Chapter 790 Chang'an
Guanzhong, Chang'an.

An unremarkable carriage drove into Xijing City.

The groom is a monk with a bald head, who looks very dark, and looks like a Kunlun slave.However, this Kunlun slave had a ring scar on his head and was wearing a monk's robe, but he was carrying a simple knife on his back.

This simple simple knife is not the kind of simple plain knife. It can be seen that it was made by a famous master of fine steel at a glance. It can be called a small Mo knife.

Such a coachman always makes people feel weird.

Although his carriage was ordinary, the horses were extremely handsome, they were still two horse-drawn carriages, they looked like war horses.

The defenders at the city gate just glanced at it, and then ignored it, and no one went up to stop them for questioning.

In troubled times, no matter how many weird things they have seen, no one knows that the current king of Tang respects Buddhism and Taoism, and there are many Buddhist monks and Taoists in Chang'an City.

It is said that the monks have nothing to do with the world, but these gatekeepers don't believe it. These bald heads are the most vicious, and they all have money and dignitaries.

A few days ago, there were two brothers who didn't understand, but because they blocked the two monks, they were beaten to vomit blood by the monk, and finally kowtowed to the monk to beg for mercy.

So, in this world, one thing more is worse than one thing less.

"Chang'an is here." The Kunlun slave coachman said.

The curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a young monk in the carriage was looking at Chang'an City.He was very young, even a little handsome, but he wore a monk's clothes and looked indifferent to the world, but he had a long two-handed sword beside him.

On the opposite side of the handsome young monk, there is a middle-aged Taoist priest wearing a simple Taoist robe, with a thin face and a gray goatee. What he holds in his hand is not a whisk, but a four-edged golden mace.

After the strange three passed by, the soldiers guarding the gate whispered, "This world is really getting more and more wicked. Where do these people come from?"

"Don't meddle in your own business, let's hope that this month's money and food will be distributed, or we will not have enough food and clothing."

"Duke Zhao led his troops to fight Xue Rengao. I don't know what's going on. This time, he shouldn't be defeated again."

"How could Duke Zhao be defeated? It was only because of illness that he was unable to command before. As a result, Liu Changshi and Chai Sima commanded privately, and they suffered a big defeat."

Another person said, "I heard that Luo Shuai has proclaimed himself emperor in Fan Yang."

"When do you think he will call?"

"Not good."

"It is said that Luo Cheng is invincible in the world, and the god of war descends to earth. If he leads an army to fight, will we be able to defeat him?"

Huo Zhang glared at him when he heard the words, "You don't care what those people do, you can just vote for whoever wins, and we are just a few soldiers anyway."

Kunlun Nu drove the carriage into Chang'an City and headed straight for Dongshi.

Entering Dongshi, the Taoist shook his head.

"It used to be extremely prosperous here, with two cities in the east and west, 270 lines, thousands of vendors, and it was extremely lively. Now, it is so depressed."

"Don't be too wordy, old man. Don't you always say that you are familiar with Chang'an, so hurry up and find a good restaurant. Let's have a full meal first. Grandpa, I'm so hungry that I'm going to faint."

The old Taoist frowned, "I said Monk Xu, you are a monk after all, can you look like a monk?"

"What's wrong with the monks? The monks can't talk freely. Could it be that the monks fart and have to be caught?"

The old man shook his head helplessly.

After getting off the carriage, he walked straight through the streets and alleys of Dongshi, made three turns and five turns, and soon came to a small alley.

"I said old man, you won't get lost. Why did you bring me to this kind of small alley? Can there be a good restaurant, good wine and good food here? Let me tell you, although I am a monk, there is no wine or meat. happy."

"I don't like eating, I'm not in the mood to do business with you."

Wei Laodao stood in front of a small courtyard and looked up a few times.

"Well, yes, it's here, and it's still the same. Let me tell you, don't look at it because it's very inconspicuous, but ordinary people may not know this good place. The food and wine here are excellent. You'll know it after you taste it. , let's go."

Push the door to enter the courtyard, go straight to the backyard, and step on the stairs to the third floor.

There is a good position by the window with a wide view.

It was very quiet upstairs, and there were no guests.

The old Taoist pulled the young monk to sit down.

"For the old man, I will cut two catties of cold beef, another pot of Dragon City Flying General, and ten flax pancakes."

The monk rolled his eyes, "Dare to yell about eating beef in Chang'an City, do you think you are outside the Great Wall? Eating beef in the Central Plains is against the law!"

As a result, a half-dead voice sounded from downstairs, "Two catties of cold beef, a pot of Dragon City Flying General, and ten flax pancakes, good one, wait a minute."

"There is really beef?" Monk Jun was surprised, "Could it be pretending to be human flesh?"

Monk Jun remembered that in Luoyang City, he almost ate a meal of steamed human flesh pancakes, and couldn't help feeling sick.

"Do not worry."

Soon, the beef, wine and cakes were served.

"Guest officers, please pay for the meal first. Small business is not easy, especially now." A middle-aged shopkeeper said with a smile.

The old man took out the money bag from his pocket.

He took out a golden dragon, two silver tigers and thirteen copper coins, "Is that enough?"

"Not enough, we have to add two more silver tigers." The shopkeeper said with a smile.

Monk Jun couldn't help but patted the table, "I said shopkeeper, don't be too greedy, you know that the gold and silver are worth twenty guan, even if the grain price in Chang'an is high, it's enough to buy a hundred shi rice."

The old man ignored the monk, and really took out two more silver tigers.

The shopkeeper took it and examined the silver coins carefully.

"When was your silver coin minted?"

"Three years since the founding of the emperor."

"What month?"


The monk listened in a daze, but at this moment he also heard something, so he ignored them, picked up the jug and poured himself a glass, sipped it, and called out the good wine.

He picked up the chopsticks again and picked up a chopstick of beef.

Put it in front of you, smell it carefully, "It's indeed beef."

Only then did I safely eat it in my mouth, "It's delicious and delicious."

But over there, the old Taoist and the shopkeeper nodded with a smile on their faces.

"This is for the guest officer." The shopkeeper took out a few copper coins and handed them to the old man, then turned and left.

While eating beef and drinking wine, the monk squinted at the copper coins, and found that there seemed to be something different about these copper coins.

The old man took it in his hand and looked at it carefully for a long time, then put it in his wallet.

"Old Daoist, mysterious and mysterious, is this the end?"

But the old Taoist said, "It's still the same taste. This beef is marinated very well. It uses thirteen seasoning spices to cook and marinate. It's old stewed ingredients. And with this knife skill, you see, it's sliced ​​very thin and evenly." .Add some garlic, chopped green onion, Houttuynia cordata, and coriander salad, um, it’s really delicious.”

"It didn't come in vain."

The monk held a wine glass in his hand, and kept stuffing the beef into his mouth with one hand, and he had no time to return to the old-fashioned words.

"Xiaoer, prepare ten flax pancakes for me, pack them up and take them away."

"I'm old-fashioned, have you eaten so much?"

"You'll know in a while." The old man kept chopping his chopsticks.

After the food and wine were gone and the ten flax cakes were eaten, the old Taoist patted his stomach and led the monk downstairs.


The shopkeeper smiled and stepped forward, "The things the guest officer wants are ready, ten flax pancakes."

The monk didn't see where the pancakes were, but ten barbarians with blue eyes and tall noses walked in from outside.

The old Taoist laughed, "Follow us."

The ten blue-eyed and tall-nosed barbarians just nodded without making a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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