Chapter 799


Shaoshi Mountain.

Shaolin monks Tanzong, Huixi, Zhicheng and other thirteen monks are training monk soldiers at the foot of the mountain.

There are [-] monks and soldiers in this group, but not all monks are monks, but they are mainly Zhuang Ding, a tenant of the farm of Shaolin Temple.The monks and soldiers were armed with simple knives, long spears and other weapons, and their training was uniform, very imposing, and they already looked like elites.

"Junior brother, I think 800 people is still too small, we should recruit more people." Tanzong said to his juniors.

This army of monks, with thirteen Shaolin monks as their coaches, Tan Zong and others are the full-time monks practicing martial arts in the temple, with extraordinary martial arts skills.Since Wang Shichong occupied Luoyang, he was not friendly to the Shaolin Temple on Shaoshi Mountain in Songyang.He sent his nephew Wang Renze to order Shaolin to contribute money and food, and finally he also confiscated more than [-] mu of Shaolin Temple's temple land.

Now the great monks in Shaolin Temple are also dissatisfied.

Some of these properties were bestowed by the imperial courts of the past dynasties, some were donated by believers, and many of them were purchased with money earned from lending and mortgages in the temple. Now all of them are going to be taken away?How can they agree, how will such a big temple in Shaolin be maintained in the future?
"Can we add more monks, weapons, money and food?" Zhicheng monk asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about the weapons. The bearded man has promised me that he will send us a batch of weapons, which can equip three thousand monk soldiers."

Monk Huixi was a little worried that such a commotion would be too loud, how could Wang Shichong tolerate it?
"If Wang Shichong is not destroyed, how can our Shaolin Temple survive? Emperor Qin has issued a secret decree to Shaolin, saying that as long as we can assist the Qin army to destroy Wang Shichong, after Luoyang is restored in the future, all the temple properties will be returned." Tanzong is a very radical monk , since Wang Shichong took away their temple property, then take it back again, as for attachment to Luo Cheng, it doesn't affect at all.

"How will the weapons for 3000 people be delivered?"

"Don't worry about this, it will be smuggled in by merchants." Tan Zong is very confident, after all, many weapons of the eight hundred monks and soldiers are sent by Luo Cheng.The Qin Dynasty's pro-army Duwei's Mansion is very capable, and Tan Zong believes it very much.

Besides, they have many disciples in Shaoshi Mountain, and they have already joined the pro-army Duwei's Mansion.

Gong County, near Luoyang Warehouse.

Gou Mountain, Baihua Valley.

The Li family father and son are two dyers.

Except for their hands, the father and son are both blue and black. They used to work in the dyeing workshop, mainly dyeing blue cloth.The old dyer is in his early fifties, tall and big, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, but his hair is a little thin.

The little dyer is thin and small, with a pointed chin, and looks like a child who has not yet grown up, but in fact the little dyer already has three children.

The dyer and his son used to be dyers in a large dyeing workshop in Luoyang City. Now that life is difficult, they returned to their hometown.

I also went to other places to discuss life before, and it is said that I went to Dongnae.

Came back some time ago.

After returning, the father and father did not continue to do the handicraft of dyeing cloth, but started to hold an altar and set up a meeting in Zhuangzi.

At the beginning, the father and son just recruited some relatives and friends to join the association, and gradually, relatives and friends recruited relatives and friends, so the secret society became bigger and bigger.

Gradually, this secret meeting also began to become semi-public, and more and more people joined in.

The name of the Hundred Flowers Valley Red Spear Club disappeared without a trace.

In this troubled world, it is not uncommon to form villages for self-defense, and many powerful landlords also recruit soldiers, so not many people know what the Red Spear Society does, and they think it is just a society for the villagers to protect themselves, and they don't care.

However, not everyone can enter the Red Spear Club.

Hundred Flowers Valley, the courtyard of the Li family.


under the moonlight.

Old dyer Li opened the altar, and on the altar was a wooden statue, which belonged to Guan Yu, a general of the Three Kingdoms.

"My Red Spear Club has a threshold for membership. Anyone who joins the club must be at least eighteen years old, physically fit, and determined. When joining the club, one must take an oath on the spot to abide by the ten prohibitions. They are only allowed to practice martial arts and are not allowed to speak to others. It is only allowed to eliminate violence and bring peace to the good, not to oppress the good."

"You must only respect your teachers, and you are not allowed to forget your teachers and forget your friends."

"Only strictly abide by the agreement, not to steal the law to leak out. Only to be upright, not to be greedy for money and steal."

"It is only allowed to help the weak and the poor, and it is not allowed to rape women..."

"It's inaccurate, have you all written it down?"

The old dyer looked extraordinarily solemn tonight, his eyes swept across the congregation in the courtyard, and then at the young boys who were about to join the association.

"take note of it."

The boys responded loudly and excitedly.They knew that as long as they joined the Red Spear Club, they would receive some money and food every month, which was enough to survive in this famine and chaotic world.What's more, after joining the Red Gun Club, no bullies and bandits would dare to bully them.

Once you join the Red Gun Club, you will be brothers in the world, and everyone will share the difficulties and share the blessings.

"Okay, since you have all memorized them, let's recite them one by one now."

A group of boys all recited it smoothly.

"Brother please fetch the holy water."

The big brother is the little dyer, the old dyer is the president, and the little dyer is the big brother.

As for the holy water, it was given by the Red Spear Society at the upper level. It is said that the holy water was given by His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor.

Every member who joins the club has to undergo a baptism with holy water to show that he joins the club cleanly and behaves innocently.

A white porcelain bottle was held out respectfully by the little dyer.

Dozens of young lads stood in a row.

The old dyer took a wicker stick, dipped it in a bottle and dipped it in holy water, and tapped it on every boy who joined the association.

The boys with holy water on their bodies were very excited.


"Now, you have all been baptized and become members of my Red Gun Club, so I also want to tell you something about my club."

The old dyer stood in front of Guan Gong and preached to these new members.

Only then did the boys realize that their Red Spear Club was just a branch.The Red Gun Club is headquartered in Fan Yang Mansion. The Red Gun Club has a head coach, but no president. Below that, there are sub-clubs.

For example, the sub-rudders of relevant clubs, Shandong sub-rudders, Henan sub-rudders, etc. basically set up a sub-rudder together.Branches are set up in each county.

Their Hundred Flowers Valley Red Flower Club is the Hundred Flowers Valley Red Spear Club under the Luoyang Branch of the Red Gun Club's Henan branch. The old dyer's official position in the club is not the president, but the instructor.

The sub-branches and sub-branches in various places should not only accept the orders of the general headquarters, but also accept the guidance of the personal guard captain's mansion.

The Red Gun Associations in various places can get money and food from above, and vigorously develop members. On the surface, they are organizations for the self-protection of local villagers, but in fact they are a well-defined and closely united organization.

It not only prevents bandits and theft, protects the environment and the people, but also provides intelligence information for the personal guards of the captain's mansion. Even when needed, the branch clubs at all levels can be quickly organized to form a strong combat force.

The Hundred Flowers Valley branch now has more than [-] members, and they have officially reported to the Fan Yang General Assembly. When necessary, the [-] members of the Red Spear can be organized into the Hundred Flowers Valley Long Spear Battalion.

(End of this chapter)

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