Chapter 719 San Francisco
"According to the agreement, after the city is captured, the land and population will belong to our loyal army, and the money, silk and livestock will belong to the Sanfan."

In Fuyu City, Luo Shixin said to the three long-awaited vassal kings.

"However, I am loyal to the military practice, and I will be rewarded according to military merits. This time I captured Fuyu City, mainly relying on various siege equipment such as Linchong, ladders, trench filling vehicles, catapults, and siege crossbows. Therefore, I should first give credit to the craftsmen. One piece, and one piece of great merit for the auxiliary soldiers pushing the chariot."

"The first to attack the city was the First Infantry Regiment of the First Section of the First Army. They climbed bravely first, and were awarded ten jumping and dang merits, [-] first ascending merits, and one first-class group merit."

Luo Shixin talked about rewards for meritorious deeds.

In the end, the three armies of Xi, Qi, and Yu of San Francisco were only responsible for the task of assisting in this battle, and they neither fell into the battle nor climbed first. Even Luo Shixin never let them attack the city, so the post-war merit Luo Shixin only gave them [-]% of the money, silk and livestock.

"The food obtained in the city will not be divided privately, and it will be reserved for military use."

"The rest of the money, silk and livestock are divided into ten points, and the San Francisco each takes one point, and the remaining seven points, three points are used as rewards for the siege ministries, two points are divided into pensions for the dead and disabled, and the remaining two points, Stay in the army."

"Do you have any objections to this loot distribution plan?"

Keduzhi, He Moduoluo, and Duolangemo all expressed no objection. Although they were still a little dissatisfied with the goods and livestock they had been allocated, they did not dare to be domineering in front of the powerful loyal army. This time they did not take on any main tasks, and there were almost no casualties of their own.

After yelling and yelling a few words, you can also get a share of the spoils, and the result is not bad.

"Since everyone has no objection, let's distribute according to this, but I have one thing to remind all generals, each restrain his own subordinates, especially the three feudal commanders, and your tribal troops must be restrained even more. You promise a lot, but allowing plunder is not one of them."

"From now on, the population of Fuyu City is the population of my Andong Road, so you are not allowed to plunder, slaughter, or rape at will. If anyone resists, don't blame me, Luo Shi, for not being sympathetic."

Kedu hurriedly said, "Please don't worry, Sixth General, we will naturally restrain our subordinates."

He left the commander and returned to his tent.

The saver sat there meditating.

"Why is father unhappy? But the Luo family doesn't care what they say?"

"Not at all. We didn't put in much effort to attack the city this time, but now we've got some spoils. There are more than ten thousand cattle, sheep, horses, camels and other livestock, and a lot of money and silk."

The son of Keduzhe said with a smile, "Unexpectedly, there are so many livestock coins and silks in Fuyu City, I sent them out."

"The Goguryeo people have more than forty cities here, and Fuyu City is the largest city. This time, the Goguryeo people have made some preparations. They have evacuated most of the people outside the city in advance, and evacuated as many supplies as possible into the main city. Among them, there are certainly a lot of people with money and food."

"Then why isn't father happy?"

Kedu then said to his son, "Before we asked the emperor of the Central Plains to marry the princess, and the Central Plains also agreed to marry the princess, and even granted me the title of marquis, the post of governor, and even the name of the country. But now , Luo Cheng established another emperor of the Yang family in Liaodong City, but this time when I looked at the Zhongwu Army, it was obvious that the emperor of the Yang family was just a puppet, and I guess Luo Cheng will soon establish himself as the emperor."

Those who can be saved are a little worried.

He wanted to hold the thigh of the Central Plains before, so he asked to marry the princess, but the princess has not yet been delivered, but after all, he is already the son-in-law of the Sui Dynasty in name, and he has to be given the surname Yang.

But now I heard that there are twelve emperors in the Central Plains, and they are rebelling everywhere.

And Luo Cheng, the mighty commander of the Zhongwu Army, also supported a prince from the Sui Dynasty as the emperor, and respected the original emperor as the Supreme Emperor. He was dumbfounded by the change of the situation.

"What is father worried about?"

"Even if Luo Cheng became self-reliant, we wouldn't be afraid. Didn't the eldest brother become a adopted son with Luo Cheng? Besides, my younger sister married Luo Cheng too."

"Having said that, the identity of the son-in-law of the Yang family is still a little sensitive. If you say that I ask Luo Cheng to change Yang's surname to Luo, what do you think?" Kedu asked.

"Can Luo Cheng replace Sui as the emperor?"

"I think it's very possible. Look at the attack on Fuyu. The Zhongwu army only took half a day to capture such a big city. I think I was called to Liaodong by the Sui Emperor to watch the battle. At that time, 30 to [-] Sui troops attacked Liaodong. It took a long time to attack the city, but the second time, the emperor used the Xiaoguo army and countless siege equipment to attack the city, and it took a long time to capture it."

a few days later.

King Xi Keduzhe, Khitan Khan Dahe Duoluo, and Bai Qiqin Duolong Gemo left behind their children to lead the army, and then they met to go south to Liaodong City.

They came to meet the new emperor in name, but in fact they came to show their loyalty to Luo Cheng.

"A request to change your last name?"

Luo Cheng met the three vassal kings at the Marshal's Mansion. Hearing that they were going to change Yang's surname to Luo's, Luo Cheng couldn't laugh or cry.The ability of these vassals to adapt to the wind is really strong.

She had already seen that the Yang family was failing, and was about to switch to him, Luo Cheng, and she was so blatant.

But it's not surprising that the three parts of Xi Qiqiong have always survived in the cracks. Naturally, only the strong are respected, otherwise they would not survive today.

For them, the Sui Emperor was far away in the Central Plains, and now they could not protect themselves. With so many emperors, they were not as powerful as Luo Cheng, the commander of the loyal military army around him, so they naturally decided that they should hold Luo Cheng's thigh tightly.

And Duo Lan Ge Mo didn't make it in time to ask for the princess of the Sui family last time and got the title of marquis and governor, so this time he wanted to ask for a title and official position.

Luo Cheng is still very satisfied with such a vassal king who knows current affairs.

He was still a little bit worried about the position of these vassal kings, but now he is relieved.

He pondered for a moment.

"The three of you are so loyal, I am very happy. Presumably the emperor will also be very happy. As for you saying that you want to change your surname, it is not impossible. This is your freedom. We will fully respect your choice."

Then Luo Cheng said again, "In order to commend your loyalty in sending troops to help the war, I will request your Majesty to grant Xi Han Kedu the name of Luo Guoqing in Han Dynasty, the title of Duke of Rao Le County in Jin Dynasty, and the title of Khitan Khan Da He Duo." Luo changed his name to Luo Guozhong and Jin made him the Duke of Songmo County; Song Feng Khan Duolan and Ge Mo changed his name to Luo Guoan, and granted him the title of Duke of Zhi (zhi) Yanjun."

Luo Cheng simply said that the land of Xi was Raole County, where the governor's mansion was set up, and each of the five ministries set up a county. Awarded to Luo Zhao Qian Sun Li.

The Khitan land is Songmo County, where the governor's mansion is set up, and each of the eight tribes is set up as a county. The chiefs of the eight tribes are all granted the title of county marquis and the post of county magistrate. Feng Chenxuan Wei eight surnames.

(End of this chapter)

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