Chapter 926 Alone
Fu Gong Er, a veteran minister, colluded with Zhang Shan'an, a new subordinate minister, to plot a rebellion. In fact, although Luo Cheng was a little surprised, it was not surprising.

This is due to a new round of local adjustments by the imperial court.

In the past, during the battle, the generals who commanded the army were naturally given a lot of authority. They often had the power to act expediently, and even had the privilege of entrusting orders. Therefore, those generals who commanded troops abroad, especially those who guarded one side, Often a huge hill is built.

They wantonly promote cronies and form cliques. This is a very common thing, and they do extraordinary things at extraordinary times.

And the imperial court often gave extremely high treatment to those enemy generals who were willing to surrender, and even those who surrendered with troops and territory often still let them lead the old ministry and manage the old territory.

But that's often just a temporary stopgap.

When the world is unified and the situation is gradually stabilizing, it is impossible for the imperial court to continue to be so expedient.

On the one hand, it is the reorganization of the national army, the abolition of abolishment, and the exchange of exchange.On the other hand, it is inevitable for officials to be re-evaluated, replaced, promoted or even dismissed.

Du Fuwei went to Beijing and was idle.

Auxiliary Gong Er was changed to be the inspector of Zuo Ti Xing of Huainan Road. This is a third-rank official position.But correspondingly, the Zuo Press Inspector can neither command civil affairs nor control the army, but is only responsible for judicial supervision.

This kind of adjustment is quite normal. After all, this is the system of the Great Qin Dynasty. After the war ended and the situation became more stable, it was necessary to separate the civil and military forces and perform their duties.

Although Fu Gong Er was the second-in-command of Huainan Road in the past, after all, that was before, during wartime, and the situation is different from now.The imperial court granted him this position because of his bad reputation, so the award of this position also meant to give a little warning.

But Fu Gong Er not only did not restrain himself, but became even more angry and resentful, and even started to plot rebellion.

Zhang Shan'an was originally a surrendered general. At that time, he led his troops to dedicate the city to his subordinates. The imperial court granted him the title of Earl of the founding of the country, and also gave him the post of prefect, allowing him to continue to lead the old troops.Up to now, Huainan is stable, so the imperial court wants to abolish his soldiers and horses, and at the same time adjust his position, transfer him from Jianghuai, and at the same time give him the post of county chief history.

This is just a normal transfer. After all, Zhang Shan'an was just a fisherman before, and he didn't know a single word. He became a thief at the age of 17. After that, he joined the rebellious army, crossing the Jianghuai River, and defected to several forces.

It is definitely inappropriate to let him continue to be a prefect. Arranging him to be a long history is all preferential treatment for him.But Zhang Shan'an didn't think so. He thought it was crossing the river and demolishing the bridge. Although the title of Earl of the founding country granted to him by the imperial court had not changed, he was still not reconciled.

You can conquer the world immediately, but you cannot rule the world immediately.

So when the world was conquered, the military generals contributed the most, but now to govern the world, whether it is the court or the local government, it is more necessary for civil servants who are scholars.

Of course, there are some military generals who are capable of both civil and military affairs, but they are a minority after all.So now the imperial court is carrying out this round of major adjustments. Officials have to accept the assessment of the Ministry of Officials, as well as unannounced visits and investigations by the special inspection team. For local officials at all levels in various counties and counties, the best will be promoted, and the inferior ones will be promoted. Down.

Officials like Zhang Shan'an who surrendered halfway, had no family background, especially did not know a single character, and had no real ability to govern the people, were often transferred from important positions and relegated to the second line.

And some officials, even if they are indeed capable, may have to change positions for other considerations.

Not to mention these local civil servants, even the entire army is now undergoing major adjustments, reorganization, and large-scale disarmament. At the same time, major adjustments are being made to the generals.

Ordinary officials can also accept these, but there are still many people who are unwilling to accept them.It seems that this move is a big deal.

It’s just that some people are just dissatisfied in their hearts, and some people say a few words, but it’s really like Fu Gong Er, who took too much medicine and was bewitched by the Yaodao Zuoyou Immortal, and really thought that the foolish ghost possessed by the gods was not Not many.

As for people like Zhang Shan'an, he is a fool. He is a fool in troubled times. He always believes in force, so he holds on to his soldiers and horses and refuses to let go. He will oppose anyone who wants to use his soldiers. He rebelled several times and changed several families. Now that he returned to Qin soon, he wanted to rebel again.

"Your Majesty, it's because I didn't take the lead. I'm willing to make amends and go to Huainan in person to quell the chaos."

Luo Cheng smiled, "Do you really want to go to Huainan yourself?"

"Your Majesty, I ask for your permission. I don't want one soldier at a time."

"Fuwei, you are my old brother and my brother-in-law. I am worried that you will treat Fusan as a brother, but Fusan may not treat you as a brother when the time comes. If one is not good, you will probably die there. Actually, If Fu San is obsessed with obsession, I have plenty of ways to get rid of him."

"Your Majesty, please give me a chance, and give Fusan a chance. Back then, the two of us followed Your Majesty, but now I don't want him to die because of a demon bewitching me. I believe that if Fusan sees me, After listening to the minister explain the truth, you will definitely be able to wake up."

"Okay, I'll give you and Fusan a chance. Remember, if you can't do anything, you can come back by yourself and don't lose your life. I don't want my fifth sister to be a widow at a young age."

Du Fuwei knelt down and thanked him.

Huainan Road, the Taoist city is located in Lujiang County, not in Jiangdu.

His Majesty Du Fuwei went out of Beijing and went down the Grand Canal by boat from Luoyang, changing boats and boats along the way. The canals are connected with rivers. Sometimes it goes north, sometimes it goes south, and sometimes, because of the large difference in water level, dams and locks are built on the canal.

Therefore, although the canal connects the north and the south, in fact, the ships can not run unimpeded on the canal. In many cases, the canal boats are divided into sections, so there are also various names such as Bianchuan and Huaichuan. Each kind of boat runs for a section canal.

But even so, from Luoyang to Lujiang is actually very fast.

The whole waterway is from Luoyang to Xingyang, Xingyang to Xuyi, and then to Shanyang, and then goes down to Jiangdu, enters the Yangtze River and goes upstream to the west, enters Chaohu Lake, and then goes upstream along the river to Hefei City in Lujiang County.

Du Fuwei took an old servant with him on this trip, and he took no one with him. He didn't even stay at an official post along the way.

When he stepped into Hefei City, he could feel the difference in this city.

He smelled something before the war.

He took the old servant and went straight into the city until he arrived at the Yamen of the inspector.

"Do not enter when you are idle!"

When the gatekeepers saw Du Fuwei in civilian clothes, they didn't know that this was the famous King of Jianghuai.

"Go in and tell Fusan that Du Fuwei is here."

The gatekeeper was surprised when he heard the word Du Fuwei, and looked around at him, but he couldn't connect him with the king of Jianghuai.

Du Fuwei stared coldly, the soldier was a little panicked, and ran to the yamen to report involuntarily.

Inside the Yamen.

Fu San is planning with Zuo Youxian in front of a map, and there are several generals in the room.

"The time is ripe, we can start trouble at any time." Zuo Youxian said with a smile, he was wearing Taoist robes, holding a dust whisk in his hand, and with a goatee, he looked a bit like Wei Zheng before.

"Report, a person came outside the door, claiming to be Du Fuwei, let the general go out to meet him."

Fu Gong Er was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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