a traitor!"

Li Yuan said coldly.

"A country will not be a country." Yuan Chong just replied like this.

Yang Guang thought about it, and now it seems that there is no other way.

"Alright, Yuan Qing, you are in charge of this matter."

Yuan Chong quickly came up with a package of appeasement plans, and then confronted the emperor.

"Award Li Mi as Taiwei, Shangshuling, Dongnandao Daxingtai Shangshuling, Wei Guogong?"

"Your Majesty, as long as Li Mi is willing to obey the imperial edict to quell the chaos, then we can also promise him that after the matter is completed, we will call him to Beijing to assist the government. The minister thinks that we can first let Li Mi go east to annihilate Zhang Xutuo and Luo Gui in Shandong, so that we can get rid of them." Lose Luo Cheng's tentacles in the Central Plains. Prevent him from leading his army directly from Liaodong to Shandong, and don't give him this landing springboard."

Of course, it's not too late to deal with Li Mi after the matter is done.

And now Li Mi is blocked under the Eastern Capital, and he can't advance or retreat. He wants to attack the Eastern Capital with all his strength, but there are Yang Yipu's Hedong Army in the north, and Lai Hu'er and Chen Leng's troops in the south, so if an agreement can be reached with the court, He can also destroy Zhang Xutuo behind him first, and completely swallow Shandong.

"Your Majesty, beware of Li Yuan!"

(End of this chapter)

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