Chapter 760
Yuan Taizuo selected [-] Goguryeo soldiers from Xuantu County and sent them to Liaodong City. After the campaign, Changsun Shunde found Yuan Taizuo.

"After I came to Xuantu, I found that the county is now dilapidated, the people are famine, and everyone's life is very hard."

Yuan Taizuo then said, our life has been really hard these past few years, and I hope that the prefect can tell His Highness King Qin the truth about the situation here.

"Mr. Yuan, the counties in Liaodong used to be much more desolate than this place, but now they have become granaries, and they are even called Outer Jiangnan. Why? It's because His Royal Highness the King of Qin has been guarding Liaodong in the past few years. Cultivate fields outside the Guan, garrison fields to reclaim wasteland, lighten taxes and reduce labor, so that the people can feel at ease farming the fields, and naturally there will be good returns."

"Our Xuanju County is on the west bank of the Yalu River. It has a very wide territory. Although there are many hills, there are still a lot of arable land in the valleys. Moreover, the outside of the pass is peaceful now, and there is no war. In the future, we can also vigorously develop industry and commerce. Ah. Look at King Qin's side, who are running a big border market, and the annual business tax and monopoly tax are astonishing."

Yuan Taizuo listened quietly, not knowing what the magistrate wanted to say, but he must have a target.

On the one hand, the Liaodong side said that they would enter the pass to quell the chaos and asked him to send troops to conscript, but on the other hand, they asked Changsun Shunde to bring a box of 4000 people. How could he not know the intention behind this.

"Yuan Shijun, you and I are now the chief officer and assistant officer of this Xuantu County. We have the responsibility to develop this Xuantu County well and make it a happy town where the people live and work in peace and have more than enough food and clothing. If we can't do it , that is our dereliction of duty, ashamed of His Royal Highness King Qin's entrustment."

"Then what's the plan of Changsun Juncheng?"

The eldest grandson Shunde took the opportunity to say that I am not traveling around these days, I am checking the people's conditions in various places and understanding the environment of each county.

There are many mountains here, but there is still some land, but it has been dragged down by the war in the past few years.

He also talked about the many mountain fortresses in Xuantu County.

He pointed out that these mountain fortresses were not suitable for agricultural production, let alone reclamation and the development of handicrafts and commerce.Although mountain cities have great geographical advantages in military affairs, they often live on the mountains, which are dangerous and small. It is inconvenient to drink water, build houses, and travel, let alone farming and doing business.

Therefore, he suggested that according to the current plan of other counties in Liaodong.

"Although we don't have a military mansion in Xuantu County, we have a county soldier and an army organization, which is the same as the Zhongwu army mansion army. It is also the six-compartment and one military department, so we can also do the same thing as there, one-compartment garrison One military city is stationed, the Central Military Department is stationed in the inner city of this county city, and the other six chambers are stationed in one city."

The six armies of this army were divided into seven larger mountain cities, and the four regiments under each arm were divided into one fort.

In this way, it is the Seventh Army City and the 28th Army Fort.

"Except for the Seventh Army in the 28th Military Fort, there is no need to garrison the other two hundred or so small and medium-sized mountain cities. It is only necessary to set up military depots and beacon battles at key points, and station three or five people or a group of people. .”

What Changsun Shunde meant was to abolish the hundreds of large and small mountain cities in Goguryeo, except for some mountain cities on half-mountain and half-level land, or those mountain cities of the valley type, and the rest of the dangerous mountain cities.

Move all the people inside to a more open plain.

Let them build villages, reclaim wasteland and farmland, and set up pastures in mountainous areas with little land to herd cattle, horses and sheep.

"In the past, the practice of setting up villages everywhere and building cities all over the mountains is no longer suitable for the needs of Xuantu today. We don't need to keep these mountain cities against the times, right? We, Goguryeo, have no intention of borrowing these mountain cities now. Resist the heart of the imperial court, right?"

Two, right? Yuan Taizuo, who asked, broke out in a cold sweat.

Of course he couldn't say he was right.

But if it is true as Changsun Shunde said, only the seven major cities and 28 military forts are kept, then after hundreds of large and small mountain cities are abandoned, this is naturally equivalent to self-defeating the armed forces for the Yuan family.

Previously, he had only kept 4000 county soldiers, and the rest took back their weapons and armor, disbanded and returned to their hometowns.

Then Luo Cheng transferred 1 of his soldiers, leaving only [-] soldiers.

According to the four methods, of the 4000 people, there are only 500 people on duty.The more than ten thousand people who were not on duty were in the village, but their weapons were all locked in the Jiazhan warehouse in the military city.

If the large and small mountain castles were destroyed and abandoned now, and moved to the undefended flat valley Zhongli Tunzhuang to build a flat city, if something happened, he couldn't even imagine what would happen?
For the past 700 years, Goguryeo has been able to stand upright in Liaodong, and the biggest reliance is these mountain fortresses.

"Juncheng, hundreds of mountain cities, these are the homes of the common people for hundreds of years. If they are abandoned and destroyed, everyone will be reluctant."

Changsun Shunde laughed.

"Is it the people of Xuantu County who are reluctant, or Mr. Yuan Shijun yourself?"

He smiled with a knife.

"Moving down the mountain is actually beneficial. It is a big advantage. You said that it is inconvenient to live in the mountain city, and there are few fields on the side, so it is very inconvenient to go out to farm. If things go on like this, how can everyone get rich and get better? What about it? The King of Qin has a saying that we often talk about, saying that if you want to get rich, you have to build roads first. Once the roads are built, wealth will naturally flow in."

"We don't have to stick to those mountain cities that are not suitable for living. We can live on flat land, where we can build bigger houses and bring a big yard. Wouldn't it be more comfortable to live in? And besides those flat lands that are suitable for farming It is convenient to build villages on the ground, and it is convenient to cultivate and produce more fields.”

Of course, the county government can take the lead in starting some industries.

Once the roads are built, trade can be made, goods from outside can come in, and the prices are cheaper, and the special products and mineral deposits here can also be developed and sold.

Are there any specialties in Goguryeo?

Of course there are, the main ones are ginseng, mink fur, deer fur, and then there are fox fur, deerskin, stallion, war horse, pearls, various mountain treasures, etc. Of course, beautiful women are also a special product .

In addition, gold, silver, copper and iron are also produced by some mineral deposits.

Changsun Shunde hoped that Yuan Taizuo could implement the Goguryeo people's downhill policy in Xuantu County, so that Goguryeo people would come down from the mountain city, build villages on the flat land, and implement the system of farming.

"But many lands have owners." Yuan Shi used this as a reason to shirk.

"It doesn't matter if there is an owner, we can carry out the land survey registration operation in the whole county, and all the fields will be cleared out. If there is an owner, please take out the land deed, and then register at the yamen and replace it with a new one. From now on, these fields will be paid rent and food according to the law of the court."

"The land without an owner, as well as the land of the Goguryeo royal family and government in the past, as well as the land of the sinners who opposed our dynasty, of course all have to be passed to the officials. We can share the land with the landless people. It can also be leased to the common people."

Yuan Taizuo also said that because of the previous war, a large number of people who fled from Liaodong, Pyongyang and other places gathered in Xuantu County. There are more than 300 million people in one county. With such a large population, only Xuantu County is in one county. No matter how hard you farm, you can't support yourself.

"It's not difficult. Now that the counties in eastern Liaodong are short of people, we can mobilize some landless Goguryeo people to move to the counties in Fuyu New Town, Lvshun, Liaodong, Liaoxi to farm fields."

Yuan Taizuo was pushed against the wall by his grandson Shunde, unable to advance or retreat, his face wrinkled like a chrysanthemum.

(End of this chapter)

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