Chapter 797 Iron and Blood
The pro-army Duwei Mansion, this is an institution where the chief captain is a third-rank official. It seems to be just the emperor's bodyguard organization, but in fact, it is now in charge of intelligence and supervision, which is equivalent to the embroidered clothes envoy of the Han Dynasty.

In particular, this pro-army Duwei Mansion is only responsible to the emperor, and even the prime ministers of the three provinces have no jurisdiction.

Even the prime minister is under the supervision of the pro-military captain's mansion.

Compared with the rumors of Yushitai, monitoring and impeachment, the pro-military Duwei's Mansion is walking in the dark, and its methods are more secretive and powerful.

No one knows how many spies there are in the pro-military captain's mansion, because this list is only in the hands of the emperor.

Pei Xingyan hurried to the palace after receiving the emperor's summons.

He is now serving as the deputy military envoy of the Zhongwu Army, and the post of General Zuo Yiwei.However, compared with the actual position of the deputy army envoy of the Zhongwu Army, the current military position of the Twelve Guards is actually empty.

Under today's military system, it is the Jiedu envoys of the towns and the envoys of the military who really hold the heavy soldiers. The original twelve guards and four mansions, except for the four mansions that are responsible for the defense of the palace and the city, the remaining twelve guards actually only became The empty yamen has no real responsibilities, and the armies are not affiliated to the Twelve Guards. Therefore, although the Twelve Guards have not been abolished, their positions are only a title, at least for now.

Pei Xingyan handed out his general's tiger amulet before the palace ban, civil officials used fish amulets and military generals used tiger amulets, while princes and prime ministers specially gave unicorn jade amulets.

After layers of imperial confinement, he finally came to the front court, and the servants took him to meet him in the side hall.

After waiting for a long time, the emperor summoned him.

Pei Xingyan straightened his robes, and then carefully looked at himself in front of a full-length bronze mirror in the side hall, and felt that there was nothing wrong, so he went to the main hall with the servants.

"Pei Sanlang, I have good news for you. Your father has decided to join Daqin." The emperor smiled at Pei Xingyan.

Pei Xingyan replied to the emperor, "I have lost touch with my father for a long time."

There are two father and son, one is an official in Qin Dynasty and the other is an official in Sui Dynasty.

In fact, the pro-military Duwei's Mansion also approached Pei Xingyan several times before, asking if there was any correspondence with Pei Renji, but since Luo Cheng supported Yang Hao as the emperor in Liaodong, his father did not contact here again.

Now hearing the news of his father, Pei Xingyan is still very happy.

"When will my father enter the court?"

"I can't enter the court for the time being, because with Wang Shichong around, it's not easy for him to leave."

Pei Xingyan was a little disappointed. He was very worried about his father's safety. At this time Luo Cheng comforted him and said, "Your father is going to do something big. Now Luoyang has been defeated by Li Mi several times, and the city is short of food. The people of Luoyang are weary of war, and Wang Shichong has no source of troops. , and no food and grass, he is already in extreme distress, but he still refuses to give up, not only refuses to surrender Li Mi, but also refuses to surrender Zhen and Li Yuan."

Of course, Luo Cheng also told him that the small court in Luoyang no longer wanted to continue spending time with Wang Shichong, and Yuan Wendu and others were willing to join the court with the efforts of the pro-military Duwei Mansion.

It's just that Wang Shichong is an obstacle.

Now Wei Wensheng has become an official due to illness, and he lives in Luoyang City and doesn't care about world affairs.

Wei Wen's more than 2 soldiers and horses are now under the command of Pei Renji. In addition to Pei Renji's soldiers and horses when he was in command of Western Henan, Pei Renji now has about 3 soldiers.

In Wang Shichong's hands, there are about [-] to [-] yuan.

"Your father wants to get rid of Wang Shichong, but he is afraid that Li Mi will take the opportunity to seize Luoyang, so he asks the imperial court to send troops to support him. I am going to let you lead a troop to Luoyang on the Donglai Fleet."

"Your Majesty, I am willing."

"For this operation, there cannot be many troops. I can only give you a few thousand troops, and they have to go through the territory of Dou Jiande and Li Mi. The north is controlled by Yang Yichen and Xiao Yu, and there is Li Yuan in the west. Ma Zhong, if you are not careful, you may not be able to come back, have you thought about it?"

"I've thought it over."

"Very well, I have decreed that your father will be granted the title of Ji Guogong, the governor of Henan Province, and now I will give you the title of Governor of Xingyang."

After Pei Xingyan left, Luo Cheng called Wei Zheng and other prime ministers to discuss matters.

In the past six months, Luo Cheng has been busy consolidating the newly occupied Huainan Fanyang and other places, and at the same time restoring production in Shandong, which is also very busy.

Now that the autumn harvest is over, the situation in the newspapers from all over the country is not bad.

"Your Majesty, after the autumn harvest, the grain harvested in Huainan, Shandong, Hebei and other places can be self-sufficient for the people. Although Your Majesty has decreed that the world's rent transfer for one year will be exempted, but we will purchase grain from the people through the law of peace and purchase, and prohibit merchants from privately Buying and banning food from going out of the border has greatly reduced the pressure on the army.”

"In addition, this year is another good year in Liaodong, and we can continue to transport grain into the customs."

Du Ruhui said that through the ticket quotation method, merchants were responsible for transporting food from all over the country to the army garrisons, and then exchanged tickets for special commercial goods such as salt, iron, tea, wine, slaves, cattle and horses, which greatly eased the pressure on the imperial court.

Although people still need to push horses to transport food in the end, the transportation method is different.What the imperial court needs to transport food is to conscript the people, and conscripting the people to serve will inevitably labor the people and even arouse the dissatisfaction of the people.

However, although merchants also employ people to transport grain, they have to pay to recruit and hire people. The people go voluntarily and can get income.

Another one is that businessmen organize manpower and manage transportation. There are dedicated people, which are more professional and efficient.

"As long as Huainan, Shandong, and Hebei continue to be stable next year, with no wars, floods, droughts, and locust plagues, these areas will basically be able to restore self-sufficiency next year, and even be able to supply the garrisons of various routes and store up military rations for the next war."

Fang Xuanling reported it.

Said that Song Laosheng reported that Le Lang and the Goguryeo people in Daifang two counties set off another large-scale rebellion. Now his army has been unable to suppress it, and he asked the court to send more troops.

"Your Majesty, I think that the Goguryeo people in Xuantu County are being treated too harshly, causing the Goguryeo people in Le Lang's second county to be in chaos. Is it possible to appease them?"

Luo Cheng smiled.

"What kind of appeasement?"

"Stop demoting the Goguryeo people to slavery, and only pursue rebels and rebels, leaving the rest alone, and arrange their households in Qi'an, and equalize the fields and grant land..."

Before Fang Xuanling finished speaking, Luo Cheng waved his hand to stop him.

"No, my strategy will not change. Goguryeo is just a pustule. It has been bad enough in the past 700 years. There is no need to keep it in your hands now. If you pierce this pustule, although it will bleed, it will be bad. The blood will be squeezed out together with the pus. Only after removing the pus and blood can it really get better, otherwise, the more you keep it, it will cause more hidden dangers. Now that the squeeze is broken, there is only a little pus and blood. There will be wounds, but it will be completely healed after only some time. But keep it, maybe one day the poison will spread to the lungs and heart, and it will be difficult to save it by then."

"Zhen, you can't leave hidden dangers for future generations, you should get rid of it now."

"Let Shixin send the deputy envoy Xu Shiji to lead the troops to reinforce Song Laosheng, and also transfer the soldiers of the five Turkic vassals of Xi Qiqi to go to the peninsula together to quell the chaos, and tell Song Laosheng not to talk about kindness to them, and he will let him retaliate. , All the way to wipe out the past, arrest every Goguryeo person you see, send them back to the Central Plains to sell them as slaves, and tell the soldiers that every time a Goguryeo person is caught, the last [-]% of the money sold will be rewarded to them .”

Luo Cheng did not listen to the advice of the prime ministers at all on the issue of dealing with the Goguryeo people. Kindness is not for them.Besides, if he was kind to them, how could Luo Cheng take these lands and distribute them to the people of the Han family?
Luo is very clear about who is his own person and who is an unfamiliar wolf.

(End of this chapter)

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