Chapter 838

It's not sunny yet.

Huo Yicheng came with a group of envoys.

"I am the special envoy of the Great Qin Emperor, warrior Xun, and I have come to see General Li Er by order of my emperor."

In the original time and space, after the samurai Xun became prosperous in the timber business, he joined the army and became a captain of Taiyuan Weifu. Soon after, Li Yuan came to Hedong to serve as an official. The samurai Xun deliberately made friends with him. That's right, when Li Yuan raised his army, the warrior Xun even gave all his family wealth to help the army.

Therefore, after Li Yuan proclaimed himself emperor, the warrior Xun was able to become one of the heroes of Taiyuan. There were two daughters, one of whom later entered the palace and became Li Shimin's talented person, and even later became Li Zhi's queen, and finally became the emperor of Wu Zhou.

But now, Li Yuan has never served in Hedong.Although he was a prefect in the building in his early years, the warrior Xun was still selling wood in Luoyang at that time. Later, the warrior Xun became the team leader, but Li Yuan never returned to Hedong.The samurai Xun never met Li Yuan again, but met Wang Junkuo, who was running for Luo Cheng, and joined Luo Cheng's camp ever since.

"Where are you from?" Li Shimin asked.

"I'm from Taiyuan City."

In a word, the faces of all the Tang army generals in the hall changed.


"That's right, Taiyuan. When I left Taiyuan, my emperor was in Jinyang Palace."

This time, Li Shimin's face also turned pale.

"Impossible, Luo Cheng can't fly, Jing Xing is very dangerous, he flew over?" The first general couldn't help but criticize.

The samurai just smiled, then took out a letter and handed it over.

"what is this?"

"General Zhao Er wrote a letter from his brother Li Yuan, the general can read it."

Li Shimin took the letter, read it again, and confirmed that it was indeed Li Yuan's letter, and the content of the letter made him flustered.

"This must be a forged letter." Li Shimin shook his head and threw the letter aside.

The samurai did not take it seriously, "I have another gift here, which my emperor asked me to send to the general."

Here is a box.

Several soldiers of the Tang army stepped forward to check carefully, and finally opened it.

When the box was opened, those people couldn't help but let out exclamations.

"What is it?"

Li Shimin asked.

He strode down, glanced into the box, and was stunned for just one look.

There are three human heads in the box, soaked in mercury, so lifelike.

He recognized the head in the box at a glance.

Isn't the old one in the middle his uncle Wang Yu?He is also the father-in-law of eldest brother Jiancheng.

Not long ago, Wang Yu came to Chang'an with his nephew, wife and daughter to meet the emperor. Li Yuan also bestowed upon him the Duke of Wei and the post of governor of Bingzhou. Unexpectedly, when they met again, he was already killed.

On the two sides of Wang Yu, Wang Renbiao is on the left, Wang Renyou is on the right, one is a son and the other is a nephew, two young talents, known as the young twin heroes of the Wang family in Qi County, Taiyuan, but now they all have their heads cut off.

"Luo Cheng'an dares to do that!"

Li Shimin was furious.

The samurai stood there, but he just said, "My emperor personally conquered Taiyuan, and people with insight have abandoned darkness and turned to light to join our emperor. For example, the guards of Weize Pass and Jingxing Pass all surrendered. There is also Xiao Gong of Taiyuan, He also joined the Taiyuan Wen family and others to join the city, but Wang Yu of Qixian County led his nephews and relatives to resist stubbornly, ignorant of current affairs, and in the end he lost his life. Before he died, he set fire to half of Taiyuan City, and my emperor was furious, so he ordered the whole family of Yi Wangyu to send these three heads to General Li Er by order, just to convey my emperor's words, those who know current affairs are heroes If you and your father and son surrender as soon as possible, then he will still look at Li Guifei's face and preserve your wealth, otherwise, Wang Yu and his son will be the fate of your and Li's father."

Li Shimin drew his sword in his hand.

"Does Second General Li dare to kill me? If you dare to kill me today, my emperor will destroy all of your Li family in the future. I am the Great Qin Angel!"

Li Shimin picked up the warrior's collar with one hand, but in the end he just pushed him away.

"Luo Cheng is also known as a hero, but he did such an act of punishing the famous barbarians. Isn't he afraid that the world will cast aside him?"

"General Li Er also claims to be benevolent and righteous, but why did he want to slaughter the soldiers and civilians in Huoyi City? The two armies are fighting each other, and they have their own tricks. What kind of gentleman is this?"

Li Shimin turned around.

Raised his body, "You can go back, tell Luo Cheng, when the heavy rain stops, I will lead the army to attack Taiyuan, let him wait!"

The warrior Yi was driven out of Huoyi.

Li Shimin immediately issued an order, "The whole army is ready to face Luo Cheng here."

A general immediately persuaded, "We have come from a long way to enter Taiyuan, and use Jingxing and other natural dangers to prevent the Qin army from the dangerous fortress. But now Luo Cheng has entered Taiyuan, and there are no casualties. His strength has not diminished but increased. And now our army's rear food road is cut off, and the people around here are afraid of me, there is no food and no danger, there is only a small Huoyi, I am afraid that Luo Cheng can't be stopped at all, it is better to retreat to the big city to defend."

But Li Shimin shook his head.

"You can't retreat. Once you retreat, it will be even more difficult to stop Luo Cheng. Although Huoyi is small, the city is strong and dangerous, guarding the important and dangerous road of Queshu Valley. Although our army can't counterattack Taiyuan immediately, we can't let Luo Cheng Cheng took advantage of the momentum and went south."

After passing Huoyi, the south side is the Yimapingchuan plain basin along the Fen River. If it is not guarded here, it will be even more difficult to guard the south side.

"However, since Luo Cheng captured Taiyuan, he can also attack Shangdangxia Changping and come behind us. When the north and south attack, we will be trapped here."

"We can't retreat, we must fight him!" Li Shimin insisted.

The generals retreated.

Li Shimin stood alone in the hall, looking down at the heads of his uncle and cousin.

"Uncle, cousin, you go all the way."

All the generals advised him to withdraw his troops, but Li Shimin knew that if he withdrew, he might not be able to stop.

At that time, the Eastern and Western Weis competed for the world. The Eastern Wei Gao Huan had a strong army and occupied the most affluent Guandong area, while Yu Wentai only occupied a corner of Guanlong. But in the end, the Western Wei seized the opportunity to cross the Yellow River eastward, and cleverly captured Shao County in Hedong and entered Hedong. The natural danger of Guanhe, which was originally relied on by the two Weis, was seized by the Western Wei, and the Western Wei took the strategic initiative.

Afterwards, the Western Wei Dynasty used Yubi City in the southwest of Jishan in Hedong County as a base to occupy Emeiyuan, forcing Gao Huan to take the initiative to seize it twice, but was defeated twice, which changed the strategic situation of both sides from then on.

Li Shimin didn't intend to give up Xihe and Jiangjun immediately and retreat to Hedong County. He wanted to hold Luo Cheng down here and drag Luo Cheng down.

late at night.

Huoyi City was peaceful.

Suddenly, fires broke out everywhere, and there were shouts of killing everywhere.

"The Qin army raided!"

"Enemy attack!"

"Qin Jun is here!"

Li Shimin, who had just fallen asleep, got up in his clothes, not even his armor, and came out with his sword in hand. He saw that Huoyi City was on fire everywhere, and the streets were full of Qin soldiers in red robes.

"How did they get in?" Li Shimin roared angrily.

March thirteenth of the second year of Kaiyuan in the Great Qin Dynasty.

General Qu Tutong led Jingqi quietly out of Queshu Valley to attack Huoyi at night. Some defenders opened the city gate to lead the Qin army into the city. The Tang army was in chaos. Li Shimin had no time to put on his armor.
Most of the [-] Tang troops under his command broke up and fled, and nearly half surrendered to the Qin army.

(End of this chapter)

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