Chapter 84 Killing Power


Luo Cheng shouted.

The teenagers turned their heads to look this way, some of them quieted down, but some still whispered, "Who is this?"

"Our township school captain Luo Cheng."

"Why do you look so young?"

"I heard it's only sixteen."

"Isn't that younger than me, why did you become a captain?"

"Don't you know that before he captured the blue-faced ghost alive, he later became a county policeman, went to the county town on business, and was conscripted into the county army to suppress bandits. He made a great contribution, so he did this at only sixteen The captain of the village regiment."

"To shut up!"

Luo Laosi mentioned that Lao slapped the green bricks under his feet severely, and the blue bricks shattered, and the loud noise shook all the teenagers to quiet down.

Luo Cheng looked at the quiet field with satisfaction.

Stand up slowly.

"A certain person is Luo Cheng, captain of the regiment school of Changbai Township, Zhangqiu County, Qi County. Some people have heard of me, and some people may not have heard of me, but no matter whether you have heard of me or not, from now on, from you Step into the gate of this barracks and open it, and you will be a soldier of our town regiment! Once you enter the barracks, you will only talk about military law and discipline!"

Luo Cheng walked down the steps step by step.

Come to the group of ignorant teenagers.

"What is military discipline? It is the order and prohibition! I called Su Jing just now, and you should all silence, but there were still people talking a lot just now. This is a violation of military discipline. Although you don't understand, you still violated my military discipline! "

As he spoke, Luo Cheng began to point his finger at some of the teenagers.

He pointed to one, and the fourth child and others came over and dragged out one.

Some teenagers didn't know what was going to happen, some screamed in fright, some dared to curse, and some even struggled to resist, but in front of the old four and other guys who had killed people, these teenagers were simply too tender up.

Like a goat in front of a pack of wolves.

Luo Cheng pointed at 23 teenagers, and the fourth child dragged out 23 of them.

"Take off their pants and clothes!"

"Hahaha, I like this!" The fourth child laughed loudly, picked up a boy, pushed him to the ground a few times, and with both hands and feet, he stripped him like a big white sheep in a short while.

The one-eyed old king laughed and peeled while laughing, which made the young man terrified and screaming wildly.

23 teenagers squatting on the ground naked.


"stand up!"

"Stand up straight!"

Luo Cheng roared.

Although the teenagers were terrified, they were all drunk by Luo Cheng in the end and stood up straight.

"Hands off, none of your gadgets are interested, keep your chest up, head up, stand up straight! Arms by your sides!"

The teenagers slowly followed suit.

"Now, you squat down, put your hands behind your back, jump like a toad, and jump around this courtyard ten times!"

"Learning toad jump? Isn't it spanking?" The fourth child was a little disappointed.

"What's so good about spanking, it's a waste of food if it's broken." Luo Cheng snorted, "But don't think it's easy to learn toad jumping."

"What's so difficult about it?"

"Then you take them to dance together, try it and you'll know."

"Just try it." The fourth child really put down Lao Si and came to lead the team to dance.

The other teenagers stood there watching. After the moment just now, these teenagers became much more honest. They stood there not daring to say a word, and all of them kept their mouths tightly shut.

They don't think it is difficult to learn toad jumping, but they think it is embarrassing to be stripped naked in public.

"Fourth, hurry up, why didn't you eat three bowls of dry rice in the morning?"

The third child stood there and shouted.

He even started to shout for the fourth child.

From one to twenty, the fourth child jumped very fast, and those teenagers kept on jumping up and down.

But after [-] years, the fourth child is fine, but some of the teenagers are already unable to move.

The line got longer and longer, and some fell further and further behind.

In fact, the fourth child already felt a little dizzy, but in front of so many people, especially in front of those teenagers, he wanted to save face, so he gritted his teeth and held on.

In the end, the fourth child danced ten laps, and his clothes were soaked in sweat.

"Damn, why is it so tiring to squat and jump like a toad? It's more tiring than me carrying King Yu on his shoulders to kill people." He was panting like an old cow.

Behind him, only a few teenagers managed to complete ten laps, and most of them were already dead.

"Write it down for them, whoever still needs to remember how many laps are missing. If you haven't finished the dance today, you can make up for it tomorrow until you finish the dance."

"Xiao Wu, this move is good. It is more effective than beating them ten times. Look at the other guys, they are already much more honest. This move is the killing power stick, right?" The third son Siye asked with a smile.

"You have to stop them!"

After calming down the group of teenagers, Luo Cheng divided them into teams.

The soldiers of the Weifu are in groups of ten, five groups in one team, two teams in one brigade, and two brigades in one regiment. Except for the five groups at the first level, the rest are two-two systems.

Luo Cheng didn't intend to change this, anyway, they were actually a group of militia reserve soldiers.

"Measure their height first!"

Several bamboo poles were erected in front of the courtyard, some five feet high, some six feet high, and some seven feet high.

The teenagers came to compare one by one, those who were less than six feet tall stood behind the bamboo pole, those who were more than six feet but less than seven feet tall stood behind the six-foot tall pole, and those who were more than seven feet tall stood behind the seven-foot bamboo pole.

"Test their strength again!"

Several sets of stone locks were brought over.

These stone locks range from twenty catties to one hundred catties, and every teenager comes to try them.

Ask them to pick up the heaviest weight first, and then let them try which weight they can play some simple tricks, such as changing hands from left to right in the air, etc., and record them one by one.

"Xiao Wu, what are you doing?"

"Of course it's a bottom line."

"Should we be divided into groups according to height, shortness, fatness, thinness, and strength?" asked the third child.

"Of course not, it has to be matched well. If it is simply divided according to strength, height, shortness, fatness and thinness, it is actually the most inapplicable."

After measuring their height and strength, Luo Cheng asked them to start measuring their running speed and other things.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, the two hundred teenagers were already panting like cows, and their bodies were weak.

Luo Cheng held the collected records in his hand and watched them carefully.

Finally, I compared the records of the villages and villages of these teenagers' backgrounds.

"A team of 50 people, among them, choose ten people who are tall and strong, and let them practice large shield parry. Then choose 20 people who are tall and strong, and practice throwing spears. For the remaining 20 people, ten people practice long spears, and ten people practice horizontal swords!"

"From among these youths, select those hunters who can draw bows and teach them the art of archery, and let them be archers."

"Select those who are short and agile, and teach them to ride horse mules, which will be used for messengers in the future."

The township group lacked enough weapons, and the most that Lao Jia promised to give Luo Cheng were long guns, which were much cheaper than spears.

Then knives, spears, and bows can only be given a small amount.

As for the horse mule, unless Luo Cheng could get it himself, there was nothing he could do.

With the conditions like this, Luo Cheng can only cook with rice.

(End of this chapter)

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