Chapter 899


Several acting military academy lieutenants held Liu Wuzhou's head and knelt in front of the emperor.

Luo Cheng looked at the head that was still restless until death, and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

"Your Majesty?" Seeing that the emperor had been in a daze, Wei Zheng woke him up softly.

Luo Cheng came back to his senses.

"Where's Liu Wuzhou's body?"

"Liu Ni's body was exposed to the sun on the top of the wall." A school lieutenant whispered.

"You killed Liu Wuzhou?" the emperor asked.

The lieutenant nodded, "The guilty general Zhang Lun, the former lieutenant of Yingyang Infantry of Yanmen County, Yiwu Army."

"You don't have to be afraid. Since you responded to the imperial court's call and killed the rebels, it is a great achievement. The imperial court issued a reward before, and those who killed Liu Wuzhou were named the founder of the country. Now I will bestow you as the founder of Wutai County. I will grant you five hundred households with real seals and one thousand taels of gold."

Zhang Lun never expected that this reward would actually be fulfilled.It was difficult to see the situation at first, and he didn't want to die with Liu Wuzhou, but unexpectedly he really won a big fortune, and he knelt down excitedly to thank him.

The two generals of Liu Wuzhou, Song Jingang and Yuan Junzhang, were forced to surrender after Kaesong.

The two were escorted up, and their faces were pale when they saw the emperor.

Luo Cheng only glanced at the two of them, but didn't say much.

"Although the traitor Liu Wuzhou was awarded the head, his crime is unforgivable, and his nine clans will be punished!"

As soon as these words came out, even Song Jingang and Yuan Junzhang couldn't help but shudder, which was almost unexpectedly severe.

You know, this Lian Jiu Clan is the most ruthless attack Luo Cheng has ever made.

There are nine clans, four clans of fathers, three clans of mothers, and two clans of wives.

The fourth family of the father is the own family, the family of the married aunt and her son, the family of the married sister and her nephew, the family of her married daughter and her grandson.

Three maternal families, grandfather's family, grandmother's natal family, aunt and her son's family.

Wife family two, father-in-law's family, mother-in-law's family.

Basically, all the clan in-laws are implicated.

The emperor gave preferential treatment to the royal family of the Sui Dynasty, and also made marquises to former opponents such as Wang Shichong and Li Mi, but he was extremely strict with Liu Wuzhou this time.

Even though he had been lenient with Wang Junkuo and was just demoted to exile, he was extremely ruthless towards Liu Wuzhou.

"Punish the Cheng Ding of the nine clans of Liu, Wu and Zhou, and the rest of the males will be reduced to slaves, and the females will be confiscated into the Yeting Palace and the Jiaofang Division."

Song Jingang trembled.

Even if the emperor doesn't pursue his original guilt, as Liu Wuzhou's brother-in-law, he still belongs to the scope of implicated.

What's more, the emperor didn't intend to let Song Jingang and Yuan Junzhang go.

"Song and Yuan Erzhu helped Zhou to abuse, and worked as minions for tigers. Both punished the nine clans."

After assigning the three of them to the Zhu Jiu Clan, Luo Cheng also beheaded the other rebel generals of the Yiwu Army.It's just that it's better than the three of them, only their family is punished.

Those who are below the third rank to the fifth rank in the pseudo-dynasties will only punish themselves, not their wives and children.

Those below the fifth grade will not be killed, but will be exiled.

And those who have no grades will be pardoned and not guilty.

Song Jingang begged for mercy, but Yuan Junzhang remained silent.

The emperor waved his hand, and a group of guards came to drag him down.

"Your Majesty, now that the chaos in Daibei is over, why not forgive me?"

Luo Cheng said with a cold face, "The combination of kindness and power can make people fearful of power and virtue. How can people be in awe of the court's laws if they only show kindness blindly? What's more, Liu Wuzhou is responsible for the state's kindness and the king's kindness, and he doesn't want to repay it." , but betrayed, and even lured the Turks into the bandits, and surrendered to the Turks, this is not only a betrayal of the king, but also a treason! Such thieves must be severely punished, so that future generations can be warned!"

Because of this, Luo Cheng rarely used such severe punishment as Zhu Lian Jiu Clan.

Wang Junkuo's rebellion was only part of the rebellion plan, and he hadn't taken any actual action yet, and it didn't cause any impact or bad consequences. He was also a court hero and had made many great achievements. He also had a death-free coupon issued by the emperor. , so I took it lightly.

But Liu Wuzhou is different from the generals of the Yiwu Army. Liu Wuzhou himself has no merits, but the emperor gave him a high position.Moreover, he professed his vassal to the Turks and led the Turks into the invaders, which caused extremely bad influence and consequences.

In order to quell the rebellion, the imperial court dispatched hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, with over ten thousand casualties and tens of millions of money, food and equipment, how can it be done without severe punishment.

He was able to pardon Li Mi, Wang Bodang, Wang Bodang, Wang Shichong, etc., because the other party was not his subordinate in the first place, and because of their final surrender, more casualties and losses were avoided. These people are still treated preferentially, but they can only treat the betrayed Liu Wuzhou ruthlessly.

After the emperor's words, no one among the important ministers persuaded Kuanren.

The seventh day of August.

At the foot of Yanmen City, a group of rebel generals were executed.

First, Liu Wuzhou's body was pulled out. Although he had been assassinated by the general, he was still pulled out.

The emperor ordered someone to sew up Liu Wuzhou's head first, and then set it up on a wooden stake. He asked the executioner to peel off the whole piece of Liu Wuzhou's skin first, and then let all the officials and generals shoot arrows at the skinless Liu Wuzhou.

There are also rewards for the middle ones.

After the arrows were shot all over his body, the executioner cut him into pieces, and finally burned him to death.

Only a pair of human skin was left, stuffed with straw, and then stood in front of the monument to the fallen soldiers outside Yanmen City, where the human skin Liu Wu and Zhou Yongshi knelt down.

At the foot of Yanmen City, more than a thousand people were beheaded that day.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and people watched together, and there was even a phenomenon that the people snatched the meat of these traitors, and many people took steamed cakes to dip the blood of these people to eat.

The scene almost got out of control.

And some Turkic nobles were directly stoned to death by the people after they were brought up to accuse them in public.

Li Shimin, Chai Shao, Li Shuliang and Li Deliang and other Li Tang prisoners were also forced to visit the whole process. Seeing the fanaticism of the soldiers and civilians in Yanmen City, they all turned pale with fright, and even Li Shimin couldn't help sweating all over his body.

He didn't want to be killed by arrows and knives like that, and he didn't want his skin to be made into a scarecrow, and he didn't want his flesh to be eaten, his blood to be dipped in cakes, or his bones to be burned. Turned into ashes and blown away.

After returning from the execution ground, all of them had dull eyes and pale faces, unable to recover for a long time.

Kaiyuan two years.


The emperor is still in Yanmen, but the envoy has arrived at Leshou City in Hejian.

The envoy read out the emperor's edict, made Dou Jiande the Marquis of Chongli, and made his daughter Dou Hongxian the Zhaorong of the Nine Concubines, and welcomed her into the palace.

Dou Jiande summoned Leshou Wenwu.

A group of courtiers of the Xia Kingdom discovered that today the emperor was not wearing a dragon robe, but a black round-neck gown and a black soft-footed headdress.

"The Luo family owns the world, which belongs to the calendar. Now the Central Plains has two-thirds of the world. There are no two days in the sky, and there are no two masters in the people. Now the title of emperor is removed, and the north accepts the canonization, is it possible?"

Cao Bao said dissatisfiedly, "The world was destroyed in the Sui Dynasty, heroes competed to become kings and emperors, and divided up the power. The Qin State only owned the land outside the pass and the lands outside the pass and the Huainan of Henan and Henan. In this world, there are still Xia Kingdom in Hebei and Li Yuan in Guanzhong. Liang Shidu in Shuofang, Xiao Xian in Jianghan, Lin Shihong in Jiangnan, Shen Faxing, Li Zitong in Huainan, etc. Great Xia is in Hebei, not to mention that His Majesty is already the Son of Heaven, so how can he accept other people's titles? , you can follow the example of Xiliang in the past, call yourself Emperor Liang and become a minister of Zhou."

As the brother of Empress Dou Jiande, Cao Bao is also a representative of the military generals in the court. They all mean that they are not willing to submit to Qin like this.

They are willing to surrender to Qin, but they can only follow the example of Xiliang and Northern Zhou in the past, at most they can be regarded as vassals, and they are not willing to completely surrender to Qin.

After all, wouldn't it be fun to be a king and a marquis for the territory that everyone has laid down, why should they vote for Qin?Although Luo Cheng is powerful, he has not reached the point of unifying the world. There are still so many forces, and Luo Cheng may not be able to unify the world.

Maybe, one day when Luo Chengcheng dies, his state of Qin will collapse?Or maybe Luo Cheng marched south like Fu Jian, and after a big defeat, his Qin State collapsed?

There are still various possibilities, why rush to surrender, Daxia still has 20 soldiers, and it is still possible to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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