Chapter 951
Wang San took out a bronze medal from his body.

"What is this? Is it a very exquisite and valuable treasure?" The white horse took it and looked at it, but couldn't understand it.

Wang San smiled and told the brother that this was his identity card, "To tell you the truth, I am actually an agent of the Chang'an Bureau of the Qin Dynasty's pro-military captain's mansion."

As a result, Baima was still at a loss when he heard this. He stayed in a small place in the border area. He had never heard of the pro-military captain's mansion, and he didn't know what an agent was.

So Wang San had no choice but to tell him simply, "I am a secret agent of Daqin."

Now the white horse understood, he looked at Wang San in surprise, and then stood up abruptly, with fear already in his eyes.

With identities like Lao Wang and Xiao Wang, in their eyes they are just friends who deal with each other.

But the meticulous work of the Great Qin court is frightening. The only time Baima dealt with the Qin government was when the Qin army encircled and suppressed a few bold tribes that robbed and killed merchants and sold Han people as slaves. At that time, several tribes were uprooted From then on, their heads were sent to various villages for circulation.

At that time, the white horse saw those Qin soldiers wearing bright armor, huge spears, sharp horizontal knives, and powerful crossbows, and was deeply impressed.

He swallowed, "Are you Qin Jun?"

"Well, this is my ID card, ID card."

"What do you want to do when you come to our place?"

"Brother Baima, don't be nervous. I actually just came here on a routine basis to find out about the situation of the tribes here. Who would have expected to know that the envoys of King Tianzhu came and incited many tribes to rebel, because time is urgent, I'm afraid I won't have time to send these The information was sent back, so now I would like to borrow the help of your department."

Wang San hoped that any tribe would be left to help him attack those rebellious tribes. He promised that the imperial court would reward them heavily for fighting the rebels for the Great Qin, and they might also be granted official positions.

"The tribe that captured the rebels, all the money, silk, cattle and sheep, etc., belong to you, and the court only needs the rebels."

Baima didn't think it was such a big deal, "I have to ask my father about it."

"I will go with you to meet the patriarch."

In the patriarch's tent, the patriarch, who had been very drunk last night, still had a headache. He was drinking buttered tea when he heard his son say such an astonishing thing.

"Can I borrow your ID card to take a look?" the old patriarch asked.

Wang San handed it over.

The old patriarch looked at it for a long time, and finally returned it to Wang San.

He sighed, "I am a dying person even with my old bones. I think that when I was young, I participated in several battles with tribe warriors, including battles between tribes, and battles against Longyou and other places. The attack and looting of Han's city."

Speaking of the past, the old patriarch spoke softly.

Back then, he was also a strong warrior in the clan. When he was young, he was vigorous and had fought many battles.

I have won, I have failed, I have been proud, and I have been embarrassed.

As he got older, he gradually stopped being so impulsive.

He led his people to move to a more remote place, where they nomadicly hunted and planted some crops at will, and lived a relatively stable life.

The envoy of Tianzhu King came to see him, brought him the treasure gift of Tianzhu King, and said all kinds of promised benefits, but the old patriarch was not moved.

He didn't expect that his guests were actually the spies of the Qin Dynasty, and now they have asked them to help send troops to quell the chaos.

It was difficult for him to refuse this request. He didn't want to get involved in this muddy water, but his son was very moved.

"Wars kill people."

Wang San told the old patriarch that by helping the court to quell the chaos, they can get more cattle, sheep and livestock, as well as bigger pastures. At that time, they can have more children, and the tribe will become stronger. Give them official positions.

"Father, the Sima tribe's ranch is very big and very good. If we get it, our tribe will be able to double in size in a few years."

The old patriarch glared at his son.

"Will the court send troops?"

"I will ask Lao Wang to return to Lintao immediately to report. After receiving the report, he will definitely send soldiers from the county to attack the rebels."

The old patriarch thought for a while, "It's not close to Lintao. I went there when I was young, and I walked there for a full month."

The old patriarch is very skilled. Although the Sima tribe has only five or six hundred people, and the tribe is even smaller than them, if they only use any tribe they keep to fight, I am afraid that they will suffer a lot of losses.

"If the old patriarch has other trusted friends, they can also call together to quell the chaos, and they will also have a share of the benefits."

"I do have some friends. There are several tribes that we have married with, and the relationship has always been good."

In fact, Sima Department also married Liu He Department, but a few years ago, the two had disputes over the ranch, and their relationship became worse.

Wang San is just a low-level spy, but at this time, here, he represents the pro-military Duwei's Mansion, representing Daqin.

The old patriarch called the elders of the clan and discussed together for a long time.

In the end, most people think that this battle can be fought, and with Qin Chao's backing, they can take this opportunity to destroy the Sima Department, annex their pastures, and rob their livestock.Although the Qin people proposed that the population should belong to them, they still made a lot of money.

Even though the Liuhe tribe and the Sima tribe belonged to the Qiang people, in fact, the tribes used to have frequent conflicts, and even some blood feud tribes often carried out reward competitions and headhunting sacrifices.

The young and strong in the tribe are even shouting that everyone wants to destroy Simabu, and they will give him a lot of votes.

In order to arouse the fighting spirit of these people, Wang San boldly patted his chest and said, "After capturing the Sima tribe, the imperial court will not ask you for their population in vain. Everyone can exchange for tea, salt, wine and cloth. Never let you lose."

This time, everyone's fighting spirit became stronger, and the white horse even shouted to set off tonight.

In the end, the old patriarch was more prudent, and sent people to several close in-law tribes to gather people and horses to jointly do this vote.

With a helper, although a lot of benefits will be shared, it can also reduce risks.

In the tribe, everyone was very excited and began to sharpen their swords and guns.

Wang San sent Lao Wang back.

"Unexpectedly, I just went out this trip, and I will go back home in the end."

Wang San comforted Lao Wang, "You are doing business for the court this time, and I will not owe you anything. I will let Liuhe Department take care of all your goods, and I will pick them up after you come back. You are doing business for the court, and I will also help you." I will ask for credit for you truthfully.”

Lao Wang smiled, "I thought you came with me just to have a look, but I didn't expect to do such a big thing as soon as I came here."

The next day, tribal fighters arrived one after another.The old patriarch sent people to three of his in-law tribes to call for people. These people heard that it would be beneficial to fight with Daqin, so they all came.

What surprised Wang San the most was that these three tribes were all tribes with 600 people, and they all came as soon as they came.

In front are young and strong people riding horses with knives, followed by old and weak women and children driving cattle and sheep.

The camp of the Liuhe tribe has become a big market. These tribes are all married to each other, so they are all relatives. Everyone is happy to get together.

Although Wang San is young, the old patriarch of the Liuhe tribe still respectfully entrusts him to be the leader of the four troops and horses that sent troops this time, and then the four tribe chiefs will be their deputy, each in charge of his own clan.

"People are calling, how to fight next, please tell General Wang!"

The old patriarch put on his cowhide armor and carried a spear on his shoulder, giving him a feeling of being old and strong.

Wang San looked at the chaotic camp, looked at these messy tribesmen, gritted his teeth and said, "Since we are all here, let's set off early tomorrow morning and go straight to the Simabu camp."

(End of this chapter)

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