Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 795 The House of Glory

Chapter 795 The House of Glory
Those servants were also common people, who were conscripted by the county to serve. At this time, each of them beat the gongs and drums, accompanied by the sound of suona. This movement immediately alarmed the people in Zhuangzi.

Zhuangzi was built on the abandoned villa, and the original Zhuangzi was dilapidated, so the county and township simply organized these people to tear down all the original dilapidated houses and sheds, re-plan it, and measure a piece of land for each household.The horizontal and vertical planning is good, especially the foundation of the village after the folding is leveled. Every family has a small courtyard and a vegetable field behind it.

Although everyone helped each other, the yard built was very simple, with mud walls and thatched roofs.

But the village cleaned up and restored the well, and repaired the drainage ditch in front of the gate.

Even the county asked each household to build a thatched hut in the yard and dig a cesspool according to the requirements of the above.

The village road is flat.

Along the village, running water was drawn around the village, another wall was built, and the gate of the village was built.

This made the people feel much safer.

"The government soldiers have returned home!"

Zuo Shi in the county shouted loudly that this was also requested by the higher-ups, and preferential treatment should be given to the government soldiers.The family members of the government soldiers are called military family members, and priority is given to granting land and land. If the government soldiers are killed and disabled in battle, their family members are martyrs and disabled members, and they must be given preferential treatment and pensions.

And these are not just talking or showing off. The above specifically regards the military supporter as a rigid standard for the assessment of local officials.

So everyone attaches great importance to this matter.

Ah Ling waited for a group of nine people to stand in front of the village gate, each wearing a big red cloth flower on his chest.


The village head and all the men, women and children in the village put down their work and came out to welcome them.

"Xu Huochang and the others are back."

Liu Hushi smiled and said to the village head who came up to him, "Xu Village head, these nine are the soldiers of our common people. They fought for us to kill the enemy and defend our home and country. They are heroes. Everyone should support and take care of them. It is the honorable family sign issued by the Ministry of War, and every soldier in the government must nail it on, and anyone with this sign must be taken care of in the village."

The village head is an old man in his 50s. In the countryside, older people have a lot of rich experience, such as farming experience and interpersonal experience, so letting these old people be the village head is conducive to the stability of the village.

"Please don't worry, Zuo Shi, we will definitely support the army and give priority to subordinates. Now, please ask Liu Zuo Shi to nail honor cards for our nine military families!"

"it is good!"

Liu Zuoshi led everyone to nail signs from door to door.

Xu Leng is the fire chief, so his honor card was nailed first, and hundreds of people from the whole village followed, watching Liu Zuoshi and the village chief hang the red honor card on the top of the gate of Xu's courtyard together. superior.

There are four big characters on the sign, Home of Glory.

There are also some small characters below, with the name of Xu Leng, the bow and arrow fire chief of the White Horse Army Mansion.

The sign is up.

Liu Zuoshi waved his hands, and the drummers played harder, and the old village head asked the villagers to cheer and applaud.

At this moment, Xu Leng stood at the door of his house, his heart was surging, and he felt extremely excited and proud.

Liu Zuoshi asked another sign to be brought, but it was a sign with the pattern of intersecting swords and shields, with the words Yunqi Weixun underneath.

"Hang up this sign too, Xu Huochang is still a captain of Yunqi."

At this time, the old village head also added icing on the cake, and on behalf of the village, asked Xu Leng to be the militia instructor in Chengnanzhuang.

"Old village chief, we don't just talk about supporting the military and giving priority to subordinates. We get positions in all aspects. Is Xu Huo's family's field divided? Is the land given priority? Is it the best? Xu Huo usually works in the military mansion Training is on duty, has anyone been sent to take care of this family?"

"Yes, there are five people in Xu Huochang's family, his parents plus a brother, and two younger sisters. His brother is sixteen next year and has not yet entered the middle school. Therefore, according to the above regulations, we will give priority to the Xu family. 150 mu of land."

"It's fifteen this year? Then it will be sixteen soon. I don't think it's uncomfortable to allocate [-] mu of land to little brother Xu in advance. Also, how much of the allocated land is hillside mulberry fields, and how much is water land. How much is dry land?"

The old village head replied one by one, saying that it was all given by the emperor, so we people can now put down roots here, build houses and distribute land.He also said that the land of the Xu family is the best. Of the 150 mu of land, about 110 mu of sloping land is planted with mulberry and hemp, and about [-] mu of mountainous land is planted with pagoda jujube and other trees. In addition, there are about [-] mu of One mu of land can grow crops and food, of which [-] mu can be irrigated, and the rest is sloping and dry land, half of which need crop rotation.

Liu Zuoshi listened carefully and kept it in his heart.

In fact, the eight Fubing families were all allocated the fields as well.

Then Liu Zuoshi asked about the distribution of land for the other 91 households in the village. The old village head said truthfully that for the rest of the families, the males were allocated [-] mu of land and the females were allocated [-] mu. Mu, middle male is also thirty mu.

In addition, [-] mu of land was reserved for the village school and the militia. The grain harvested from these lands will be used by the school and the militia in the future.

Liu Zuoshi calculated in his mind, and felt that what the old village head said was basically true.

There is only so much land allocated to Chengnan Village in the county. There are more than 500 people in this one hundred households. There are still a lot of people, and if one person needs a hundred mu, it is really not that many.

So in the end, it was given priority to the family members of the government soldiers, and then to other common people. After allotment, one Ding would only have [-] mu.

But the people in the village are still very happy.

Even if these people were self-cultivated farmers before, they didn't have so many fields, let alone many tenant farmers like Xu Leng's family.

Even if a lot of the 100 mu of land is relatively poor and needs to be rotated and fallow, at least if the family is divided, there will be more than [-] mu of land, and if the population is large, there will be more than [-] or [-] mu of land.

Work hard and you'll definitely get better.

Especially now that the two-tax system is being implemented, there is more land, although the tax is higher, and there is more yield. As long as there are fields and land, everyone is not afraid.

Of course, many villagers are also very envious of Xu Leng and the other nine soldiers.

They originally had a piece of military land in the military mansion, but the family here gave preferential treatment, and the land was distributed a lot, so it was still a good land.What's more, Xu Leng and the others have honors and have more land.

"Since the land is divided, let's set up the boundary stakes and work hard."

Finally, Liu Zuoshi comforted the villagers, said some words of encouragement, declined Xu Leng's family's request to invite him to dinner, smiled and waved away.

Now that the Great Qin Dynasty has established itself and reformed the administration of officials, it is very strict with local officials, especially the local officials, who must be assessed for posts and performance. It is no longer the same as before. .

Those county magistrates and county lieutenants are not easy to fool. Most of them are from the army, and now there are government soldiers everywhere around them.

Besides, although the management is now stricter, the higher-ups have also opened up a big way for their officials. As long as they perform well and have outstanding performance, they still have the opportunity to be promoted.

It's not just the promotion of officials, but the promotion to officials.

For example, Hu Cao Shi can be promoted to Hu Cao Zuo, which is just a promotion of official position, but if Hu Cao Zuo does a good job, he can be promoted to record affairs, or even be promoted to the master book, who is a serious official. .

With this excitement, who would not want to seize this opportunity, maybe one day this good thing will be cancelled.

(End of this chapter)

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