Chapter 713
North of Luoyang City, under Beimang Mountain.

Jin Yongcheng.

This city is just a small city on the northwest corner of Luoyang City, but the city is small and solid, and it is an important place for attacking the enemy and defending.In the Northern Wei Dynasty, it was one of the four towns in Henan.

This city was first built by Cao Pi on the basis of Luoyang City in the Eastern Han Dynasty. It has gone through Cao Wei, Western Jin, Northern Wei, Zhou and Sui dynasties for more than [-] years.

At the beginning of the Northern Wei Dynasty when the capital was moved to Luoyang, he lived in this city for a period of time because the palace was not completed.

Because this city is adjacent to Mang Mountain in the north and Luoyang in the south, it has a very important military position. Therefore, after Li Mi attacked Luoyang and cleared the periphery, he directly set up his base camp in Jinyong City.

In the Hall of Light Pole.

Li Mi, king of Wei of Qi, was looking at a map.

After he and Meng Rang divided their forces to go northward, it went very smoothly at first, taking down more than ten counties. However, Zhang Xutuo and Luo Gui counterattacked and took back the land on the east bank of the canal.

All of these were due to Zhu Can's failure to obey the order. Zhu Can abandoned Shandong and ran to Hebei. In the end, he was defeated and died, and he lost Shandong.

His original plan was to take Luoyang with all his strength first, and then go back to fight Shandong.

But who knows, although Wang Shichong lost three battles and three defeats under his hands, he is very tenacious.Guarding Luoyang City to the death, actually blocked his attack.

It has been a few months, and he has captured all the periphery of Luoyang, making Luoyang an isolated city, but he still cannot capture Luoyang.

However, Meng Rang, this idiot, used his light to attack the base in Huaixi during this period of time, and now he has established a country based on the land of ten counties and proclaimed himself emperor, named Qi Emperor.

This made Li Mi simmer with anger and wanted to explode, but Luoyang City hadn't fallen yet, so it wouldn't do any good if he had a fight with Meng Rang at this time, and it would affect the morale of the army instead.

So I can only hold back my anger even more, and be a so-called king of Wei in Mengrang.

And this king of Wei is not worth much, because Meng Rang has made dozens of kings, not only his own brothers, nephews and nephews are all made kings, but also many grass bandits under his command are also made kings, and they are tied with Li Mi .

In fact, Li Mi only conferred the post of Governor of Henan Province in this country of Qi, but on the contrary, those grassroots were awarded many important positions such as Shangshuling, Left and Right Servant, Shizhong, Zhongshuling, and Shangshu. He was awarded the title of three masters and three princes.

This made Li Mi even more dissatisfied. If Li Mi hadn't played such a big role in Henan, how could so many people have attached themselves to Meng Rang?
Without him, Li Mi is here to contain and attract the main force of the army, can Meng Rang have smooth sailing in Huaixi?

"An envoy came from Lujiang, saying that he was here by order of the emperor."

"Do you know what decree to pass?" Li Mi raised his head and asked.

"It is said that the emperor was very dissatisfied with the performance of the lord who was unable to attack Luoyang for a long time. Some people in the court said that the lord was incompetent, so the emperor sent someone to take over the lord's position and lead the army to attack Luoyang, and then recalled the lord to the court. It is said that The post of the Lord General!"

Li Mi couldn't help laughing.

"Meng Rang is an idiot, is he trying to seize my military power? I don't know which idiot's stupid advice he listened to!"

His rebellious remarks did not surprise his subordinates.

In fact, the entire Qi State in Henan, and even the Wei Army, have something to do with the Qi Army in Huaixi, and they have always developed independently.

Later, when Meng Rang became emperor, Li Mi only sent a congratulatory form.

The ridiculous thing is that Meng Rang was already a little impatient to seize Li Mi's military power, wanted to take the 30 Wei army in Henan into his command, and wanted to include the eight counties in Henan under Li Mi's command into his border map.

"Without me, Li Mi, could Meng Rang be the emperor?" Li Mi said disdainfully.

Don't look at Meng Rang who seems to have a lot of power now, but it's just because he doesn't have any strong opponents in Huaixi, so he took advantage of a loophole.

In terms of strength alone, Meng Rang's strength is average.

"My lord, why don't we get rid of them and just stand on our own. My lord can also be called an emperor and establish a country, so why should we show embarrassment to them?"

Li Mi just smiled.

"Nowadays there are twelve proclaimed emperors and eleven anti-emperors in this world. Everyone is eager to proclaim themselves emperor. It seems that they have several counties and tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and they are eager to get a taste of the emperor. But they don't know , people with real strength and vision will not be in such a hurry. What's the benefit of proclaiming emperor and king early?"

Li Mi was not in a hurry to proclaim himself emperor, and he didn't even put Meng Rang aside, but he just didn't want to focus on these internal struggles, and the cooperation would benefit both, and the momentum was huge.At least, although Li Mi didn't get any reinforcements from Meng Rang before, at least Meng Rang would not mess with him before, and would not threaten him from behind.

If he got rid of Meng Rang early, he was afraid that Meng Rang would come to conquer him, and then he would have to beware of Meng Rang in the south.

But Meng Rang didn't understand this. Luoyang City hadn't been captured yet, so he was in a hurry to seize power.


"My lord, there is an envoy from the Sui army outside, who said he came from Jiangdu, and came to confer titles and rewards on the lord."

Li Mi was a little surprised.

"Jiang wants to confer titles on me?"

"Did you make a mistake?"

"Why don't you let them come over, so let me hear what's unusual."

After the envoy came all the way to Jinyong City and read the emperor's edict to Li Mi.

Not only Li Mi was dumbfounded, but also the generals of the Wei army like Wang Bodang were also dumbfounded.

They rebelled for so long, seized the land of eight counties in Henan, and besieged Luoyang City, the eastern capital.As a result, the emperor now sent someone to add Li Mi as Shangshuling, Taiwei, and Wei Guogong, and also awarded him as Shangshuling of Dongnan Daoxingtai.


Li Mi burst out laughing, tears came out from the laughter.

He thought of the past, when Yang Guangchu succeeded to the throne, he was still young at that time, and he entered the personal guard with his father's shadow as a seventh-rank bodyguard, working in the palace.

In the end, the emperor asked Yu Wenshu to drive him out of the Qinwei mansion because he didn't lower his head obediently like the other guards, but because he looked up a few more times.

He also thought of how embarrassing he was when he accompanied Yang Xuangan in the army and fled after the defeat, and remembered the two years of living incognito.

Now, he is besieging Luoyang with soldiers, but the emperor wants to make him Taiwei, Shangshuling, Dongnan Daoxingtai Shangshuling, which is really ironic.

I used to be your bodyguard, but you ignored me, but now I rebelled against you, but you are coming to reward me.

"My lord, this stupid king is really out of his mind. He actually came to issue an edict to us. Which onion or bird is he? Come, beat this man with a club!" said a Wei general.

"Wait a minute!"

Li Mi waved his hands to stop his subordinates.

He stood up and straightened his clothes.

Then he walked in front of the messenger, bowed and cupped his hands, and accepted the imperial edict.

"My minister Li Mi leads the decree, thank you for my emperor's kindness!"

Li Mi received the order.

All the generals of the Wei army in the hall were dumbfounded, and even Li Mi's student Wang Bodang didn't expect that Li Mi was actually recruited.

(End of this chapter)

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