Chapter 721
"Is it a little less for a household to be closed for a year and only give me two stones or a discount?" Fang Xuanling, the giver, asked.

The feudal system is a reward for meritorious officials, and rewards and punishments are also extremely important to the court. Unfair rewards and punishments will naturally cause injustice.

"There are not many. The Beijing official is of the first rank, and the Lumi is only nine hundred stones. The next one is a hundred stones. Up to the fourth rank, there are only three hundred stones. From the eighth rank, it is only fifty stones, and from the eighth rank and below. The positive nine follow the nine, and they don't even give salary."

Lu is Lumi.

It is paid on an annual basis, and is distributed twice a year.

The salary is money and is paid on a monthly basis, but at the beginning of the founding of the Sui Dynasty, officials had no salary.Although this salary was increased later, it was very little.

So in general, the salaries of officials in the Sui Dynasty were not high. Fortunately, there were Yongye Tian, ​​Zhifen Tian, ​​Gongxi Tian, ​​Gongxi Qian, Juetian, and Xuntian for officials.

What Luo Cheng meant was that although it was still under the banner of the Sui Dynasty, some things, especially the system, had to be fixed at the beginning, otherwise it would be difficult to change later.

Therefore, Luo Cheng is now changing the nobility system, re-introducing the ninth-class nobility, and has already started to confer nobility to the officials and generals.

Du Ruhui believed that fewer titles should be conferred, and he agreed with Yang Guang's approach, less conferring titles would make titles seem more precious, and at the same time increase the treatment of feudal princes.

Luo Cheng, on the other hand, believed that the title should be conferred and should be conferred, and he should not be too secretive. He couldn't be like Zhu Yuanzhang, who only conferred six dukes for the founding of the country.On the other hand, Zhu Yuanzhang's treatment for those princes and princes is indeed high. Although he explained that the princes are the same as raising pigs, this is due to historical reasons. Since the Song Dynasty, the princes have actually had no privileges. .

This is a historical trend. It is impossible to turn back the wheel of history and return the land of Kaifeng to the feudal lords.

Therefore, Luo Cheng's idea is that more titles can be conferred. Anyway, there are nine ranks, and conferring a knighthood to reward merits also shows glory.But on the other hand, in terms of the treatment of the Marquis, it has to be cut.

For example, if the real household is closed, it has to be controlled. The income from the closed household has also changed from the previous practice of directly assigning it to the people in the closed household. Instead, it is only a household number, which is converted into Lumi or salary according to the number of households, so that there is no relationship between the sealed Marquis and the common people. Direct contact, preventing them from collecting rents by themselves, can also prevent the feudal lords from having the opportunity to directly squeeze the people, and even cut off their personal attachments.

This is of great benefit to the imperial court.

Of course, there are still many other benefits for the feudal marquis. For example, they can be granted to the corresponding Yongye Tian according to their titles, but the quantity must also be changed. Originally, the king granted [-] mu of Yongye Tian, ​​but now Luo Cheng feels that it is necessary to release it. Granted.Just like there are virtual and real seals in the seal of the Marquis.

The prince falsely seals ten thousand households, but the real seal may only have a thousand households, so Luo Cheng also introduced this concept of real seal to Fenghou Yongye's field. One thousand mu or two thousand mu of industrial land, and these lands must be border lands with a lot of land and a small number of land.

In addition to conferring the title of Yongyetian, the other advantage of being a Marquis is that it is like a family shade. Children can study in the Imperial College, enter the pro-Xun Yiwei as a bodyguard, and even be directly elected to official positions in the future. This is the preferential treatment for noble children .

Even if it is a crime, as a nobleman, you can also negotiate nobles, so that they can enjoy special interrogations, enjoy noble treatment, and get certain reductions and exemptions.

Because of this, Luo Cheng is really not reluctant to have three counties and 22 marquises.

Luo Cheng directly granted the Yongye land of these princes to them on his own territory. As for the closed household Lumi, this is only a little bit. If you trade with them casually, you can earn more than this. up.

"Then their titles are hereditary?"

"It's the same, it's all hereditary downgrades, and every time you inherit it, you'll be downgraded to one level. When the title is downgraded to a baron, then you can be called a baron, or you can get the same political power as a baron. Let your children and grandchildren study in the Imperial Academy, enter the three mansions and choose guards, but they will no longer enjoy economic powers such as food seals, titles of Yongyetian, etc., and they will no longer be eligible to be directly elected to official positions."

"All descended to hereditary?"

"Yes, there is no hereditary nobility. If there is a feudal marquis with great merit, the emperor can issue a special decree to pass his title to his son without demotion, but a special decree can only be inherited once."

If you have great meritorious deeds from generation to generation, you can naturally ask for a special decree to inherit without demotion, but if you have no special meritorious deeds, you will be degraded by one grade every generation.

After being reduced to baronet, it can only be called jazz, and the title of nobility can no longer enjoy Yongyetian and food seals.

"Then after this downgrading, the number of food seals and Yongye Tian for this title? Will it also be downgraded?"

"Well, the number of closed households and Yongyetian will be reduced accordingly according to the title of the title, and the rest will be taken back."

There must be a system for everything, and if there is a system to follow, there will be no chaos.

"A person with a different surname cannot be crowned king."

Luo Cheng finally brought up this point. This is a rule that many dynasties would set at the beginning of the founding of the country. Although it is often broken in the end, but in that era, it is actually out of control. Usually at that time, the country is in danger. It's time.

At the same time, all feudal lords who have won titles do not enjoy the right to found a country, that is, they do not really establish a feudal country, and the princes are not allowed to have their own private armed forces, not even state officials.

In this way, this title is actually just equivalent to an official title, an honorary title, which can get some actual economic benefits and political privileges, but it doesn't have much power.It's like a state official, the possible household income is equivalent to the salary income of a first-rank official.

Now the Liaodong court has only conferred a few titles for the time being, but the original titles of the officers and generals are still recognized.Luo Cheng is planning to readjust his titles, such as granting titles to many meritorious officers and soldiers. After all, Yang Guang changed his titles before, so there are very few people with titles.

Canonization, of course, can also inspire the soldiers.

Before Wei Zheng suggested that Luo Cheng should be named the King of Qin, Yang Hao had no objection. Anyway, he is staying in Liuhe Palace now, and he is actually under house arrest in the palace. Come on, people from outside can't get in.

Luo Cheng also basically didn't go to see him, so that this man now understands that he has been fooled by Luo Cheng, but what can he do.

Luo Cheng did not agree to the title of King of Qin, he thought it was not the time.

"Everyone, Fuyu City has been captured now. Although there are still surrounding cities that have yet to be captured, there is no need to worry. I think we can start to adjust the deployment now and prepare to enter the customs and go south." Luo Chengdao.

Fuyu City has also been captured, Xi Qiqiong and the San Francisco are now completely on their side, and the troubles in Liaodong have been lifted. Luo Cheng believes that the time has come.

"Winter is coming soon, will we also send troops in winter?" Fang Xuanling asked.

"Winter is not suitable for sending troops, but Dugu usurped stabbed us, and stabbed us very badly. We have to respond, take down Fanyang in Beiping, and we will be able to connect with Zhuojun and Yunnei of Siye. In this way, The Liaodong Zhongwu Army, the Dingxiang Xuanwu Army, and the Daibei Yiwu Army unite to sweep the Central Plains!"

The three armies are united, but there is no need to worry about being defeated individually.

The food in Liaodong can also support the Yiwu Army in Daibei and the Xuanwu Army in Dingxiang. The strength of the two armies can also strengthen the military strength of the Zhongwu Army.

"Okay, let's start planning."

"Yuan Taizuo hasn't responded yet?"

"It has been replied. His envoy just arrived in Liaodong City and said that he asked the general to stop the army and is willing to negotiate peace."

Luo Cheng chuckled, "Don't worry, just leave him alone, and wait for Shixin to level up and capture the entire Fuyu River, and then we can talk to Yuan Taizuo, then I will have the initiative!"

(End of this chapter)

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