Chapter 807
"Taking Luoyang City is thanks to Zhang Yudai's contribution."

Pei Xingyan and Zhang Zhongjian were walking slowly on the city wall of Luoyang. In the distance, a troop was approaching Luoyang, and a Zheng flag was flying high.

Zhang Zhongjian took a look, "It's Wang Shichong's second son Wang Xuanshu's army, about 2 people, originally stationed in the north of Luoyang, guarding against Jin Yongcheng Wang Bodang."

Although Wang Xuanshu's 2 horses were not the most elite Huai army infantrymen, they could be regarded as a heavy force in Luoyang.If he hadn't focused on Wang Bodang in Jinyong City, I'm afraid Pei Xingyan and the others might not have been able to take Luoyang City so easily.

"It's a pity he came late." Pei Xingyan chuckled.

In Luoyang city at this time, although the Qin army brought by Pei Xingyan only had four thousand horses, more than ten thousand secret society members from all over the place recruited by Zhang Zhongjian had already rushed to Luoyang. The children of officials led the crowd anyway, and there were thousands of them.

Add up, there are no less than 2 people in Luoyang City.

What's more, many Zheng Jun had been captured before.

"Luoyang City is a bit bigger, or better to defend."

Luoyang was the capital city built only during the Daye Dynasty. It is magnificent and huge, even surpassing the newly built Chang'an Daxing City during the Kai Dynasty.But the bigger the city, the harder it is to defend.

The most easily defended and difficult to attack are actually the military forts built on terraces, high mountains, and cliffs. The castles are small and dangerous, often with hundreds of thousands of people, they can withstand tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of people. month's attack.

"However, many secret societies have been developed in the counties of Henan Province in recent years, and congregations from various clubs are rushing to Luoyang. When they gather, there can be no less than [-] people."

One hundred thousand people, this number shocked Pei Xingyan.

This is not Liaodong outside the customs. Outside the customs, clubs such as the Red Spear Club are supported by the government. Naturally, there are clubs in every township and village, and almost all young and middle-aged people join a club.But in Henan, this is an enemy-occupied area, and it was developed secretly. In a short period of time, it was able to develop no less than [-] people.

"The world is chaotic, and everyone naturally wants stability. The society can protect itself, so of course everyone is willing to join." Zhang Zhongjian said with a smile. Supported the development of many merchant chambers of commerce, and used their own intelligence channels and advantages to do business and smuggle, and also earned a lot of money.

"I don't know how Li Mi and Wang Shichong are doing now."

Pei Xingyan said.

The outcome of the fight between the two tigers will also determine the situation in Luoyang City.

"I'm sure there will be good news."

The action this time was pulling out teeth.

After all, before the main force of Qin army came out, he dared to go deep into Luoyang, and forcibly pulled his teeth out of the mouths of these two tigers, Li Mi and Wang Shichong, which was indeed bold.

"I also ask Zhang Yudai to organize the clubs from all over the country into battalions and command them in a unified way."

Zhang Zhongjian said, "When the clubs in various places developed, they took into account the situation like today, so the organization of each club is actually the method of the regiment in the army."

A branch is a box, and a branch is a regiment.There are also wards under the branch, and the ward is a city.Branches are also divided into teams and fires.

In fact, it is completely organized according to the law of the army, and although these people are members of the secret society, they are all composed of relatives in the village, and the leaders are also prestigious people. Therefore, the combat effectiveness of their team should not be underestimated. The Peasant Army is a little bit stronger.

In particular, they all secretly received weapons supplies from the pro-military captain's mansion, as well as the guidance of military officers and instructors sent there, so the more than ten thousand members of the club gathered here are actually more than ten thousand local soldiers.

Zhang Zhongjian had no intention of grabbing power and merit, so he generously handed over the command of the tens of thousands of congregations to Pei Xingyan.

Pei Xingyan was not too polite, and immediately ordered that these more than [-] people, his [-] Qin army, and the thousands of people who belonged to Luoyang City be reorganized together, and immediately formed an army of more than [-] people.

There are 4000 people in the six-compartment and one military department, and if there are more, they will be classified as auxiliary defense forces.

The search in Luoyang City is still going on, mainly to search for Wang Shichong's clan accomplices, and to search out the officials and military academies in Luoyang City. Naturally, there will be no embarrassment for those who are willing to join.

At the same time, Xuan Xiao announced that martial law will be enforced in the city, so that the people can stay at home quietly and not go out on the streets.

Next, the original officials and officials of Fangjie reported to Zhang Zhongjian, who was in charge of the affairs of the city, and then took over to appease the people, maintain the law and order of the neighborhood, crack down on robbery by fire, investigate spies and spies, and be responsible for defending the army. Cooking and delivering meals, treating the wounded, transporting ordnance, and arranging for the young and strong to go to the city to assist in the defense and other affairs.

The huge city of Luoyang, the eastern capital, is rapidly calming down.

This is already the second mutiny in Luoyang City in a short period of time.

The last mutiny was when Wang Shichong led an army into the palace, and then beheaded Lu Chuyuan, Wendu and others. It didn't take long, and now the Qin army entered the city again.

The people in Luoyang City seemed to have become calm. They only panicked for a while, and then quickly settled down. Many people even stood curiously behind the doors and windows of their homes, secretly looking at those Qin soldiers and those who came into the city. Red Gun will wait.

Some people even met the former neighbor officials who came to appease the announcement, and even smiled and came forward to chat and inquire about the situation.

The rich and powerful people in the city almost went to surrender their allegiance to the new General Pei and Captain Zhang. They patted their chests and said they welcomed the Qin army into the city, and thanked the emperor for saving them.

While saying good things, he offered two gift slips.

One gift list is very luxurious, with a lot of gold, silver, money and silk on it, which is given to General Pei and Zhang Duwei privately, and the other is less, it is for the Qin court, and a lot of rice, noodles, vegetables and so on are prepared. There is a price for grain in Luoyang but there is no market, but these people still have a lot of hoarding, and at this time they reluctantly took out some to support and reward.

Pei Xingyan was in charge of the city defense command on the top of the city, commanding the newly formed Luoyang City Defense Army, as well as the surrendered soldiers and civilians in the logistics battalion.

Zhang Zhongjian was in charge of the internal affairs of the city and was in charge of logistics in the Zheng Wang Mansion of the original Wang Shichong in the city.

He looked at the name stickers and the gift lists, but only showed a sneer of disdain.

"These people really put the cart before the horse. They actually gave such generous gifts to a certain and Prefect Pei, but they were only willing to give so little to the emperor."

"They may think that you, Captain, are just like Wang Shichong." One of the subordinates laughed.

"Haha, then they have misunderstood the person. A certain book is the eyes and ears of the emperor. How could they do such a thing. But these people are newcomers, so they shouldn't ask for so much. Combine these two gift lists and record them together. Come down, even if they all contributed to the imperial court."

Someone asked, "Is the same for Prefect Pei? Will it offend General Pei?"

"This is also for the good of General Pei. It's better if he doesn't know. If he knows and becomes greedy again, if he makes a mistake, it will be bad. Let General Pei fully preside over the defense of Luoyang." .”

(End of this chapter)

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