Chapter 881
"Under the festival, beware of fraud."

A staff officer reminded Zhao Gui that at this moment, Xie Leng suddenly sent someone to invite the Qin army to join him, and it seemed very subtle.

"What you said is very possible, but it's only possible." As the commander-in-chief of the first army, Zhao Gui has many issues to consider.For example, he was ordered to send troops to Duguan to attack Zhuojun. Although the progress was smooth, he was also in trouble now.One is that with the successive victories of the offensive, his soldiers and horses have been sent out for more than 200 miles.

If more than 200 miles are on the plains, Qingqi can gallop there in a day and night.

But after leaving the military capital, the terrain along the way is uneven, especially the 36-mile canyon trail that leaves the military capital, which is even more difficult.In addition, it is extremely inconvenient to transport food in summer at this time.During the period when Zhuo County was occupied by Gao Tansheng, not only did it have no production reserves, but it was completely empty.

It is also difficult to resupply on the spot.

The more troops sent, the greater the logistics pressure on Zhao Gui.

But now Gao Kaidao has led a large army back to Huairong. If there is not enough food and grass, Zhao Gui will not be able to fight this battle.

"Gao Kaidao, I know some details."

The founding hero, known as the Purple Faced King, used to suppress bandits when he passed by Pingyuan County when he followed the emperor to the north and east.

"Speaking of which, it was the sixth year of Daye, and it has been eight years since now. We were ordered to go north to Zhuo County to gather for the Eastern Expedition. When passing through Pingyuan County, Lujiaoguan Liu Town will ask Your Majesty to help destroy Douzigang The uncle thief Liu Domineering..."

Speaking of that past, Zhao Gui was still very excited. At that time, he was just a team leader.

"Gao Kaidao is from Hejian. He first followed Ge Qian, and Ge Qian was sworn brother of Liu Ba Dao. Gao Kai Dao used to be a salt household who cooked salt for a living. He was very strong when he was young. When he grew up, he Running and running, running very fast. At the end of the Sui Dynasty, the life of the people was very difficult, especially the people in the Hebei and Henan areas, because of the heavy duty of the Liao Dynasty, many people began to flee."

Gao Kaidao also fled because of this, and later joined Ge Qian, a fellow villager. He was very hardworking and brave, but he was not valued by Ge Qian. Ge Qian, who stood up and was seriously injured, led him to break through and escape. After that, Ge Qian regarded him as a brother and valued him very much.

Although Douzigang was besieged by Luo Cheng at that time, its vitality was seriously injured.But after Luo Cheng went north, Ge Qian and others quickly made a comeback, and their power quickly recovered. They attacked the city, broke ground, and looted everywhere. During this period, Gao Kaidao became an important general under Ge Qian.

Not only that, Luo Chengdong returned from the expedition and served as the Henan ambassador for arrest. Geqian was defeated by Luo Cheng again, but this time he even lost his life.

Gao Kaidao escaped with only a hundred people and hid by the sea for a long time.

After Luo Cheng entered Liao Dynasty again, he came out of the rivers and lakes again.

For many years since then, he has stood on the top of the mountain by himself, and he has also attached to other forces, but he has fought back and forth, but nothing has been achieved.

Later, Shandong was controlled by Luo Cheng, and most of Hebei was occupied by Dou Jiande. Gao Kaidao mixed around, and then got mixed up with Shanggu King Xuba.

Not long after, Wang Xuba died, and the Shanggu thief surrendered to the Qin army. Gao Kaidao also surrendered and surrendered, and was awarded the post of a school lieutenant.

Originally, if he was doing his job, then this was a good opportunity to clean up his crimes. He could start over, abandon his past identity as a bandit, and become a Daqin officer.

It's just that a person who is used to being a leader of thieves suddenly adapts to the rules and regulations of the officialdom and the army. Besides, a surrendering officer of his background is not very popular.

So when there was chaos in the north, Gao Kaidao simply reversed again.

But after all, he was just a grassroots bandit, and was soon defeated, so he went to vote for Gao Tancheng.After he got support from Xieli, he came back and killed Gao Tancheng who he had already figured out.

"In the eyes of a certain person, Gao Kaidao is always just a thief, and a thief with no skills." Zhao Gui looked down on Gao Kaidao. He once had a precious opportunity in front of him, but he didn't know it. cherish.

Being an emperor, is it so easy to be an emperor?
Zhao Gui has never heard of the name Xie Leng, nor does he know about this person, but since this person was once Gao Tancheng's adopted son, and he was also appointed General Zuo Wuwei, King of Yan County, so now Gao Kaidao kills Gao Tancheng. After Tan Sheng, Xie Leng's request for internal surrender also made perfect sense.

"If Xie Leng is the internal support, our army can easily capture Zhuojun Huairong, defeat Gao Kaidao, and avoid the current predicament. Therefore, it is completely worth a try."

"My lord, what if this is a trap?"

"War, there is no risk, as long as we are fully prepared, it will be fine."

Zhao Gui ordered Deng Hao, the Prime Minister of Yuyang County of the former army, to lead his army to meet Xie Leng, and he came after him.


Deng Hao was worried when he received Zhao Gui's military order.

But since the military order has been issued, he has no choice but to carry it out.

late at night.

Several red lanterns lit up above the city of Huairong. When Deng Hao saw it, he ordered the soldiers who had already prepared to touch the city gate quietly.

The jumping sword soldiers came to the front of the city, and found that there was no defense in front of the city, and the city gate was wide open.

"This is Xie Leng, follow me into the city and kill the high-ranking thief!"

In front of the city gate, a general shouted.

Deng Hao no longer had any doubts, and ordered the whole army to rush into the city.

In the inner city, in the government office.

Gao Kaidao was drinking tea leisurely, and his general Zhang Jinshu strode in.

"The Qin thief has already entered the city?"

"Your Majesty, the Qin army has already entered the city."

"Hahaha, it's exactly as I expected, very good, send a signal to the Turkic people outside the city to let them attack, it's time to close the net."

It's just that Zhang Jinshu didn't move for a long time.

"What else?"

Standing there, Zhang Jinshu said slowly, "I have been with His Majesty for ten years."

"Yeah, ten years have passed in a flash, time flies so fast."

Zhang Jinshu continued, "Ten years of fighting, killing, and fleeing here and there has never been a safe day. To be honest, this kind of life is enough and I am tired. Originally, the brothers returned to Daqin with His Majesty last year. It's settled down."

Gao Kaidao frowned.

"Ashu, when I brought my brothers to join the Qin army, it was a temporary expedient measure, but you have also seen that the generals of the Qin army did not regard us as their own at all, and looked down on us everywhere. Such days are extremely aggrieved. What's the meaning?"

"But after all, this is an opportunity to wash your hands and go ashore. To be honest, the brothers have had too much blood on their hands over the years, and everyone is tired of it."

"Ash, what are you trying to say?"

"Actually, when we were in Shanggu, many of us didn't want to rebel anymore. It was you who forced us to rebel again. But when you think about it, what's the point of all this? Is it because you can become the emperor today? But how many days can this emperor last?"

"Presumptuous!" Gao Kaidao felt something was wrong.

"Hahaha, I have been with you for ten years, and I have called you big brother for ten years. Sorry, I am tired, and I don't want to rebel with you anymore."

"Here we come, escort!" Gao Kaidao shouted.

"It's useless. I was on guard against your more than 100 adopted sons. During the day, I sent people over to pretend to drink with them. I took the opportunity to cut their bowstrings. Just now, I had people take away their knives and guns. And, More than half of your adopted sons actually resent this going on."

At this time, there was finally an uproar outside.

"I'll tell you one more thing. Xie Leng has already been convinced by me, so he didn't surrender to the Qin army in a fake way, but he really surrendered. Now he has brought the Qin army into the city."


Gao Kaidao was furious, got up and lifted the big knife on the side.

Zhang Jinshu drew his saber and shouted loudly.

The outer door was knocked open, and Zhang Jinshu's soldiers rushed in with their knives in hand.

Half an hour later, Deng Hao entered Yacheng with the support of his own soldiers.

Zhang Jinshu greeted him with Gao Kaidao's head.

"Is this Gao Kaidao?"


After verification, Deng Hao asked someone to pack it in a mercury box and sent it to Zhao Gui to report his success.

Gao Kaidao, a hero of a generation, killed Gao Tancheng, the emperor of Mahayana Buddhism, and claimed to be Emperor Yan, but he was killed by his general Zhang Jinshu after only three days as emperor.

Originally, he wanted to set up an ambush to lure the Qin army into the city to gather for annihilation, but unexpectedly, the fake show came true. Not only did the Qin army really enter the city, but he also lost his head.

Five thousand Turkic soldiers had been waiting outside the city for an order to attack, but they couldn't wait. Instead, they waited for the joint attack of the Qin Army and the Yan Army at dawn. After a big battle, the five thousand Turkic soldiers either died or died. Surrender, the whole army is wiped out.

A few days later, Zhao Gui led his own troops to Huairong, Zhuo County.

At this time, the battle had already ended, and the Qin army had completely recovered the land of Zhuojun. Deng Hao also sent an army out of the Great Wall to station in Huaihuang, guarding the way out of the fortress here.

When Zhao Gui saw Gao Kaidao's lifelike head soaked in mercury, he couldn't help but marvel, "I really didn't expect such a twists and turns, if Zhang Jinshu and others hadn't been war-weary and surrendered, this commander would have almost fallen into Gao Kaidao's trap." gone."

"Under the festival, Zhuo County has been recovered now, what's next?"

"Zhuo County has been restored, and now we will go to aid Yunzhong." Zhao Gui asked someone to fetch a map and pointed to the Outer Great Wall on the map, "We will march along the ancient road at the foot of the Outer Great Wall to Yunzhong."

Deng Hao looked at the map, "The ancient Great Wall road is dangerous and difficult to navigate. From now on, it is five or six hundred miles to Yunzhong. I am afraid that the food and grass will not be able to keep up."

"I know, but we don't need to go directly to Yunzhong City. As long as we can appear in the northeast of Yunzhong County, we can also put pressure on the Turks and force them to send troops to stop them."

"Why don't you go to Lingqiu first?" Deng Hao asked.

"Liu Heita in Lingqiu is the task of General Feng, not ours. We have recovered Zhuojun, so now we need to rush to reinforce Yunzhong, and leave Lingqiu to General Feng."

"As for the issue of food and grass, there is no difficulty to be solved, and there must be a way to solve it."

"Then what about the soldiers and horses who surrendered here?"

"Select the elite to join the army, and the rest will be resettled on the spot as garrison people and given the fields."

"Also, report the victory to His Majesty!"

(End of this chapter)

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