Chapter 821 Desperate

When Li Shimin read the letter just now, he really wanted to curse.

He wanted to scold Li Jiancheng for being incompetent, and he insisted on traveling 20 miles from Tongguan to Hongnong to fight Luo Cunxiaolang with a few cobbled together soldiers.

Here he desperately withstood Xue Rengao's 20 army in the Western Qin Dynasty, but Li Jiancheng fought in Hongnonglang and lost an army of 10,000+.

He also wanted to scold Li Yuan. At a time like this, people are panicking and need to strengthen their confidence even more, but his father shouted to move the capital. Is this normal?
He is still fighting Xue Rengao here, if the imperial court moves away from Chang'an, I am afraid that the morale of the army here will also be unstable.

If even he is defeated, how can they fight for the world?
Originally, he should spend more time with Xue Rengao, but now after reading this letter, Li Shimin can only find a way to end the war here as soon as possible.

There must be a risk.

Otherwise, even if he temporarily blocked the news, the news could not be hidden for too long.

Walking to the map, Li Shimin frowned and thought.

"I have a bold plan. Not only can I break the siege of Changwu, but I can also destroy Xue Rengao's 20 troops."

Twenty miles west of Changwu City.

General Zong Luohu of the Western Qin Dynasty led tens of thousands of people to stare at Changwu City, but there was a brave army. The Tang army did not leave the city to fight, but the damn Changwu City was extremely dangerous, and hard fighting was not their strong point at all.

But now that the army is running out of food and grass, the emperor already intends to teach.

"Marshal, the Tang army has left the city. They have finally left Changwu City and set up formations in Qianshuiyuan outside the city!"

When Zong Luohu heard the news, his excited eyes widened.

It's almost unbelievable that Tang Jun dared to go out of the city?
"Damn it, the Tang army must have run out of food and grass, and they finally can't hold on and want to go out of the city to fight. Pass on my military order, gather troops and horses, and annihilate the Tang army with me. Killing his mother is a pleasure!"

As a former general of the army, Zong Luohu immediately led an army of [-] troops from his headquarters, and rushed towards Qianshuiyuan Tang army with a murderous look.

What only made Zong Luohu a little depressed was that the Tang army had indeed left the city, but they chose a high platform to defend in formation, and they had no intention of coming out for a decisive battle. The tortoise that was born in the city turned into a tortoise that came outside the city.

This can drive Zong Luohu mad.

If you don't want to fight, you come out to kill birds, and you continue to stay in the city.

Zong Luohu ordered an attack, but after several attacks, they all returned in vain.

According to the favorable terrain, the Tang army still blocked their impact even though they had few soldiers.

"Marshal, Li Shimin's flag has been raised, and he is in the army formation." A school lieutenant reported.

"Damn, are you really bullying me? Send an order to call up all the cavalry, and I will lead the charge myself!"

Zong Luohu personally held up his horse and led [-] cavalry to charge.

This was an almost crazy charge. Zong Luohu was very fierce when he launched it. He also knew that the opportunity was rare. There was no food in the army. Only time can kill again.

"Capture Li Shimin alive, break into Chang'an City, distribute money, food and women!"

Zong Luohou shouted all the way, and the morale of the Western Qin cavalry was high.

Under the impact of their fierce cavalry.

Li Shimin's army was hit hard and crumbling.

Tang Jun fell in batches, but Li Shimin, under Li Shuai's banner, was always supervising the battle with a cold face.

When one batch is poured down, another batch will be topped up.

Constantly fight back with bows and crossbows, and defend the formation with gun shields.

Liang Shi, the former general of the army, asked Li Shimin to retreat more than once, because the casualties were too great, and there was a possibility of collapse at any time.

But Li Shimin still ordered to stick to it.

Although the platform guarded by the Tang army has favorable terrain, it has no water source.

Fighting from morning to night, the soldiers did not drink water all day and were very anxious.

After attacking until dark, Zong Luohu finally withdrew his troops helplessly, preparing to fight again at dawn.

At night, Li Shimin communicated with the city of Changwu with lights.

The soldiers also seized the time to rest. Without water to drink, they killed horses and drank blood.

Li Shimin inspected the barracks, visited the wounded soldiers, comforted the soldiers, told them that victory was in sight, and if they persisted, they would be able to win a big victory.


Zong Luohou was ready to attack again.

At this time, the gate of Changwu city was opened, and Chongyu, another general manager of the Tang army, was ordered by Li Shimin to lead a team to line up in each place in Qianshuiyuan.

Pang Yu's soldiers and horses are only five thousand, and there is no danger to defend where they are arrayed.

When Zong Luohu saw it, he immediately turned to attack Pang Yu.

The battle lasted only half the morning, and Chongyu couldn't hold on anymore.

Seeing this, Zong Luohu pressed the whole army to defeat Chongyu in one fell swoop.

When his whole army attacked, the last [-] cavalry in Changwu City had already followed Li Shimin's banner order to go out of the north gate and come around from the north of the shallow water source, so Zong Luohu had no choice but to quickly mobilize troops to fight.

Seeing Zong Luohu split up and fight, Li Shimin observed for a long time.

"Zong Luohou's army is exhausted, we can attack now."

Li Shimin got on his horse, and regardless of the obstruction of his own soldiers, he personally picked up his spear and jumped on the horse, and rushed to the front.He asked his own soldiers to hold up his handsome flag and rush to the front with him.

Guided by Shuai Qi, Li Shimin's golden armor is very dazzling.

Nearly [-] Taiwanese troops on the original platform descended like fierce tigers.

Li Shimin took the lead and led the one thousand black armored cavalry built by him to rush straight into Zong Luohu's central army.

The Xuanjia iron cavalry was built by Li Shimin after he realized the sharpness of the heavy cavalry when he was under Luo Cheng's command.

They were dressed in black iron armor and held black lacquered iron horse-wrapped lances, which were extremely sharp.

The shouts shook the ground, and the iron hooves shook the sky.

Although Zong Luohu had [-] soldiers, he was exhausted from the fierce attack before, so he divided his troops to attack the two troops of the Tang army, but Li Shimin attacked the main formation of the Chinese army.

The heavy cavalry's charge was so powerful that the West Qin army couldn't stop it at all.

After half a day.

Both armies were exhausted, but still fought inextricably.

Everyone knows that this is a decisive battle.

At this time, whoever gets the reinforcements first will win the battle.

Although Li Shimin's Xuanjia cavalry is powerful, there are still too few of them. Zong Luohu's central army was rushed, but his two wings defeated the Tang army again, and turned around to encircle Li Shimin.

The two armies fought inextricably in this way.

Li Shimin looked at the battlefield anxiously, and he dared not pray in his heart that his reinforcements would arrive first.

at dusk.

The north side of Qianshuiyuan.

The war horse neighed, and the military flag fluttered.

A well-disciplined cavalry is in formation, making the final preparations before the quiz.

A member of the Mingguang Armored General is immediately making the final mobilization.

Rifle raised.

Three thousand cavalry elites completed their preparations and mobilized their horses.

The horseshoes thundered.

The flag is flying.

On the battlefield, everyone's eyes were looking there, wanting to see the pattern on the flag immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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