Chapter 876 No Bargaining

Under Yanmen City.

The appearance of Luo Cheng's white tiger imperial flag caused uneasiness in the upper generation army at the top of the city.

Before Liu Wuzhou's rebellion, those military officers conspired to go along with it, and the ordinary soldiers were just coerced, most of them actually didn't want to rebel.

Now seeing the overwhelming Qin Emperor's army below the city, everyone is terrified.

"Your Majesty, I think that Yanmen City is strong. If we attack it by force, I'm afraid there will be a lot of damage, and our army has to defend against the Turks. Therefore, attacking the city is the bottom line, and the heart is the top priority. The Chief of Staff of the Privy Council has drawn up a plan to attack the heart." Ce, take advantage of the summer wind to fly a kite and throw the letter of persuasion into Yanmen City."

Privy envoy Zhang Xutuo proposed.


The emperor agreed, so the whole army dispatched scribes to immediately write thousands of letters persuading them to surrender. Each letter was not too long, but the content was the same.It was this rebellion on behalf of the North that the emperor only pursued Liu Wu, Zhou Yuanjunzhang and other leaders of the rebellion, and did not pursue the officers of the school lieutenant and below.At the same time, as long as the battle is going anyway, you can still remember the merits and rewards.

Those who beheaded Liu Wuzhou were given the title of Marquis of Kaiguo and rewarded three thousand guan, while those who beheaded the three major rebels Yuan Junzhang, Gao Manzheng and Song Jingang were all made Kai Guobo and rewarded one thousand guan.

The emperor also assured those landowners of the northern nobles in the city that as long as they could turn their backs and turn to the light, they would not only forget the past, but also guarantee their personal safety and property inviolability.

Countless kites fell from the sky, carrying letters of persuasion and amnesty, and the defenders in the city rushed to read them. Those who could not read were asked to read it to everyone. After listening to it, Dai Jun's eyes changed a little.

Liu Wuzhou heard about it in the city, and hastily ordered to confiscate all the persuading letters, anyone who dares to hide them will be punished without mercy.

"Your Majesty, I think that we should divide our troops to take Lingqiu, and take over Boling and Shanggu's General Feng's troops to go east."

"Generals Yu Chigong and Qin Qiong listen to the order. I order you two to lead 2000 troops each to Lingqiu City to meet General Feng."

"The two generals Cheng Yaojin and Xue Wanche listened to the order. I ordered you two to lead 2000 troops each to attack Xixing Pass, and seize this dangerous pass of the Great Wall before the Turks. If it goes well, then divide the troops Occupy Sanggan Town."

"Guo Xiaoke and Cheng Mingzhen, I order you two to lead 2000 people each to fetch Tucheng."

"Qi Guoyuan and Li Rugui, I order you two to lead [-] troops each to attack Loufanguan City. If all goes well, go north to capture Shanyang City in Mayi County."

Luo Cheng sent eight generals to command nearly 10 troops to capture Guancheng, leaving only [-] people behind Yanmen Pass, and the remaining soldiers and horses were sent by him to restore the Yanmen and Loufan counties. order.

It has not rained for several days and the weather is very hot.

The emperor's imperial tent was fine. There were basins of ice cubes. These ice cubes were all ice and snow stored in the homes of powerful gentry in nearby cities.

Before Liu Wu Zhou rebelled, many wealthy families in Daibei fell to them, and now when the emperor came, they came to plead guilty one after another.

Luo Cheng fully affirmed and rewarded those families who stood firm in the rebellion and did not join forces with Liu Wuzhou.

But Luo Cheng was not polite to these families attached to Liu Wuzhou.

Although the emperor decreed that the traitors should be strictly screened out, and those who were only forced to pay money and food from the thieves were considered lenient, but for those who were fully committed to the traitors like the Yuan Junzhang family, they would directly copy their families and exterminate their clans. .

The head of the family was executed, all property was confiscated, the female family members were confiscated into the Yeting Jiaofang, all the males were sent to the frontier to farm, and their servants were not admitted to the government.

Now that the two counties have been recovered, there are only a few families that have been dealt with in this way, but it has already deeply shocked these gentry tyrants in Daibeihedong.

After recovering Taiyuan last time, the emperor severely dealt with the Wang clan of Taiyuan, almost uprooting the entire Wang clan, leaving only two branches of Wangtong and Wanggui.

This move indeed caused dissatisfaction in the hearts of many Hedong gentry. This time Liu Wuzhou rebelled, some people secretly flirted with the rebels, and even cooperated quietly.

Although there were ice cubes in the imperial tent to cool down the temperature, but at this moment, the heads of the dozens of noble families who had come from the north were all wet with sweat.

The emperor kept smiling, but they thought that smile was terrible.

This is because almost all of the current group had some secret contacts with Liu Wuzhou's rebels, either sent money, donated food, or sent their children to join them.

In short, no one is innocent.

The emperor just sent a pamphlet to each of them directly, which explained in detail the evidence of their collaboration with the enemy.

The Yuan family was confiscated, the Liu family was confiscated, they have not been confiscated, but who knows if the emperor will wave his hand and uproot their family from Daibei.

Standing on the emperor's left is Li Junxian, the pro-army captain, with an imperceptible smile on his face.

In his opinion, those dozens of patriarchs who represent the noble family in the north are like fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered by the emperor.

"I know that the place of Daibei is bitter, cold and remote, and everyone's life is not easy. Although many of your families are wealthy families who have lived in Daibei for a hundred years or more, they may or may not have suffered a lot of chaos in the frontier. The special geography and history make you have your own way of survival, which is understandable."

The emperor's conversation changed in this city.

"It's just that I don't like the way you used to behave in the world. Perhaps in your opinion, the borderlands of Daibei will be occupied by barbarians going south for a while, and then taken back by the court. Fan, the imperial court sometimes advances and sometimes retreats, but your family is rooted here and cannot leave, so the Turkic people come, you pay tribute to the Turkic people, the imperial court returns, and you pay rent to the imperial court..."

"It's not good, I don't like it very much."

The emperor gave these people another choice, or no choice.

Luo Cheng asked these wealthy families on behalf of the North to hand over all their land properties to the imperial court, and the imperial court would give them land in the six capitals to build houses and move there to house the old, weak, women and children of all ethnic groups.Then they will be exchanged for land and farms in Annan, one to two replacements, one mu of land in Daibei for two mu of land in Jiaozhi and other counties in Annan.

The sweat slid down Yuchilin's face, and he didn't even dare to wipe it off.

The Yuchi family is a century-old strong family in Yanmen. In fact, they are Sinicized Xianbei. Xianbei married Han people and mixed blood. The degree of Sinicization is very high.

There are hundreds of men in the Yuchi family, more than a thousand servants in the family, and even more than 200 soldiers of their own.This is also a strong force in a border area like Yanmen. On the one hand, they own a large number of farms, and on the other hand, they have been going deep into the grasslands for many years to sell horses and go south. It can be said that they are rich and rich.

In the past, Yuchi's family had a good relationship with Liu Wuzhou. Before Liu Wuzhou's rebellion, Yuchi's family had already spent money to open up joints, and arranged several children to work in Yingyang's mansion.

After Liu Wuzhou's rebellion, Yuchi's family secretly supported him, gave them money and food, and sent several younger brothers and soldiers there.

Yu Chilin inherited the position of patriarch of the family left by his father that year, and he developed the ability to have both sides in the turbulent frontier.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to reward the army with three thousand grains of grain." He said in a low voice, "Also, I am willing to give half of my family wealth to help the army put down the rebellion."

Yuchilin knew the meaning of the emperor's words very well, if it got to that point, Yuchi's family would almost be ruined.Moved to Liujing for resettlement, but only old and weak women and children are resettled. This is a hostage.However, the young and Zhuang people want to transfer their family property to Annan.

It was almost the ends of the earth, and they, who were used to the cold and windy north, were going to Annan, where the miasma was rampant?Did they suffer from Annan's intense heat?
Not to mention two mu of land for one mu of land, he is not willing to go for ten mu of land for one mu.

Moreover, his Yuchi family not only relies on the land in Daibei, but also the family's horse trading business. How can they sell horses when they go to Annan?

Unfortunately, the emperor did not discuss with them.

"Don't want to go? Or do you still want to stay in Daibei so that you can continue collaborating with the enemy and helping the rebellion? Huh?"

"Xiaomin dare not, dare not." Yu Chilin and others knelt down on the ground in fright, not daring again and again.

"Don't dare? Then let me just believe that you don't dare. I will give you a choice, either go to Annan, or hand it over to the third division for review and notify you of the crime of treason. Choose one, choose!"

Yu Chilin was lying on the ground, his buttocks pouted high.

His body was trembling like chaff, this pale middle-aged Patriarch Yuchi looked cowardly at this time, but in fact in Yanmen County, he was famously ruthless.

Those who dare to fight against Yuchi's family will never end well, and may even disappear.The Yuchi family not only traded horses, but also lent money. They borrowed their lamb interest, and if they failed to repay, many of them could only be sold as slaves and sent to the grasslands by him to be shepherd slaves.

But at this time, Yu Chilin dared not say anything in front of the Great Qin Emperor.

He just knelt on the ground and kept begging the emperor, saying that he was willing to give half of his family wealth as tribute to the emperor.

But Luo Cheng didn't care at all.

He is the Emperor of Qin, not a horse thief who kidnaps and blackmails.

"I don't bargain!"

Yu Chilin suddenly collapsed on the ground.

The Yuchi family is over.

In the royal tent, there was a lot of crying.

But the emperor waved his hand in disgust, and the guards immediately dragged them out.

After these people were dragged away, the tent was quiet for a while.

The emperor said to Zhang Xutuo, the privy envoy, "Since the founding of the Sui Dynasty, there have been more victories and fewer defeats against the northern grassland tribes, but the Central Plains and grasslands are still held inside and outside the Great Wall. Up to now, the counties north of Taiyuan are sparsely populated. , let alone beyond the Great Wall north of the Yanmen Great Wall. It’s time to change the policy. The south of the Yinshan Mountains will be the new border between the Central Plains and the grasslands, and the desert will be a buffer zone for the nomadic tribes between the Central Plains and the grasslands. Inside and outside the Great Wall, These nomadic tribes will not be allowed to come and go freely in the future."

"Let's start with these noble families from the north, move them away, and then move in the people who are farming and reclaiming the frontier, and set up a new frontier garrison mansion, and station soldiers in the mansion."

Veteran Zhang Xutuo expressed support for this, "I hope the frontier fortress will restore peace as soon as possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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