Chapter 9

That night, Luo Feng and Qin Qiong chatted until midnight, and the conversation seemed very speculative.Although the two old cousins ​​had never met before, they felt very close when they chatted, especially when Qin Qiong found out that although his little cousin was very young, he was a country boy different from Luo Xiaoqi and Luo Xiaojiu. He is very talkative and has good opinions on many things.

He attributed it to Luo Feng's natural intelligence, or because he was personally taught by his aunt since he was a child, and he has learned to read and write, so he is no different from ordinary country people, so he loves this cousin even more.

This conversation lasted until almost dawn before falling asleep.


Luo Feng felt a little cold on his body, opened his eyes and woke up, and found that Qin Qiong had already woken up, but several fellow villagers in Nanshan Village were still sleeping soundly.

Lifting off the thin quilt on his body, rubbing his face, he also got up and got out of bed.

Pushing open the door, the cold air hits the outside.

In the early morning mist and cold wind, cousin Qin Qiong was already practicing martial arts there.

Qin Qiong held a pair of maces, each move was very powerful, and there was even a fog on the top of his head.

"Xiao Wu is awake?"

"Second brother got up so early to practice martial arts?"

"Practice in summer and practice in winter and practice in winter. People who practice martial arts cannot be neglected for a day. I have long been used to it, and I will wake up by myself at dawn."

"Second brother's mace is really good." Luo Feng didn't know martial arts, but he could see that Qin Qiong's moves were very good.

"My mace technique is handed down from my family. I practiced sword at the age of three, practiced mace at the age of five, drew the bow at the age of seven, rode a horse at the age of nine, and started to practice the lance at the age of 12..." When it comes to martial arts, Qin Qiong is very self-confidence.

Qin Qiong's ancestors were officials in the Northern Dynasties for several generations. Although they were mainly civil servants, since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the world has been in turmoil, especially in the north. Men from aristocratic families also practice both civil and military skills, especially the powerful children of good aristocratic families. Almost all of them are good at riding and shooting. They go out to ride horses and carry knives with them.

"Xiao Wu, have you ever learned martial arts?" Qin Qiong asked.

Luo Feng shook his head.

His father was just a blacksmith in the countryside of Zhangqiu. His family had been blacksmiths for generations, and he didn't know why he was able to marry a woman from the Qin family in Licheng back then, but his father was indeed just an ordinary blacksmith before.In his memory, Blacksmith Luo didn't know much about martial arts, but he had a lot of strength.

Luo Feng learned blacksmithing when he was a child, and he didn't learn any martial arts, but he was indeed very strong.

Qin Qiong handed Luo Feng a mace, "Let me see how you are doing?"

Mace is a blunt weapon, which is usually equipped for cavalry in the army. This kind of blunt weapon is generally designed to break the armor of enemy cavalry.Since the Southern and Northern Dynasties, cavalry have favored heavy armor, such as the famous armored riding equipment, that is, both men and horses wear armor, sometimes even more than one layer of armor, which is generally difficult to hurt with swords.

At this time, using blunt instruments such as maces, whips, and hammers to strike is often more effective than knives and arrows.Blunt instruments do not need to penetrate, but to shock the enemy's viscera.

However, this kind of blunt weapon also has higher requirements for the messenger, generally speaking, it requires great strength.Because ordinary swords also weigh two or three catties, while blunt weapons such as whips, maces, and hammers are even heavier, often weighing four or five catties.Wielding a blunt weapon weighing four to five catties with one hand is not something everyone can do.

The gold mace is heavy to start with. This is a gold mace with a tile surface. The surface is golden, and the inside is made of refined copper. It has a square shape. This kind of mace is very lethal. Extremely strong armor-piercing damage ability.

The mace is four feet long, with no knots in the body and no point in the end. The face is square and has grooves. It can kill the enemy through the armor.

He thought that such a heavy soldier would be difficult for him to handle, but Luo Feng felt that it was not too heavy in his hand. He felt that it was not even as hard as the big hammer he held when he helped his father forge iron.

Blacksmith apprentices start with a sledgehammer when they forge iron. The younger the apprentice, the bigger and heavier the hammer, and the older the master, the smaller the hammer. It is said that the small hammer takes away the heart, and the sledgehammer goes away.

The master commands with a small hammer, while the apprentice forges with a sledgehammer. After years of holding the hammer and forging, he can practice brute strength.

The hammer that Luo Feng held in the past was much heavier than this one. Although he held the hammer with both hands, he really didn't feel how difficult it is to hold the copper mace now.

He swung it casually a few times, and he danced a few sword moves. He didn't learn it from anyone, but used the flurry of dances he saw in later generations of martial arts movies, which was somewhat similar.

Such a relaxed appearance surprised Qin Qiong. Each of his pair of maces weighed four and a half catties, and a pair together weighed nine catties.

"Innate divine power, good!"

As he said that, Qin Qiong attacked with another mace, and Luo Feng quickly raised his mace to block.

You come and go, clinking and fighting.

After a while, Luo Feng was already in a dilemma, but Qin Qiong was still calm and composed. He was actually just testing his cousin's strength and reaction, and didn't really exert force.

"That's right, my cousin has never learned martial arts, but his strength is great. You can wield this golden mace for a long time without any problem, and your reflexes are actually very quick. It's a pity that you missed the good age for learning martial arts. Since elementary school, you have relied on your innate supernatural power, but in fact, your ability must be far superior to mine."

"Where, my brute force was actually developed when I was young and followed my father to forge iron."

"Then you are suitable for a horse weapon." Qin Qiong laughed.

"What weapon?"



"I said you are suitable for using a hammer."

At first Luo Feng thought Qin Qiong was joking with him, but seeing how serious he was, he realized that he wasn't joking.

The cavalry does have a hammer, but like the mace, it is actually only a spare weapon for the cavalry, and it is usually used for close combat or hand-to-hand combat on horseback.

Compared with the mace, the hammer actually needs more strength, because the mace whip is similar to the sword, but heavier than the sword, but the center of gravity of the hammer is very forward, which makes it difficult to swing back and forth. Life and death, commonly known as a one-shot deal, never returns.

And because the center of gravity is forward, it requires great strength to use the hammer.

Although there are all kinds of hammers used by normal cavalrymen, such as six-sided hammers, eight-petal hammers, meteor hammers, and gold-breaking hammers, etc., they generally have a common feature, that is, the handle is short, and the hammer is generally short. It is between two and three feet, not four or five feet long like a mace.

Moreover, although the hammer is heavy, it will not be too heavy, mainly three or four catties.

Some powerful warriors may use heavier hammers, but generally they cannot exceed six or seven catties, and most of them will not exceed four or five catties.

Even if it is a hammer weighing four to five kilograms, few people can really use it well. After all, this kind of hammer is a weapon, not for fitness.

"You have great strength. I see that you use this golden mace very easily. I think you can use a hammer, or even a heavy hammer weighing five to six catties. Sometimes strength is also a talent and advantage. It is the so-called strength." If you surrender ten times, you can defeat ten thousand enemies with one hammer."

Hearing what Qin Qiong said, Luo Feng felt a little moved, maybe he could practice the hammer when he was free.

"I'll find you a formula for using the hammer. You can practice it when you have time. If you succeed in practicing, after you turn 21, I will find a way to recommend you to Lai Shuai as a soldier under his command. In the future It’s also good to fight for a background.”

 Do you think Hammer is cool?

(End of this chapter)

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