Chapter 776
"Your Highness, all the brothers in the Huai Army want to stay and serve as government soldiers."

In less than half a day, the person in charge of the registration was exhausted, because the Huai army was willing to stay.Since the establishment of the Fubing system, the status of the Fubing is actually very high.

Even this is a very promising career, which can be compared with scholars in the Song and Ming dynasties.

The imperial examination system was mature and stable in the Song and Ming Dynasties, so studying and taking the imperial examination was the only way for countless ordinary people to change their status and destiny. Once they passed the examination, they could become officials.

Since the Western Wei Dynasty, after the implementation of the Fubing system, becoming a Fubing can not only get enough land, but also don't have to bear rent and mediocrity. You only need to bring your own weapons, participate in training during slack, and be conscripted to fight in wartime.Of course, the benefits of Fubing are not limited to these. The most attractive thing about Fubing, especially those who attract wealthy landlords, is that the Southern and Northern Dynasties believed that there were frequent turmoil, so many dynasties were martial.

A good soldier can become a military officer, and a good military officer can also become a local official, and even a person with high merit can even enter the court as a prime minister.

This is one of the most important reasons for the strongest warriors in this era.

There is no ceiling above the head of the government soldiers, it is the infinite sky, as long as you work hard, you will have a chance, even if you are not a nobleman, a gentry, a son of an official, or a powerful landlord, it doesn't matter. Even the prime minister.

It's just that in the past, anyone who wanted to be a soldier could not become a soldier, and there were strict conditions and standards.

First of all, you have to be clean, and then you have to be rich, and you have to have many brothers, and you have to be very strong and young. Only after all these conditions are met, can you become a Fubing, and the Fubing is once every three years. If you choose, you have to wait until there is something missing before you can click on the good one.

"General Chen, I just heard you say that both Pengcheng and Jiangdu are short of food?"

"Your Highness, there is indeed a shortage of food. Not only Pengcheng and Jiangdu, but also the counties of Xiapi, Donghai, and Liyang are also short of food. It is only February now, and it is still early for the summer harvest, so there is no harvest."

Luo Cheng nodded.

It is impossible for him to incorporate so many Huai troops into the army. Now Luo Cheng is not short of soldiers. The more soldiers, the more difficult it is to manage, and the more food is consumed, it will also hinder the resumption of production in the local area.

"To be honest, in fact, the counties in Shandong are also short of food now, all relying on sea transportation from Liaodong, but the transfer is difficult. Because of this, the imperial court now has six armies in Shandong, but they are all busy farming, eating local food. Otherwise, we would have gone down to Luoyang City long ago."

"Then what does His Highness mean?" Chen Leng was very clever, and he guessed Luo Cheng's meaning at once, but he didn't point it out.

"Now, spring sowing can catch up with the tail. Since the soldiers all want to be soldiers, then I think it's better to organize them into military camps and let them disperse the counties to store grain. Training in your spare time."

This soldier is not a traditional mansion soldier, but a special farm soldier.

This is obviously different from the military soldiers that the Huai army wants to be, but Luo Cheng also said, first settle the farm to solve the problem of military rations, and then conduct another assessment after the autumn harvest. Those with superb martial arts will be selected as military soldiers, and the rest will be eliminated Township.

Of course, those who are selected as the military mansion will be placed in the military mansion, and the military land will be allocated at the location of the military mansion, with each soldier having a hundred acres.And even those who haven't passed the exam will be given [-] mu of farmland in their hometown after they are sent home.

As for those who have scattered officials, they will all be retained and assigned duties according to their ability.

"Jianghuai Bucha is very famous for its vigor and bravery. Wang Shichong's ability to rule the roost in today's troubled times mainly depends on the Jianghuai Bucha under his hand." Luo Cheng said with a smile, Jianghuai Bucha and Danyang Sword Like hands, they are all famous infantry in the world.

There are no cavalry in the Jianghuai land, but the infantry is quite famous. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Southern Dynasty was able to withstand countless attacks from the Northern Dynasty, not only because of the natural danger of the Yangtze River.

"Choose four thousand brave and capable fighters, and just click on the army soldiers." Luo Cheng made the final decision.

As soon as Chen Leng surrendered, the six prefectures of Pengcheng, Jiangdu, Xiapi, Donghai, Zhongli, and Liyang followed suit.

Plus the four counties handed over by Li Mi.

In this spring, Luo Cheng didn't spend a single soldier, didn't move a knife or a shot.

But all of a sudden, the ten counties were brought under his command.

From Jiangdu to Xingyang, south to the Yangtze River and north to the Yellow River, the entire Jiangnan Canal is in Luo Cheng's hands.

When the news came out, the world shook.

Some newly affiliated officials even boldly spoke directly to Luo Cheng, asking him to replace Sui Jianguo.

Li Mi from Luoyang, when he heard that Luo Cheng had won ten counties so easily, and that Du Fuwei had seized the four counties east of the Dabie Mountains, namely Lujiang, Huainan, Tong'an, and Yiyang in Huaixi, almost spit out his old blood. out.

He worked hard, but for so long, he didn't expand at all.

On the contrary, Luo Cheng, after the new year, just sent troops to enter the customs, but the two roads of Hebei, Jianghuai, and Huaihe River have blossomed, and they have already captured more than ten counties in a row.

This momentum made Li Mi fearful.

In desperation, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and start attacking Wang Shichong. If he waited any longer, he hadn't decided the winner here, and Luo Cheng might have already reached Hulao Pass.

It's just that what Li Mi didn't expect was that Luo Cheng didn't take advantage of the situation to continue marching.

Instead, Luo Cheng issued another military order.

It reaches the Yangtze River in the south, the Dabie Mountains in the west of Huaihe, the Huaihe River in the north, and the four canal counties in the east of Shandong.

The Yangtze River, the Dabie Mountains, the Huaihe River, and the Tongji Canal, Luo Cheng's army stopped before these mountains and rivers and stopped advancing.

He established Huainan and Shandong provinces, appointed Du Fuwei as the Huainan military envoy, and Luo Cunxiao as the Shandong military envoy.

Huaixi and Shandong each stationed two armies.

Du Fuwei and Chen Leng's two ministries, as well as the original Shandong ministries, plus the Liaodong Army that went south, were all re-integrated.

The total number of soldiers and horses from all walks of life was nearly 20, but in the end Luo Cheng only reorganized and reduced it to four armies.

Only the Fourth Army and Luo Cheng's 10 Ya Army were retained, a total of over [-]. The remaining nearly [-] people were all temporarily organized as Tuntian soldiers, while the rest of the Fourth Army were organized into local government soldiers in the two towns.

Luo Cheng didn't continue to attack and expand. He asked Du Fuwei and Luo Cunxiao to wipe out the thieves and robbers in the two towns, and at the same time appease the people and resume production.

As for Luo Cheng himself, he led his soldiers to Liaodong again.

Because at this time, the Goguryeo People's Rebellion broke out outside the pass.

Changsun Shunde acted too hastily in Xuantu County, instead of advancing the new policies in a steady manner, he launched all the new policies at once, and these new policies were originally planned by Luo Cheng to be implemented slowly in the future, but now he threw them out all at once.

But at this time, the main forces of Liaodong were all heading south, so many Goguryeo nobles and powerful people took the opportunity to make chaos and raised their troops to revolt.

This time, because Changsun Shunde's new policy touched the interests of almost all Goguryeo aristocrats and powerful landlords, they received wide support from them.

There is a lot of momentum and rapid development.

Originally, Xuantu County was still controlled by Goguryeo people. The eldest grandson only brought [-] county soldiers and some officials there.

Led by Gao Yanshou and Gao Huizhen, the former nobles of Goguryeo, they re-raised the banner of Goguryeo's restoration of the country, and the momentum was like wildfire.

Neither Yuan Taizuo nor Changsun Shunde could stop it, and Yuan Shi deliberately sat by and indulged in the early stage, giving them a chance to rise.

Jianghuai and Shandong were newly attached, the army had no food and grass, the place was dilapidated, and the Goguryeo people were making trouble in the rear, so Luo Cheng had to rush back to Liaodong first.

(End of this chapter)

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