Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 944 West Sea Kingdom

Chapter 944 West Sea Kingdom
Although Li Sanbao was only in his early twenties, he had worked as a clerk in the shop for 12 years, so he knew a few words and was more flexible, so he was lucky enough to be assigned an errand in the end.

From the south of the Yangtze River, fled to the Central Plains, and then settled in Luoyang, Li Sanbao felt that life had changed rapidly.

Not long ago, Jin King Luo Siye was feuded by the emperor to be built by the Qinghai Lake, and he was renamed the King of Xihai, and asked him to go to the vassal to establish a country.Luo Siye began to recruit and seal households in Luoyang City.

The policy given by the imperial court is that those who are willing to follow their heirs to go to the West Sea to enshrine land, and those who are good people who are willing to go will be granted land and a settling fee, and their houses and fields in the Central Plains can be sold to the government for recycling. And Siye paid for them to build a house for them to live in.And if it is an official slave who is willing to go, he will be exempted and rehabilitated, and the land will also be given to him.

Although Li Sanbao had an errand in Luoyang, he was very moved after reading the recruitment order.He hopes to have his own field and his own house.Even if he went to the distant West Sea, he thought it would be good.Staying in Luoyang, where the land is small and there are many people, it is difficult for him to get his own field, and he does not want to be a shop assistant forever.

After being recruited, he was quickly appreciated by Siye because of his eloquence and diligence, and he was specially promoted to be a state official of the West Sea Kingdom, responsible for assisting in the recruitment.

Siye is very generous to those who are willing to apply. He is the elder brother of the emperor. He has made military achievements and received countless rewards. He is not short of money.

He gave a lot of housing expenses to everyone who was willing to go with him, and even bought tents, shoes, clothing and food for them on the road.

The emperor gave Siye [-] miles of land in the West Sea to build a country, and allowed him to recruit [-] closed households, and gave him [-] cavalry guards. At the same time, [-] monks and [-] Taoist priests accompanied Siye. And [-] Confucian students, they will follow to establish Buddhist temples, Taoist temples and Confucian colleges in the West Sea Kingdom.

Because he applied early and was recognized by his inheritance, he became an official of the kingdom and knew more news than others.

For example, Siye's Xihai Kingdom's [-]-mile fiefdom is actually in Tuyuhun, and now Tuyuhun is in civil strife.Years ago, the envoy Tang Jian was sent to Tuyuhun to help Prince Murongshun of Tuyuhun in the mutiny, captured the royal city of Tuyuhun, Fuqi City, and imprisoned the old Khan, becoming the new Khan of Tuyuhun.

And his brother Murong Ke, his uncle, and King Tianzhu of Xiangguo all rebelled in the local area because of this.

At this time, Murong Shun urgently needed the full support of the court. The emperor agreed to send troops to help Murong Shun quell the chaos, but also asked Tang Jian to put forward many conditions to Murong Shun.

This included handing over Qinghai, Hubei, and the south of Qilian Mountain to the imperial court, and the imperial court established feudal princes to establish the country.

At this time, Murong Shun was counterattacked by his brothers and uncles, and he was very embarrassed. Especially when King Tianzhu invited Tubo cavalry, he had to agree to Daqin's request and agreed to hand over half of the northern half of Xihai County among the four counties of Qinghai. The imperial court divided the princes.

It was also against this background that the emperor asked Siye to immediately go to the vassal to establish the country.

The emperor appointed Siye as the chief of the Qinghai Road Marching Army. He dispatched [-] troops from Heshuo, Longyou, and handed them over to Siye to go to Qinghai to assist Murong Shun in defeating several other rebels.

Siye had already left Luoyang one step earlier and went to Longyou to gather troops.

Li Sanbao realized that the founding of the West Sea Kingdom they were about to go to might not be very smooth, and if the battle of inheritance was not won, then the citizens of the West Sea they set off after all these years might have no place to settle.

But he believed that the Modao General Wang, who was good at fighting, would be able to defeat Tuyuhun and open up a stable new home for them in the West Sea.

After the New Year, the first batch of closed households in Xihai Kingdom started to set off.

The closed households are almost all the people recruited from the Central Plains, but most of them are not from the Central Plains. Many people are like him. , can directly enjoy the benefits of land allocation, they missed the best time for land allocation, so they can only get a small amount of land.

Now that they have the opportunity to get more fields, these refugees who fled from the south to the north were moved, so they signed up to participate. After receiving a settling allowance, they firmly believed that the future would be better.

The first batch of teams consisted of more than 1000 people. Among them were [-] immigrant youths and [-] Royal Guard cavalry. They were going to open up wasteland and take the lead. They did not bring their families, women and children, but only a carload of supplies. .

They will first arrive in the west of Xiping County, north of Qinghai Lake, at the foot of Qilian Mountain.They will build a new city there, which the emperor has named Xining.

West of Xiping, Xining.

After the new Xining City is built, it will be the royal city of the Xihai Kingdom. Similarly, the imperial court will also set up the Xining Acropolis there and send troops there.

Because it is adjacent to the Hexi Corridor in the north, it is also called the northern gate of Qinghai by the imperial court, so it is the first choice for Siye's royal city.

It is connected to Zhangye in the west of the river in the north, Xiping in the east, and Qinghai in the south, controlling the throat.

Starting from Luoyang, these thousand immigrants, plus [-] pro-army cavalry, followed by hundreds of caravans, they transported supplies to Xining City for Siye, and then transferred to Fucheng City after delivery, preparing to leave from Luoyang. There, they bought a batch of Qinghai horses, green salt and other special products of Tuyuhun, and then returned to the Central Plains.

Therefore, this journey is not lonely.

When they set off from Luoyang, they took a boat, and when they arrived in Shanxian County, there was a dangerous beach, so they went ashore. After passing the beach, they changed to Chang'an's Wei boat, and entered Chang'an along the Yongtong Canal of the Canal, where they rested for a while. After replenishing, they changed their cavalry and headed west along the Weihe River, leaving Longshan, entering Longxi, passing Tianshui and Longxi counties, and then continuing westward along the Hehuang River Valley.

The farther west you go, the more difficult the road is, and the fewer people there are. But fortunately, the law and order along the way is very good, and there are no robbers, but it is common for the government soldiers and county soldiers to patrol and guard them, and they will escort them past the defense area without payment.

On the way, Li Sanbao would also ask the soldiers from the local prefectures who escorted them from time to time, asking them how the current battle in Qinghai is going.

But the answer he got was either not clear, or it said that the imperial army had already passed, but they didn't know the follow-up battle situation.

In this way, with anxiety, Sanbao and the others finally left Xiping County in the early summer of the fourth year of Kaiyuan and entered Qinghai. From the moment they passed the boundary marker of Xiping County, they officially set foot on the border of Xihai Kingdom. on the territory.

"It's here, Great Qin Xihai Kingdom!"

A cavalry galloped over and announced loudly to everyone.

Li Sanbao turned his head to look behind him, and then turned around to look ahead. Standing in front of the boundary marker of Xiping County, he couldn't feel the difference between Xihai Kingdom and Xiping County, they were similar.

But he knew that with this step, he would truly become a closed subject of Luo Siye, King of the West Sea.

(End of this chapter)

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