Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 842 The Heavenly Family Is Ruthless

Chapter 842 The Heavenly Family Is Ruthless

Luo Cheng is receiving Chen Shuda, Dai Zhou, Zhang Zhenzhou, Zhou Fashang and other former Luoyang civil and military officials.

These people were all Sui officials and later attached to Wang Shichong.

Chen Shuda is the brother of Empress Chen. He has just been worshiped by Luo Cheng as a member of Zhongshushe, sitting on the chair given by the emperor, he is still a little uncomfortable.

"Your Majesty, after Wang Shichong took power in Luoyang, he set up three signboards outside his Taiwei's mansion. One sign invited people with literary talent and ability to accomplish current affairs. The other sign invited people with bravery and wisdom who could take the lead in destroying things. People who have fallen into the enemy's front. There is also a sign for people who have suffered wronged and can't complain."

Luo Cheng nodded.

"not bad."

Chen Shuda then said, "The establishment of these three brands is really effective. Hundreds of people write letters every day, and Wang Shichong invites them to meet them, read the articles in person, and express their condolences. Everyone is happy. Everyone thinks that Wang Shichong will obey, but In fact, Wang Shichong didn't do anything in the end. He only knew how to do superficial work, even to the level of soldiers and servants, Wang Shichong tried to please them with good words, but in reality he didn't give them any favors."

"Oh, so, Wang Shichong is a person who likes to do superficial work and talk like empty words?" Luo Cheng pinched his chin and said.

The Ziwei Palace in Luoyang City was not affected by the war, but it was in a little disrepair.

But from Luo Cheng's point of view, it was still very magnificent and luxurious, so he didn't bother to overhaul it, and simply tidied it up before moving to the palace.

"Your Majesty, I did not intend to attack Wang Shichong when I mentioned this matter, but just wanted to remind Your Majesty not to lose everything and lose the essence."

Luo Cheng laughed out loud.

"Chen Sheren's remarks are very insightful, and they are really insightful advice. I accept them. Come, I will make Chen Shuda, an internal historian, the founder of Handong County, and give him a purple robe and jade belt. For three hundred households, a thousand acres of land will be rewarded."

Chen Shuda hurriedly thanked him.

This sentence, in exchange for being promoted to the rank of official, was awarded the purple robe and jade belt, which really surprised him.

Seeing this, the other people were also secretly moved.

So in the following conversation, a group of people offered advice and advice one after another, and gave a lot of advice.

"You are all virtuous and talented. These suggestions are very useful. I am very happy, and I will not hesitate to reward you. Of course, I also hope that you can raise more talents for the country and recommend more talents to the court."

Although Luo Cheng conferred official positions on everyone in one go, and even gave them real or false titles, he didn't think it was too generous. The main reason was that these people were indeed talents. That's right, now that the new dynasty has just been established, it is time to recruit all these capable people.

Chen Shuda immediately recommended to the emperor many famous Jiangnan scholars who stayed in Luoyang, including talented poets and poets with outstanding literary talents, and of course there were also famous officials. For these people recommended by him, Luo Chengcheng personally wrote down their names one by one. Then let it be handed over to the Ministry of Officials, and they will gather these people to examine them one by one, and finally report the results to him, and then they will be appointed officials.

Those who are talented in writing can enter his Hanlin Academy, become the emperor's imperial minister, and can also enter the Guozijian as a professor, doctor, or a pavilion in the palace to teach the descendants of the royal family and the prime minister's children.

Those who are talented, no matter what their origin, can be arranged to serve as officials in the six ministries of the three provinces and give them the opportunity to do things.

Even if it's just some ordinary celebrities from famous families, Luo Cheng thinks that it is possible to grant them some idle and important officials, so as to win over their families.

The proceedings are not over yet.

As a result, someone was heard making noise outside the hall.

"Who is making noise outside the hall, what's the proper way?" Chen Shuda stood up and asked.

A guard comes in.

"Your Majesty, the king of Wei is here, and the guards asked him to wait for the transmission, but the king of Wei refused and rushed over directly."

Luo Cheng's face darkened when he heard this.

Over there, Luo Lao Si has already barged in all the way.

"Isn't the emperor here?" The fourth child said nonchalantly when he saw Luo Cheng.

Chen Shuda stood in front of Luo Cunxiao.

"Why is King Wei so disrespectful, dare to break into the palace without authorization, you know, this is a serious crime of beheading!"

The fourth child glanced at Chen Shuda, "Brother, who is this dry little old man?"

Luo Cheng glared at the fourth child, "This is Chen Shuda, the Duke of Handong County and Zhongshu Sheren, whom I have newly appointed. He was also the emperor's brother, but he is not as ignorant of etiquette and rules as you are!"

"The brother of Empress Chen? Although the Chen Dynasty has been destroyed for more than 20 years, this man is still rich and honored. The prince of the Chen Dynasty and the prefect of the Sui Dynasty, just after he was attached to our Daqin, he was granted the title of Zhongshu Sheren." I don't know what contribution Chen Shuda has made to be worthy of this official title?"

Luo Cheng said to Chen Shuda, "Chen Qing, please go back first."

Chen Shuda looked at Luo Cunxiao, not to be outdone, "Your Majesty, although the Great Qin was newly established, the system cannot be abolished. King Wei is so domineering, he must be severely punished, otherwise he will not know what kind of big mistake he will make in the future."

"Old man, do you want to die?" The fourth child raised his fist.

"Presumptuous, Luo Cunxiao retreats."

Luo Cheng shouted loudly.

Only then did the fourth child take a few steps back with a smile, "Your Majesty, I was just joking with this old man."

Luo Cheng bowed his hands to Chen Shuda, "I'm filial to my family to accompany me."

"How dare I be a minister."

Chen Shuda finally left with everyone, and when he left, he didn't forget to ask the emperor to punish the fourth child severely.

'These guys only know how to play tricks, they are all fools, and they don't have a hard bone. "The fourth child randomly found a chair and sat down.

"Stand up for me."

Luo Cheng shouted.

The fourth child raised his head, "What are you doing, our dear brother, are you really going to condemn me because of the old man's words? How can it be so reasonable?"

"Fourth Luo, do you think that you are my brother, and you have newly conquered Henan for the imperial court, so you have swelled up, and you really think you are amazing, don't you?"

"No, no, although I have some credit, but we are brothers."

Luo Cheng stared at the fourth child coldly until he couldn't sit still and stood up.

"Fourth, Han Gaozu Liu Bang also started recklessly. With the help of a group of old brothers from Peixian County and the help of many heroes in the world, he finally created the Han family. But do you know why Han Gaozu killed the heroes? Why did he stay behind? Is it the words that the cunning rabbit dies, the lackey cooks, the birds are exhausted, and the good bow hides?"

"What do you mean?" The fourth child's expression became unnatural.

"Actually, I'm not the kind of person who can only share adversity but not wealth. The premise is that you don't cross the line. Fourth brother, you are my brother, and the Great Qin Dynasty also has your share of credit, but it is not the same as before. I am the emperor. You are a prince, your status has changed, you can no longer just say and do something casually, and your every word and deed will be watched by others. If you continue like this, I am afraid that one day, I will not be able to protect you , after all, I am no longer just your brother, I am still the Great Qin Emperor."

The fourth child said with a sneer, "Why are you talking so seriously? I was just joking with that old man."

"The state owns the state law, and the family has family rules. It depends on the occasion when joking around. Fourth brother, I know you have been working hard recently. How about this? Now that Henan is pacified, you can be relieved of your position as the governor of the Central Plains. Governor of Henan Zuo Commander and Zuo Shenwu Military Envoy will also be relieved of their duties first. I will give you a big house in Luoyang, and you will find someone to repair it yourself. After that, you can study hard at home and cultivate your mind. Cultivate your character and improve your cultivation base."

"Your Majesty, what do you mean, you want to dismiss me?"

Luo Cheng glared at him, "I'll give you a vacation. When did you start reading, it won't be too late to come out and do things again."

"Now, back off!"

The fourth child was in a daze. He looked at the emperor brother for a long time, and felt that he was very strange. He had a lot to say, but he still couldn't say it in the end.

After a long time, he gritted his teeth, turned and left.

Looking at the back of the fourth child leaving, Luo Cheng also sighed.

It's not that he is ruthless, but that he must beat the fourth child, otherwise with his current temper, he doesn't know what trouble he will cause.

(End of this chapter)

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