Chapter 825 Tang Emperor
A sunny afternoon.

The emperor in Chang'an City led the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, and went out of Chang'an City to the Wei Bridge to meet the triumphant Li Shimin.

What an honor it is to be welcomed by the Son of Heaven.

By the Wei Bridge.

Li Shimin was a little dazzled by this big battle.

Li Yuan was riding in a golden carriage with the emperor, and he beckoned his son to come up and return to Beijing with the emperor.

"I dare not."

Before Yang You could speak, Li Yuan said first, "Come on, you saved the court, you are a great hero." Li Yuan even directly named Li Shimin as Taiwei and envoy without Emperor Yang You's consent. Festival, Shandong Road Daxingtai Shangshuling.

He directly pulled his son Li Shimin into the emperor's carriage. The father and son talked in the carriage as if no one was there, but the emperor Yang You seemed like a coachman and servant.

Many courtiers saw this scene in their eyes, but no one said anything.

More than 3000 people including Yin Shishi and Gu Yi were executed by the Weishui River, who would dare to oppose Li Yuan now.

Li Yuan himself was just a prime minister, but he bypassed the emperor and directly conferred the title of Sangong to his son. No matter how great Li Shimin's achievements were, he shouldn't be so rude.

After returning to Chang'an City, many people began to persuade Li Yuan to come in, asking the Tang king to be enthroned by Chan.

General's House.

Li Shimin asked Li Yuan not to move the capital.

"Although our army lost a battle in Hongnong, we have not yet reached the point where we are about to move the capital. Now I have just defeated Xue Rengao and captured the Western Qin Emperor and his officials alive. There is no need to worry about the future. Tongguan is still in my hands, and I have dispatched [-] troops to help, so Guanzhong can be safe."

Li Yuan happily held his son's hand, "East and west were in danger before, and it was my father who had the idea of ​​moving the capital. Now that Erlang has defeated Xue Rengao and has a large army to help, the matter of moving the capital is no longer discussed."

He sighed, "It's just that if you can defeat Xue Rengao one month earlier, I will let you command the Eastern Expedition one month earlier, and I will definitely defeat Luo Cunxiao and capture Luoyang, Henan. Now , It's a shame."

"Father, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. Temporary gains and losses are nothing. It doesn't matter if Henan is taken away by Luo Cheng, we will fight back."

"Okay, being a father just likes what you say."

In order to commend his son's achievements, Li Yuan later sent several beauties to his son, including Yin Shishi's daughter, and a Princess Izumo whom Li Yuan wanted to honor for Li Shimin.

During the change of Jiangdu, although the princess escaped from the city, she was intercepted later, and finally returned to Chang'an with the Xiaoguo army and Empress Xiao.

Today, Li Yuan rewards Princess Izumo to Li Shimin as a concubine.

"If you dare to take a step closer to me, I will kill myself on the spot, and the blood will splash all over you."

Taiwei's House.

Yang Jier held a dagger against her neck, and she looked at Li Shimin with disdain.

"You Li family father and son are despicable and disgusting."

Li Shimin's face turned red, and his one eye was even bloodshot.

"I didn't know about this, and I didn't expect King Tang to be like this. Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

But Princess Izumo didn't appreciate it, she just looked at him with disdain.

Li Shimin gritted his teeth, "You should stay here for the time being, and don't have other ideas, otherwise you will not have good results if you anger my father."

Early the next morning.

Li Shimin sees Li Yuan.

"How about it, did you spend the night in Yin's room or Yang's room last night?"

Li Shimin frowned.

"Father, Princess Izumo is a man with a husband, it's very rude of you to do so."

Li Yuan sneered a few times, "Didn't I know that Princess Izumo's husband is Luo Siye, I'm just dissatisfied with the Luo brothers, I want to let them know my anger. There is one thing you don't know. It was Luo Cheng who sent people to provoke secretly, they didn't worry about colluding with all parties, and they even sent people to prepare to dig up our Li family's ancestral graves and burn our ancestors' bones to ashes."

If it wasn't for a critical moment, one of Yin Shishi's family would report on Yin Shishi to him in order to escape because of his adultery with Yin Shishi's concubine, and Li Yuan would almost be overthrown by them.

Li Yuan was angry, so he killed Yin Shishi's whole family, but left his wife and daughter to be occupied by his father and son.Even out of anger, he wanted to give Luo Cunxiao's wife to his son.

"Even so, it shouldn't be like this."

"Hmph, you kid is being polite to them, Yuanji is better off. The other daughter of the Yang family I sent yesterday, he took possession of without hesitation."

"Shimin, many people are now persuading me to accept Zen and become the throne. What do you think of this?" Li Yuan asked.

"The time has come." Li Shimin said.

Earlier, when Yang Guang was here, Luo Chengcheng embraced Yang Hao and proclaimed himself emperor. After Yang Guang died, Wang Shichong embraced Yang Yu, and their Li family embraced Yang You.But soon Luo Chenggong drove Yang Wei down and became the emperor of Qin himself.

But Wang Shichong defeated Luoyang, and Yang Tong was captured by Luo Cheng and went to the emperor's title.

Yang Hao has become the Marquis of Guiming, and Yang Tong has become the Marquis of Obedience. Now the Yang family only has Yang You as the emperor, and there is really no need to keep it anymore.

Li Yuan is very satisfied.

He patted his son on the shoulder and said, "Although Jiancheng is the eldest son, he is not as many as you. If you are the eldest son and I am the son of heaven, I should make you the prince."

These words are indeed heartfelt words, but they are also intended to comfort his son. After all, this son is the best at fighting now, and he will have to rely more on him in the future.

When Li Shimin heard this, his one eye was flooded, and he couldn't help crying.

When Li Yuan saw it, he couldn't help being moved.

Then he thought hotly, "Erlang, for you, I decided not to appoint a crown prince after I ascended the throne. If Dalang can't take on the heavy responsibility of the country and society in the future, I will still appoint you as the crown prince."

When Li Shimin got this sentence, he was both moved and happy, and he became more motivated to fight.

The tenth day of December in the 13th year of Daye.

It is also the first year of Yining.

Li Yuan accepted Yang You's abdication in Taiji Palace, and only accepted after three resignations, and finally put aside Yang Sui's pretense.

Li Yuan ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, and changed his reign title to Wude.

After ascending the throne, Li Yuan named his eldest son Jian as Taifu, Tang Wang, and Shang Shuling.

The second son Li Shimin was granted the title of Taiwei, Situ, King of Qin, Zhongshuling and Daxingtai Shangshuling of Eastern Shaanxi Province.

The third son Yuanji was granted the title of Sikong, King Qi, and Shizhong.

Worship Pei Ji as the left servant of the Shangshu, Liu Wenjing as the right servant of the Shangshu, Xiao Yu as the servant of the sect, and Yang Yichen as the servant of the Zhongshu.

Add hundreds of officials and reward soldiers.

He sacrificed to his ancestors in Taimiao, and then killed Xue Rengao.

After the enthronement ceremony, Li Jiancheng returned to his palace with a stiff face.

He never expected that, as the eldest son, he would only be canonized as the king of Tang, not the crown prince.

The emperor replied to him that he should be crowned the king of Tang first, and then the crown prince later, but Li Jiancheng smelled something different.

The second child, Li Shimin, has already seriously threatened his status.

(End of this chapter)

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