Chapter 854
"Your Majesty, Princess Wei asks to see you."

The servant reported.

The emperor raised his head, Princess Wei asked to see him?

Concubine Wei is of course the first wife of the fourth child, Liu Sanniang, that extremely sturdy tigress, a ruthless woman who can carry two butcher knives and wear iron armor to chase after the bandit army.

The fourth child has many shortcomings. When he was underdeveloped, he fell in love with Liu Sanniang, and his status continued to rise after marriage, so he would inevitably want to flirt with others, and even do things like hiding in a golden house.

But even if the fourth child had become the king of Wei, he didn't dare to divorce Liu Sanniang.It's not how fierce Liu Sanniang is, no matter how fierce a woman is, she's just a woman. The key is that although Liu Sanniang is a bit of a tiger, her heart is not bad. Female, besides, she has a very good relationship with Empress Shan Binbin. The Luo Cheng brothers used to fight in Liaodong, and their daughters-in-law of the Luo family lived in Zhangqiu's hometown.

Now that the fourth is the king of Wei, Shan Binbin often persuades Liu Sanniang, saying that it is normal for a man to have power and like concubines and beauties. The illegitimate children of the housewives who were outside before were brought back, and she was asked to personally select some beauties for the fourth child to take back as concubines, which improved the relationship between the couple a lot.

"His Majesty."

Although the fourth daughter-in-law is now a princess, she wears brocade clothes, silk and jewelry, but I have to say that Liu Sanniang used to be a butcher's daughter, a woman who sold pork in the market, so even if she is a princess now, she can wear these luxurious things On the body, it doesn't add any temperament, but it feels like a very rich man.

"The fourth brother asked me to come to see you, saying that Wang Junkuo is a traitor."

When Luo Cheng heard this, he was stunned.

"Sister-in-law, please sit down first and speak slowly."

"You don't have to sit down. I came in to see the queen today. I came here to give the fourth brother a message. He is staying in the mansion and can't get out. It's not fun to swear all day long. I don't want to stay in the mansion with him. I’m worried. Now that I’ve brought the words, I’m going to see the queen.”

After Liu Sanniang finished speaking, she turned around and was about to leave.

Luo Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, "It's impossible for the fourth brother to just let you bring this sentence?"

"There are some, but I can't remember it. It probably means that Wang Junkuo's grandson is not a good bird. He wants to rebel, and now he wants to incite my fourth child to rebel. But the fourth child is not such a jerk, he said no matter what Said that he and His Majesty are brothers of the same mother, and both are surnamed Luo. Although he is dissatisfied with His Majesty in many places, the major issues are unambiguous, so although he seems to have a good talk with Wang Junkuo in person, in fact he just wants to touch for His Majesty. It’s just about finding out about him.”

"He heard that Liu Wuzhou had rebelled, and felt that this matter must have something to do with Wang Junkuo, so he asked me to pass on a message to His Majesty. Okay, I'm done talking, and I'm leaving."

"Prince servant, send off Princess Wei, and take ten pieces of Shu brocade that Xu Shao, the prefect of Jingling, paid tribute to Princess Wei."

When Liu Sanniang heard this, she narrowed her eyes with a smile, "Oh, Your Majesty, I just had a passing word, so I don't need a reward."

"This is not a reward. We are all one family, and the emperor's family is also a family. This Shu brocade is really good. My sister-in-law can make some good clothes when I take it back."

"Then I will thank Your Majesty." Liu Sanniang left happily.

Looking at her back, Luo Cheng smiled.

It's not that the whole family doesn't enter the same family, Liu Sanniang and the fourth child really have similar personalities.Such a person is free and easy, and there is really nothing bad in his heart, in fact, he is quite good.

Now, it made him feel relieved, and he didn't have to worry about his brother's problems.

"Wang Junkuo, I am really disappointed!"

First there was a report by Li Junxian, the captain of the pro-military army, and now there is a report by Luo Cunxiao. It can be said that Wang Junkuo's rebellion is already a certainty.

Although Wang Junkuo has not rebelled against him yet, he has already confirmed it. Like Liu Wuzhou, he is one of the 24 heroes of Lingyan Pavilion. It's amazing.

"Decree, call all the prime ministers immediately, and also summon Du Yan, the imperial historian, and Zhang Xutuo, the privy envoy."


The left servant of the Shangshu shot Hou Mo Chen Yi, the right servant shot Du Ruhui, the servants of Zhongshu Fang Xuanling and Xiao Yu, the servants of the door Wei Zheng, the imperial historian Du Yan, and the privy envoy Zhang Xutuo all came.

In addition, Feng Deyi from Zhongshushe, Chen Shuda and Li Baiyao, who were ministers, and Wen Daya, a scholar from Hanlin, also came to attend.

"Wang Junkuo, the minister of the Ministry of War, conspired to cause chaos."

The emperor spoke directly to the prime ministers and ministers.

It was like a big stone falling into the water, causing continuous ripples.

"Is there any proof?"

Zhang Xutuo was the first to speak. After two years of recuperation, his health has improved a lot. After the establishment of the Privy Council, the emperor specially invited this teacher to serve as the first Privy Councilor.

The establishment of the Privy Council is the first, and there was no such post in the Sui Dynasty.

The Privy Council is in charge of military orders, the Ministry of War is in charge of military administration, and the twelve guards are in charge of the army.The Privy Council actually divided the power of military orders that originally belonged to the prime minister, reducing the power of the prime minister.

The minister of the Ministry of War is not an official of Zhang Xutuo, and the Privy Council is not the superior department of the Ministry of War, but they are all in the military system after all, and Zhang Xutuo's qualifications are also old, because he has the title of Tongzhong Shumenxia Pingzhangshi granted by the emperor, So he is also the prime minister now.

Luo Cheng explained the specific situation again.

"Catch, such rebellious officials and thieves must be arrested. After the arrest, they will be interrogated clearly, and then they will be upright and typical!" Zhang Xutuo said bluntly, this old man can't tolerate sand in his eyes.

Because Hou Mo and Chen Yi were Zuo Pushe, they ranked first among the prime ministers. Although this first place was not as important as Zuo Pushe in the Sui Dynasty, it was still very important.

He said that Wang Junkuo is not only the Minister of the Ministry of War, he is also the former envoy of Fan Yang Jiedu, and once served as the captain of the pro-army Duwei Mansion. In addition, he is also one of the 24 heroes of Lingyan Pavilion and a Duke of the state, so he should be cautious. Otherwise, it is easy to cause bad influence.

"I suggest that the impeachment be handed over to Yushitai, and then interrogated in Dali Temple and jury by the Ministry of Punishment."

In the Sui Dynasty, there were three platforms, Yushitai, Yezhetai and Silitai, who were in charge of supervising this area, but in Qin Dynasty, they all belonged to Yushitai, so Doctor Yushi was also given the title of Tongzhongshumen Xiapingzhangshi and became the prime minister. one.

Du Yan was the first Doctor Censor, and he was also the uncle of Du Ruhui, but the relationship between the uncle and nephew was not good, and there were even some complicated family grievances. Fortunately, his ability is still very strong. And he is very good at law, so after Luo Cheng used him as Yushi Zhongcheng for a period of time, he promoted him to Yushi doctor and paid homage to the prime minister.

"There is no problem with Yushitai's impeachment investigation, but for an important minister like Wang Junkuo, we must first control him to prevent him from escaping and defecting to the enemy. At the same time, we must first control his accomplices so that they will be wiped out."

"Okay, this matter will be handed over to Du Yan, the doctor of the royal family, Zheng Shanguo, the secretary of the Dali Temple, and Dai Zhou, the minister of the Ministry of punishment. The three divisions will interrogate and find out all the rebels. Wei Zheng, as the servant of the sect, you will be responsible. I am supervising this case, and the Pro-Army Duwei Mansion and Ying Tian Mansion are fully cooperating with this case."

Luo Cheng was also really angry, he was really kind to Wang Junkuo, but he didn't expect that this person was so dissatisfied and wanted to rebel against him.

(End of this chapter)

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