Chapter 851
The warm summer wind blew through the treetops in front of the Daiguo Mansion in Mayi City, and the leaves rustled.

In Dai Guogong's mansion, Dingxiang Dao Youdu Commander, Mayi Taishou, Dai Guogong Liu Wu Zhouzheng, and more than ten generals and schools from the original Yanmen Road gathered together to prepare for each other.

Yuan Junzhang, the envoy of the left army of Yiwu, Gao Manzheng, the envoy of the right army of Yiwu, and other generals were all brothers who followed Liu Wuzhou in the Mayi uprising. Although they did not do much in the past few years, they have been blocked by Yang Yichen in the north of Taiyuan. The bases have always been the three counties of Mayi, Yanmen and Loufan.

But he hasn't just sat around these past few years.

At the beginning of the Mayi uprising, Liu Wuzhou was just an eagle general under the command of Mayi prefect Wang Rengong in the Sui Dynasty, commanding 1000 troops.But with the support of Luo Cheng, he killed Wang Rengong to start a rebellion, and then seized three counties, recruited troops, and trained soldiers. He didn't have much military exploits, but he got the support of Luo Siye's horses in the north, and later settled many Turkic Tie Le tribes. Also a crescendo.

Sitting next to Liu Wuzhou was his brother-in-law Yuan Junzhang. He was originally a son of a powerful family in Mayi, and his family was wealthy. Later, he became friends with Liu Wuzhou.

Although Yuan Junzhang is a powerful boy, he is illiterate, but he is very smart.He didn't like drinking very much, but today he also drank a lot of Longmen parachutists, his face was full of red.

He put down his wine glass, "Damn, don't everyone get promoted, we brothers are getting smaller and smaller as we become officials."

Gao Manzheng said, "No, the emperor is using those old aristocratic officials from the Sui Dynasty a lot. They are very generous. Xiao Yu fought with us for several years. As soon as he surrendered, he conferred the title of duke and worshiped the prime minister. You said he took It’s all right for Taiyuan to become the Duke of the state, but what’s the right of Chen Shuda and the like?”

"Also, Wang Rengong's son has been conferred the title of Marquis, and he has also been conferred the title of Commander-in-Chief."

As soon as they drank too much wine, these people became more and more unscrupulous in their speech.

Today is Liu Wuzhou's birthday, so I invite all the brothers to have a drink, and there are only a few old brothers in this banquet.Yesterday Liu Wuzhou had already hosted a banquet for some officials and generals in Mayi city, among them there were the governors and lieutenants sent by the imperial court, but today it was just a private gathering and did not invite those people.

They are all from my own family, and they don't have much scruples when they talk. After drinking too much, they can't help some complaints.

The root of their complaints is that during the round of adjustments at the beginning of the year, the original Yanmen Dao was merged into the Dingxiang Dao, and the Yanmen Dao disappeared, and the Jiedu Envoy was withdrawn.

Originally, Liu Wuyi had been a brother for several years, and his life was quite happy, with more and more soldiers and horses, and his combat power became stronger and stronger, but after Yang Yichen died, Xiao Yu offered Taiyuan to join him, and Hedong was defeated in a battle.

The status of these brothers is also embarrassing. They are inferior to Luo Siye in Dingxiang Road in the north. Luo Siye is the emperor's elder brother. Liu Hongji, Yin Kaishan Hou Junji and other generals also had to be conferred Marquis, and all of them had to be given Feiyu robes.

Even after this diversion, the two soldiers and horses in Dingxiang were quickly awarded the title of the Shenjie Left and Right Army, and transformed into the imperial army of Daqin. The soldiers also received a large sum of money and food rewards, and the division of fields and land was very lively.

On the other hand, after Liu Wuzhou was dismissed as Jiedu envoy, he was appointed as the commander of the right governor of Dingxiang Road and the prefect of Mayi. However, the two armies of Yiwu and Wu, although their military titles have not changed, have to be streamlined and reorganized into one army, Yuan Junzhang Originally, he was the envoy of the Left Army and the prefect of Yanmen, while Gao Manzheng was the envoy of the Right Army and the prefect of Loufan.

This time Yuan Junzhang was awarded the prefect of Zhuojun, and Gao Manzheng was awarded the prefect of Shanggu.

Obviously, the two were transferred from Daibei, transferred to civilian positions at the same time, and were deprived of military power.

Although Liu Wuzhou was also the prefect of Mayi, the military envoy of the reorganized Yiwu Army was Liu Hongji, and the deputy envoy was sent by the imperial court, Yu Chiliang, who was born as the emperor's personal guard general and was the emperor's confidant.

Not to mention, in the last conferment of nobility, although Liu Wuzhou was conferred the title of Duke of Daiguo, Yuan Junzhang and Gao Manzheng, the two envoys of the Yiwu Army, each only conferred the title of Earl of the Founding of the Kingdom. Generals, but only a few of them won the sub-baron.

This made them even more dissatisfied.


The conferment of titles by the imperial court considers all aspects and is a comprehensive consideration.

For example, Liu Wuzhou didn't have much merit. His greatest achievement was killing Wang Rengong and taking over the three counties of Daibei. He didn't hold back Dingxiang's heir, so that he could secure Xiangxiang with peace of mind. The rest was just a little restraint. The Sui army in Taiyuan is gone.

Besides, what else did he do?

The three counties he led had a population of only a few hundred thousand. They had to rely on their inheritance to save food and grass. Their troops had expanded to 5 horses in the two armies, but they had never fought a decent battle in World War I.

So in the end Liu Wuzhou was granted the title of Duke, because he took the title of Jiedu envoy. As for the generals under his command, of course it is impossible to be named Duke or Marquis without merit. Giving an earl is considered appeasement.

But Liu Wuzhou and others didn't think so.

They only saw that even Chen Shuda, who was attached to him later, and other people were all county princes and county lords, but the titles and official positions of these first righteous heroes were not high, and now they have been demoted with the adjustment of Dao County.

Yuan Junzhang and others talked too much, but Liu Wuzhou just held his wine glass and didn't speak.

"Marshal, let's just vote for the Turks." Yuan Junzhang said viciously with red eyes.

The Turks are currently besieging Dingxiang Luo Simo, and Luo Siye, who was attacking Jiuyuan, returned to rescue the army. The emperor ordered Liu Wuzhou to lead his army northward to relieve the siege.

"That is, before the whole army is completed, let's take our brothers north and stab Luo Siye."

Jieli Khan had sent people secretly to persuade him to surrender several times. In order to win Liu Wuzhou to surrender, he even made a promise that if Liu Wuzhou was willing to surrender, he would give him a wolf-headed banner and make him Nanmian Khan.

Even this time when the secret envoy came, they directly brought a silver wolf banner.

The silver wolf's banner and the Nanmian Khan.

This is a very important title.

What's more, Jieli also promised him that after defeating Luo Siye, the five prefectures of Mayi, Zhuojun, Yunzhong, Loufan, and Yanmen within the Great Wall would all belong to him. He governs.

The former Liu Wuzhou was also a passionate young man, whose ancestral home was Hebei, and later his family moved to Mayi.When he was young, he was heroic and enthusiastic. He was a friend of chivalry, joined the army, and was full of blood.

In western Liaoning, he couldn't see Yu Wenhuaji's plots and tricks, so he resigned his official position and returned home angrily.

It's just that people change.

From a small military school in the past, to the Jiedu envoy guarding one side, sitting in the land of three counties, [-] soldiers and horses, and keeping his promises, here is his word. He has long been used to this kind of power. A sense of superiority.

Now all of a sudden the loss of power, this sense of loss is extremely deep.

If there was no Turkic invasion, perhaps this feeling would only be buried deep in my heart.

But now there is an opportunity in front of him.

Jieli's 20 troops invaded the south, encircled Simo, and impoverished his successors.

Li Yuan has accepted the canonization of Dingyang Khan and sent [-] troops to the north.Dou Jiande of Hebei also accepted the canonization of Pingyang Khan, and the alliance of the three families has become a reality.

Should he be the commander of Dingxiang Daoyou, the right governor of Daqin who has no real power, or the southern khan of the Turks?

Liu Wuzhou was shaken.

It's just that he still hesitates and hasn't made up his mind yet.

But today's private gathering at the banquet made him see the true thoughts of the old brothers, and they were even more unwilling.

There is a fire burning in my heart.

Get rid of Luo Siye and become the lord of Daibei. Don't be a powerless Daiguo anymore. If you want to be king of Jin, you should be the son of Hedong.

Luo Siye is now in critical condition. Although he and Luo Simo have 5 troops, Luo Simo has already been defeated for a while and lost many soldiers. What's more, many Turkic people in Monan openly defected after Jieli went south. He, this made Xieli gain momentum in Monan.

Luo Siye hurried back from the city of Jiuyuan, months of hard work went to waste, the troops were exhausted, but they couldn't fight the siege, so they had to garrison near Dingxiang, echoing each other and standing by for help.

The reinforcements are the 5 troops they represent on behalf of the North.

In the emperor's plan, Liu Wuzhou's Daibei [-] soldiers and horses were the latest and most complete. They rested for a long time and had sufficient food and equipment. They were enough to break the siege of Dingxiang and even defeat Xieli.

But now Jieli has two more allies. Li Yuan in Guanzhong and Dou Jiande in Hebei both profess to Jieli and send heavy troops to help.

Li Yuan's [-] soldiers and horses have already marched towards Jiuyuan, and as long as he agrees to Jieli and accepts the canonization of the Southern Khan, then Dou Jiande in Hebei will also move closer to him, and use him to encircle Luo Siye.

The unscrupulous resentment and arrogant words of the generals after they were drunk were like throwing dry wood into the raging fire in his heart.

"Don't drink some horse urine and just talk nonsense, be careful not to be heard by the officials sent by the imperial court, and you will be punished then." Liu Wuzhou said with a smile.

Yuan Junzhang said with red eyes, "Marshal, we are afraid of them. We took down the three Beibei counties, but the emperor said that he would cut off half of Mayi and set up Yunzhong County, so he would give it to us." Luo Siye, let's not say anything. But we don't give credit for the past few years, there must be hard work, why is it now that the river is demolished and the Taiyuan River is taken down, we are useless, right? We have to abolish our hard work The soldiers and horses that have been trained are going to dismantle us brothers and sisters, what is the next step? Are we going to be transferred to Annan, Lingnan?"

"That's right, why?"

All the generals roared.

"We are afraid that they will be stupid, so we will turn against them. Those guys want to seize our power, so let's act first. Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, we will do it tonight and kill the officials Luo Cheng sent to seize power. , and then Commander-in-Chief, you make yourself the emperor, we won't give Luo Cheng his life!"



The sound was reversed, and the smile on Liu Wuzhou's face gradually overflowed.

He stood up, glanced at everyone, and finally threw the cup hard on the ground, "Since all the brothers want to rebel, then I will lead everyone to rebel!"


(End of this chapter)

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