Chapter 75
"I dare not take the credit." Luo Cheng said.

"If there are mistakes, you will be punished, and if you have mistakes, you will be rewarded. Otherwise, there is no way to command the army." Zhang Xutuo's voice was very calm, and he was sitting in the hall of the county government. He did not wear a helmet, his hair was tied up in a bun, and an iron hairpin Tie up and look smart.

"You and Qin Qiong let Wang Bo escape, so I won't transfer you to Qi County, and I won't invite you any more. But you have made five major contributions, and you must be rewarded."

He sipped his tea.

Letting Wang Bo go and losing the ninth-rank official rank that he could have obtained instinctively, Luo Cheng wondered whether his original decision was right or not?

But he didn't regret it, anyway, it's useless to regret what happened.

"You can ask for anything, you deserve it."

Luo Cheng didn't think about it for a while, but this is indeed an opportunity.And he deserved this reward, after all, his brothers fought hard for it.

"Dare to ask Juncheng, Zhangqiu Wang Yong participated in the conspiracy, how did his family and property be disposed of?"

"Wang Yong is wanted on the run, and Wang Yong's father and others in Wangzhuang have already been searched and arrested by me. The property of the Wang family was confiscated and the family members were exiled on Salmon Island, Denglai County. Why, you want to intercede for them? "

Luo Cheng shook his head.

Although they are neighbors with the Wang family, they really have no friendship. They are just acquaintances with Wang Yong. At first, they wanted to make friends with him, but Wang Yong of Qingyang Villa avoided him. Afterwards, he almost died at the hands of their group. Here, Luo Cheng would not be so kind as to intercede for them.

"Do not."

"Juncheng, I want to make a request."

"You mention it."

Wang Yong's house and mine are originally next door, facing each other across a stream.My family has been poor for generations, but there are many people, but our Changbai Township has always been narrow and populated, so there is very little land in the family.I would like to ask Juncheng for some land rewards. It would be best if I could get Wang Yong's family, after all, it is next to my house, so I can take care of it. "

This request is not too much, Zhang Xutuo laughed after hearing this.

"What should I ask, of course I can promise you."

Military merit has its own set of calculation methods.

Luo Cheng has made five great achievements this time, so naturally there are many rewards.

Military achievements include jumping and swinging skills, pioneering skills, and first-level skills.In addition, there are collective military merits calculated according to the overall battle situation and results.

These credits are divided into several grades, which should be graded according to the actual situation.

In the end, each meritorious service can be rewarded with money and silk, and even if the meritorious service is great, it can be promoted.Luo Cheng's chance to be promoted is gone, but Zhang Xutuo didn't deprive him of the chance to reward him.

Even the fact that he let Wang Bo go was only known to them privately, and they did not announce it to the public.

"You beheaded a total of eight levels, captured fifteen bandits, captured seventeen horse mules, and a number of other supplies..."

Zhang Xutuo picked up a document that had already been counted, and read to Luo Cheng one by one.

In terms of the number of beheadings alone, Luo Cheng didn't have many. In this respect, he is not as good as Luo Laosi. Si finally had to make up for the knife and then grabbed the head.

Sometimes, after Luo Cheng knocks down a bandit, he doesn't have to make up for that knife, as long as the enemy has no fighting power.

However, although there were not many beheaded prisoners, Luo Cheng's performance was the most rare jumping and pioneering work that can be evaluated, plus a few small group battles, which were led by Luo Cheng and Qin Qiong, As a team officer, he naturally contributed more.

Calculated in this way, it is already a great achievement.

"Convert your achievements into rewards. How about rewarding you with a hundred copper coins and a hundred bolts of silk, and rewarding the rest of your achievements with land?"

Hundreds of coins and hundreds of pieces of silk are already extremely generous rewards. It can be seen that Zhang Xutuo is really good to him, even if he is not given to the official, these rewards make up for it.

"Xie Juncheng."

"From the confiscated fields of Wang Yong's family, I will give you a reward of one hundred acres."

A hundred coins, a hundred pieces of silk, and a hundred acres of land are far beyond the rewards they should have received, Luo Cheng remembered in his heart.

"Your brothers also have their own rewards. After receiving the rewards, they will follow you back to Zhangqiu County as errands."

When he came out of the hall, he met Zhang Yichen again.

"Little fifth brother, what reward did you get?"

"Back to the county magistrate, the county magistrate rewarded him with a hundred coins, a hundred pieces of silk and a hundred acres of land."

"Didn't you get an officer?"

"Jun Cheng asked his subordinates to return to Zhangqiu to continue their errands."

"No, it's impossible." Zhang Yichen was surprised, "Zhang Juncheng is very satisfied with you and Qin Qiong, and he praised you several times in front of me."

"The subordinate is not lying, it is true."

Compared with Luo Cheng's generous rewards, his brothers also had their own rewards, but relatively speaking, they were worse.

But compared with the average person, it is still a big reward.

Because Luo Si had more meritorious deeds on heads, he finally got fifty guanqian, fifty bolts of silk, and fifty acres of land.

Xiao Liu has forty pennies, forty bolts of silk, and forty acres of land.

Zhou Xin, Zhao Gui, Du Fuwei, and Fu all received the same reward, each with [-] guanqian, [-] bolts of silk, and [-] mu of land.

In addition, the silk rewards were all sent out directly, and there was no deduction at all.I even thought that the money that would be handed out would be Yangzhou white money, but in the end I got the meat, the authentic Kaihuang five baht meat that was four catties, three, two, and one thousand.

In addition, the military officer who gave the reward also told them with a smile, "They can also keep the Mingguang armor and Liangdang armor given to them before, and even the bows, crossbows, knives and spears they received in the county. Just record it in the Jiazhan Treasury of the county government.

"Juncheng sent a message to give each of you another horse."

The horses are the army horses that were seized when Wang Yonghu's eighteen thieves were annihilated, one for each of them.

These are additional rewards.

For the rest, such as the fine gold and silver seized by Luo Cheng and the others, no one came to them to ask them, and it was obvious that they tacitly agreed to belong to them.

"Xiao Wu, I got rich."

Luo Laosi was holding a pile of silk and a pile of meat worth five baht under his feet, and he was still biting a scroll of a fifty-acre land lease in his mouth.

"I'm rich."

His face was flushed.

"Fifth brother, there are so many rewards." Xiao Liu directly put forty pennies on his body, and more than 100 catties of heavy copper coins were hung all over his body.

Luo Cheng didn't pay much attention to those money silks. He first checked his own land deed, and then checked those of Xiao Liu and Lao Si, and found that the three of them had a total of 190 mu of land, which was indeed next door. Wang Zhuangwang's old ghost's family breathed a sigh of relief at the moment, this is all a good place.

This is the most valuable bounty.

"Did you see Second Brother?" Luo Cheng put away his smiling face and searched around the Yamen, but he didn't see Qin Qiong.

"Shubao has already left and returned to Qi County." Lao Jia walked over unsteadily, and glanced at the money and silks Luocheng under their feet, "It's enviable."

"Don't you?"

"Yes, but not as rich as yours." Old Jia said, "Although I don't have as much money and silk as you, I have been promoted and now I am the brigade commander."

"Congratulations, Commander Jia!"

"Originally, you at least want to be awarded a team leader. Who wants you to be unsteady?" Lao Jia patted Luo Cheng on the shoulder, feeling a little sorry for him. Although money is a good thing, it can't compare to it. Official rank is more attractive.

(End of this chapter)

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