Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 756 Loyal ministers and nobles

Chapter 756 Loyal ministers and nobles

After Luo Cheng subdued Feng Deyi with a few words, he went to see Li Baiyao again.

Li Baiyao was also a descendant of an official. His father was Li Delin, a famous minister in the early Sui Dynasty.The Li family used to be a well-known family in Shandong in the early years, and Li Delin was also the Minister of Zhongshu in the Northern Qi Dynasty. Li Baiyao was weak and sick when he was young, so he was named Baiyao.When he grew up, he became a romantic talent.

The family is well educated, knowledgeable, and very romantic.

Once as a guest in Yang Su's mansion, he seduced one of Yang Su's concubines and eloped with him. Fortunately, Yang Su was generous and chased him after he found out, but gave him the concubine. good talk.

Li Baiyao successively served as a central official such as Prince Sheren, and also served as a county magistrate and prefect in the local area.

He is also in his 50s now, and was imprisoned for a long time for being involved in the anti-Luo case. When Luo Cheng came over, when we met, he was not as flattering and flattering as Feng Lun, but he was also walking on eggshells.

Luo Cheng didn't have much courtesy with him.

"Would you like to come out and do something?"

Li Baiyao didn't hesitate, "Yes."

"Very good, don't waste all your talents. I will give you the title of Minister of Finance, and work under the servant of Huangmen, Hou Mo Chenyi."

Giishi Lang, originally named as Giishi Zhong, was changed to Giishi Lang in the Sui Dynasty to avoid Yang Zhongtao, and he was a fifth-rank official.This is an important job of Menxia Province, and its status in Menxia Province is equivalent to that of Neishi Scheeren of the Ministry of Internal History.

The head of the Menxia Province is in charge of reviewing the seal and refutation, so there are four people in Shilang who are responsible for the daily affairs of the province. They are specifically responsible for reviewing the seal and refutation of the imperial edict. Its violation is extremely heavy.

It can be said that the two provinces of Menxia Province and Zhongshu Province are the real decision-making organs of the Sui Dynasty. Especially from Kaihuang to Daye, the power of the center is constantly shifting from Shangshu Province to Zhongshu and Menxia Province.

The two provinces of Menxia and Zhongshu have been vacant for a long time, so the ministers of the two provinces actually preside over the two provinces, and the six internal historians and four ministers of the two provinces actually acted as the vice ministers of the two provinces in the past. The errand of the servant.

Now, Luo Cheng alone holds the post of high-ranking official in the three provinces, so he takes Du Ruhui as Minister Zuo PUSHE, Hou Mo Chen Yi as Minister of Huangmen under his door, Fang Xuanling as Minister of Internal History, Respectively presided over the daily affairs of the three provinces.

As for the specific affairs of the three provinces, you still have to rely on Neishi Sheren, Gishi Lang, Zuo Cheng, Liu Bu Shang Shu Shi Lang, etc.

As for the high-ranking officials of the third and fourth ranks such as Sanqi Changshi and Admonishing Doctors, their powers are not important.

Now Luo Cheng has no shortage of strong generals or elite soldiers.

But there is a shortage of experienced central officials.

Luo Cheng still has a difference between Li Baiyao and Feng Deyi.As for Feng Deyi, although Luo Cheng recognized his talent, he only gave him a job as a general manager, trying to suppress his temper.But for Li Baiyao, he was directly awarded the important position of Shi Lang.

Li Baiyao didn't refuse, and responded directly.

Luo Cheng asked him something about the government, and Li Baiyao's reply made him very satisfied.

Li Baiyao's father was also the Zhongshu Minister of Qi State back then, but he did not enter the Sui Dynasty and became the Prime Minister of Neishi Ling.At first, Li Baiyao was Prince Yang Yong's concubine, and later Yang Guang wanted to dig him to the Jin Palace, but Li Baiyao refused to go because he said he was sick.But after Yang Guang succeeded to the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, Li Baiyao also became an official again.

Qu Tutong, Luo Cheng went to visit in person.

But he refused to pay attention, he couldn't stop Luo Cheng from entering his yard, so he adopted a non-violent and non-cooperative attitude, reading and drinking tea on his own, just ignoring Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng's kindness was even more unacceptable.

Luo Cheng said that he was given the post of servant minister of the Taipu Temple, in charge of the imperial court's horse affairs, but Qu Tutong refused to accept it at all.

This veteran from the Kumoxi tribe is very stubborn.

"Old General, I have good news for you. Brother Ling is bringing your wives, concubines, and children to Liaodong."

Qu Tutong's younger brother, named Qu Tugai, used to be the magistrate of Chang'an. As the county magistrate of the capital, this is a difficult position. Power ministers.

But when Qu Tutong was appointed Chang'an Ling, he used the name of Fangzheng and seriousness, he was upright and strict, he was not afraid of the powerful, and he did not show favoritism.

That sentence is better to eat three buckets of moxa than to see Qu Tugai.

It was at that time that the saying that it would be better to eat three buckets of green onions than to make breakthroughs in the face of injustice began to spread.

Later, Qu Tugai served as prefect and other posts in many places. He is now in his 60s and has already recuperated at home.

But Luo Cheng asked Zhang Liang to find a way to invite Qu Tugai out, and even sent his whole family to Liaodong.

"The imperial court has officially appointed Qu Tugai as the Young Minister of the Tokyo Prefecture, and he will take up his post soon after he arrives."

Qu Tutong turned his head to look at Luo Cheng, "Was it granted by the court, or by you?"

"The decree issued by the imperial court was passed by the three provinces. Of course, it is also my intention."

Qu Tu turned his head angrily.

Luo Cheng smiled, "I also granted the old general's eldest son Shou as the prince Qianniu, and the old general's youngest son as the personal guard."

Faced with Luo Cheng's actions, Qu Tutong had no choice but to sigh.

"Old General, with the current situation, you have not failed the Emperor Daye, but why go against the trend now."

Qu Tutong sighed, "I failed to fulfill the loyalty of a minister, and I am ashamed of the court and the country."

"You are a loyal minister of the Sui Dynasty, but now the times have changed, please old general adapt to the times. You have done your best for Emperor Daye, now is the time to do your part for the common people of this world, and the world will be unified as soon as possible , and end the turmoil and chaos as soon as possible, you don't want the world to collapse like the end of Jin Dynasty, and the world will be restless for 300 years from now on, right?"

Qu Tutong remained silent.

"If the old general thinks that the position of the servant is too low, I can propose another position."


"Do your best for the people of this world."

Qu Tutong finally accepted the fact that the Sui Dynasty was going to perish, and also accepted Luo Cheng's appointment.

He became a servant of the imperial court, and Luo Cheng specially named him the Duke of Jiang Guo.

"It's just a pity, Jun Su."

Qu Tutong sighed a few times.

In the second year of Zhide, spring.

Du Yan, Du Chuke, Wei Ting, Wang Gui, Qu Tugai, Li Keshi and many other officials and scholars came to Fengzhengshuo in Liaodong to vote for the emperor.

Luo Cheng is very polite to these people.

Meet one by one in person, and then appoint an official to be appointed according to the talent.

He awarded Du Yan Yushi Zhongcheng, Wang Gui Shangshu Zuo Cheng, and Wei Ting the Minister of the Ministry of War.

He was awarded Du Chuke as the prefect of Xincheng, Qu Tugai as the Shaoyin of Tokyo Prefecture, and Li Keshi as the prefect of Lvshun County.

Zhang Xutuo was worshiped by Luo Cheng as the inspector of the school, the right servant and the minister of the Ministry of war.

For a while, the Liaodong court became more and more prosperous.

Soon, Luo Cheng asked his concubine Cui to invite the Cui clan of Zhengzhou to come, and then contacted the Cui clan of Xingyang and others. A large number of former Sui Dynasty officials, nobles, and local nobles came to vote, which greatly eased the lack of military prosperity and literature in the court.

(End of this chapter)

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