Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 730 Don't even try to separate me and Xiaoguo

Chapter 730 Don't even try to separate me and Xiaoguo
In troubled times, everyone is just trying to survive.

Princess Izumo was also implicated because her husband Luo Siye betrayed the emperor. Although the emperor was not willing to kill this beloved daughter, he confined them in the mansion and did not allow them to enter the palace again.

If she hadn't desperately protected each other, their son Jiajun would have been gifted to death by the emperor.

"Your Highness, please take Xiao Langjun with you and prepare to leave."

The maid Qingniao came in.

"Leave, where are you going? Is Your Majesty going to move to Danyang?" Izumo has been confined in the mansion for a while, and Izumo is not clear about the situation outside. He thought it was the emperor who wanted to move to Danyang, and then asked the two of them to leave too. .

"Your Highness, Jiangdu is no longer safe. Jiangnan pacifier Du Shuai has led his troops to Liuhe, only [-] miles away, and has divided his troops to capture Gaoyou City in the northeast of Jiangdu."

Izumo wondered how this servant girl knew so much information, but she still said, "Jiang has a hundred thousand Xiaoguo army and Huainan soldiers, everything will be fine."

"Your Highness, the Xiaoguo army is plotting to rebel, and this place is no longer safe."

"Rebellion? Who did you listen to?"

"Your Highness, you don't need to know this, but everything I say is the truth."

Seeing the maid who was usually cautious, her tone of voice was completely different at this time, the princess couldn't help but carefully sized up the maid.She remembered that this maid seemed to be given to the couple by her uncle Luo Cheng when they got married. At that time, dozens of servants were sent, including rough envoys, cooks, maids, coachmen and coachmen.

"Are you from Goro?" the princess asked.

Blue Bird neither admitted nor denied, "Your Highness, please leave here first."

But the princess shook her head, "If you don't tell me the truth, I won't go with you."

"You don't have to answer me directly, but you can nod or shake your head. You're from Goro, right?"

Blue Bird stood there, and finally nodded after a long time.

The princess let out a long breath. She didn't expect that the maid beside her for a long time would be Luo Cheng's eyeliner, and she didn't realize it before.

"Goro asked you to come and take us away?"

Blue Bird nodded again, this time she did not hesitate.

"Tell me what happened to the Xiaoguo Army's rebellion, and tell me everything you know."

The blue bird stopped talking.

"You don't have to say it, but I won't leave either. If I don't leave, I won't let you take Jiajun away."

"Princess, that's your son too."

"I know, but there are still my father and mother in the palace. I can't walk away by myself!"

Seeing the resolute look of the princess, Qingniao was helpless, weighed for a long time, and finally said, "I don't know much, I only know that there are many Xiaoguo who are planning to escape, and then someone is plotting to rebel, this person's position is not low , and he has already won over many accomplices."

"Who wants to rebel?"

"I don't know!" Qingniao shook his head, "I just received an order that I must take His Highness and Xiao Langjun away from here, and someone outside will come to meet him."

"You must know."

"No, I really don't know."

Seeing that she couldn't ask any more questions, the princess got up and turned to the gate.

"Your Highness?"

The princess wanted to enter the palace and told the important news to her father and queen mother, but the soldiers guarding the door did not let her go out.

"According to His Majesty's will, Her Royal Highness, the Princess, is requested to rest in the mansion and not to go out."

"Step aside!"

"Please don't embarrass us, Your Highness the Princess!" The guard guarding the gate refused to accommodate at all.

When she was about to rush forward, the guards had already raised their spears.

Back in the hall, the princess called the blue bird.

"You must have a way to communicate with the outside world, right?"

Bluebird didn't speak.

"I'll make a deal with you, you guys can find a way to help me send a letter, and I'll go with you if it's done."

"Okay, I promise Your Highness."

The matter was urgent, and there was no time to ask for instructions, so Jade Bird agreed.

in the palace.

After all the princess's painstaking efforts, she finally delivered a message to the palace.

A palace official met Empress Xiao and told her, "His Royal Highness Princess Izumo said that the Xiaoguo Army is planning to rebel!"

"Do you know who is planning to rebel, is there any evidence?" the Queen asked.

The palace man shook his head, she was just a messenger, how could she know these people.

The queen got up, "I'm going to see His Majesty, you come with me."

Empress Xiao finally met the Son of Heaven. When she finished speaking, the Emperor glared at her and said, "Ji'er has changed. She is no longer my favorite princess. The married daughter is completely facing outsiders. She is now facing that surnamed Luo. How can I believe her words, she must want to provoke me and the Xiaoguo soldiers."

"Your Majesty, Jier will definitely not be like this. Please investigate carefully, even if you call the princess into the palace to meet her."

The emperor asked her, "Didn't I already order the princess to be confined, how did she pass the message to you?

"Could it be that you used the name of the princess to separate me from Xiaoguo?"

The queen had no choice but to say that it was the princess who asked a palace servant to send a message to her.

"Bring that palace man in."

When the palace maid was brought in in fear, the emperor didn't want to hear a word from her.

"How can you, a palace man, be able to manage this matter? You have committed an affair outside the palace without permission, and it is a death penalty! Someone, pull it out, and hang it!"

"Your Majesty, why punish a palace servant?" Empress Xiao pleaded for the palace servant.

But the emperor was cold-blooded and ruthless at this time.

"The current situation is chaotic, and the rules are disappearing more and more. I must punish these people properly!"

The palace man yelled for mercy, but was dragged down and hanged directly.

Empress Xiao's heart was extremely cold, the emperor at this time was extremely ferocious, he was no longer the emperor she knew at all.

"From now on, don't worry about the outside affairs, I will deal with it myself!" The emperor said coldly to the queen, "Come here, send the queen back to the palace."

Empress Xiao took leave with a wry smile.

When Empress Xiao returned to the palace, another palace servant came to deliver a message.

Empress Xiao just shook her head and said to the palace, "You can tell the princess, just say that the situation in the world has reached this point, and there is no way to save it. Needless to say, don't bother Your Majesty. If you offend Your Majesty, Instead, you will be punished and vent your anger."

Daye 12 years, the third day of November.

In the name of strengthening Jiangdu city defense, Sima Dekan convened the generals of the Xiaoguo army in the city to discuss matters.

During this period of time, all kinds of rumors were flying in Jiangdu City, especially the rumor that the emperor Yizheng brewed a lot of poisonous wine to poison the northern Xiaoguo, leaving the southerners alone.

Many Xiaoguo soldiers are panic-stricken.

And Sima Dekan and others have also stepped up the connection during this period, and now many Xiaoguo troops have joined their plan.

Therefore, at this meeting, Sima Dekan announced their rebellion plan directly in front of all the generals and schools.

"But listen to the general!"

The generals and schools who had already joined in secretly expressed their willingness to follow along. Although some low-level military schools were panicked, it was obvious that so many people had already stood up and wanted to do it, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet and agree.

(End of this chapter)

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