Chapter 80
(Chapter 3 is here, more updates have been added!)
The sweet-scented osmanthus trees in the small courtyard are covered with golden flowers, emitting bursts of refreshing cinnamon fragrance.

The weather was fine today, so the Luo family set up several long tables under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree in the courtyard and put them together. The Luo family has never been neater than before.

The four married daughters all returned with their husbands and children.

The old blacksmith Luo who had been working outside the county came back, the boss and the second child came back, the third child, the fourth child, and the fifth child also returned, and the sixth child who was at home, all the men of the Luo family were not absent today.

In addition, the eldest daughter-in-law and the second daughter-in-law who married into Luo's family, and Wu Niang who has not yet left the cabinet.

The long tables in the courtyard are already full.

Father Luo looked at the large table of people and was very happy. He always made an exception and asked Xiao Liu to buy a jar of wine early.

"The family is reunited, happy today, I have to drink two glasses!"

"Old man, I'm happy too, and I'll have a drink with you too." Luo Mu also said.

Luo Cheng was very surprised. Unexpectedly, Luo's mother also drank.

The wine is water wine, brewed from millet grain, with low concentration and low purity. The wine is muddy and yellowish, and there are even unfiltered distiller's grains in it, and there are some wine mosquitoes in the wine.

This kind of wine doesn't taste good, but the price is not cheap. In the past, the Luo family couldn't afford to drink wine. Even during the holidays, the Luo family would never buy wine, and the food they collected was even more reluctant to make wine.

"Drink all!" The third child, Siye, held up the wine jar, poured a glass for each of Luo's father and Luo mother, then poured a glass for the eldest and the second, and finally filled it for himself.

The fourth child looked at the third child, "Brother, you should buy some good wine."

As a result, the third child glared at him, and he immediately stopped talking.

Everyone poured a bowl of wine, even the sons-in-law.

The eldest brother-in-law, Zhou Dewei, lives [-] miles away from Nanshan Village, and the family has [-] mu of land. He is considered a self-cultivator, and his life is not bad.

The second brother-in-law, Er Ziming, is the only son-in-law of the Luo family who has read a lot. He was once promoted by the county as a virtuous person, and went to Daxing City to take the imperial examination. Although he failed in the end, he still read a lot The person who wrote the book, his grandfather even served in the state and joined the army. Although he was a low-level official, he used to be an official family after all. I have no land, I just live as a teacher for others.

Life is still better than that of the Luo family. Although they are a bit bitter, they are not bad for the Yue family, and they never miss the etiquette during the festivals.

These two brother-in-laws are both in their early thirties, and they lived a good life before, but they actually feel a little superior when they come to Yue's house.But this time, they keenly sensed the difference, and the Luo family's spirits rose sharply.

Originally, when the third child came to ask them to go home, he was asking for something, but who knew that as soon as they entered the door, the old man first gave them ten pennies each, saying that it was to make up for the dowry that the old lady and the second mother didn't have when they got married.

A string of copper coins, a total of ten pennies, really surprised them.

After listening to the bragging of the fourth son, they had a preliminary understanding of the current changes in the Luo family. The Luo family has really developed.

Now the Luo family has 270 mu of land alone!
Not to mention, copper coins and silk are still worth hundreds of guan. The old blacksmith's family is now the richest man in Nanshan Village, even in Nanshan. The former richest man Wang Laogui just committed a crime and was confiscated Many family businesses have already fallen into the hands of the Luo family.

"Father, I plan to buy some more land!"

After Luo Cheng took a sip of the wine, he didn't plan to take a second sip. This stuff is not wine at all, it's sour, with a bit of bitter taste, and even mixed with some unclear taste. He never I've never had such a bad wine, it's even worse than Huiyuan fruit juice mixed with foreign wine.

Even beer can't compare, it's too far behind.

"Buy land?" Father Luo asked after taking a sip of his wine.

"Father, I think so. Although our family has 270 mu of land now, we are such a large family. This land is actually not much. Another thing, we won some rewards this time, and we have 190 mu of land in total. , 190 bolts of silk, and some seized from the battlefield. I have a lot of cash in hand. It is useless to keep the money in my hands. It is better to buy some fields. Didn’t something happen to the Wang family? His family has a lot of land, and we happen to You can take the opportunity to buy some."

In the Sui Dynasty, there were restrictions on the occupation of land by people without officials and titles. People without honors, titles, officials and jobs could only own a hundred acres of land per Ding.

The [-]-acre limit has to include the land granted by the imperial court.

However, Changbai Township has never had a full share of land, so Lao Luo's family now has five men and two middle men. Their family's land actually has six hundred acres, five men each have [-] mu, and two men have fifty acres each. mu.

Now they have 270 mu of land, and they can buy up to 330 mu of land.

Under normal circumstances, it is not so easy to buy land. First, you have to have money, and second, you have to have land to buy, and second, you have to buy land and you have to be able to cultivate it. It is very strict, once discovered, the punishment is very heavy.

However, the members of the Luo family, even if they have [-] mu of land, they can plant the land here. After all, these years are widely harvested and poorly cultivated. Part of the fields are planted with mulberry and hemp.

"The Wang family's land has always been good land, the land price is not cheap, and such a good land may not be willing to sell such a good land even if the government takes it back!"

Dad thought for a while.

For a farmer, buying land when he has money is the most natural idea. This is the same as in later generations, when he has some money in hand, he always wants to pay a down payment and mortgage to buy a house.

In this day and age, land is the investment with the least risk, the safest and most stable investment.

Nothing is as cost-effective as buying land.

"Father, I'll settle this matter." Luo Cheng said with a smile.

The third child also said, "Xiao Wu will soon be the head arrester in the county. It's not a problem to buy land normally without taking it for nothing."

"How much to buy?" Dad asked again.

"As much as you can buy, it's best if you can buy a full field."

"Even if we can buy so much, can we cultivate it? There will be a big battle next year!" the old man sighed.

"After buying the fields, we can also buy some farm cattle, and we can also rent out some of the land for other families to plant. As long as we can buy land, we will not worry about not being able to plow it. As for next year's big battle, you don't have to worry, I have One way is to avoid duty and skip classes." Luo Cheng has a plan in his mind.

Tyranny is fiercer than a tiger, and heavy labor is even more fatal.

Just like Luo's family this year, a family of five and two middle schools ended up with six people being sent to hard labor. Luo Wu, who came back the earliest, did three months of labor.If it is still like this next year, even if the family has land, it will be difficult to have a harvest.

"any solution?"

The men at the table asked almost at the same time!
(End of this chapter)

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