Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 954 Already Captured Tuyuhun

Chapter 954 Already Captured Tuyuhun

under night.

Siye was sitting in front of the bonfire with his arms bare. A military doctor was taking wine to debride and suture his wound. Siye didn't even frown. He was eating horse meat while listening to the report from the military office.

"Have you written the good news to His Majesty?"

The recording room picked up the hand scroll and read, "On April [-]th in the fourth year of Kaiyuan, when I arrived at the mouth of the river, I met a bandit and broke it. I killed more than [-] Tianzhu tribe soldiers, captured more than [-] people, and captured more than [-] Tianzhu herdsmen. , obtained ten thousand horses, and more than fifty thousand cattle and sheep."

After hearing this, Siye frowned.

The military doctor thought it was hurting Siye, so he stopped.

Siye turned his head, "Continue."

"Let me ask you, did the 1 herders carry weapons?"


"Then when they encountered our attack, did they resist with arms?"


"Then it's over. If that's the case, why write [-] captive herdsmen alone? Change it, and write more than a thousand Tianzhu soldiers, more than [-] captives, and tens of thousands of cattle and sheep. Great victory!"

The reporter hesitated for a moment, and was finally glared at by Siye, so he immediately picked up a pen to make corrections and re-edited.

"Marshal, the suture is finished." The military doctor helped Siye suture and bandage up.

Siye turned his head to look, and his wound had indeed been healed, "Very well, I will reward you with a Qiang prisoner as a slave, write it down, and receive it after the class teacher."

"Thank you sir."

After a while, all the military academies arrived. Although everyone's robes were stained with blood, all of them were smiling.

Although in this battle, Siye's Qin army was only [-], and Murong Shun's Tuyuhun army was nearly [-], but at the beginning of the battle, it was Siye who took the lead in the charge with a Mo Dao in his hand, and chopped down seven of the Tianzhu army's troops in one fell swoop. It is scattered, and the morale of the strong army is strong.

Originally along the way, Murong Shun was still very worried, especially when he saw that the Qin army had difficulty adapting to the plateau climate and kept falling behind.

But now, he could not stop smiling all over his face.

"My lord, great victory."

Siye just smiled slightly, "It's just normal."

To him, this was indeed just an ordinary victory. After all, it was just an attack and annihilation of [-] Tianzhu soldiers, and the rest were just herdsmen transporting luggage.

Cheng Mingzhen and Xue Wanjun also came in to congratulate.

One of them came from Xiping County, and the other came from Lintao County. They recruited many county soldiers and Qiang soldiers along the way, and climbed the mountains. Not far behind either.

But it was still a step late, only in time to catch up with the rout and clean up the battlefield.

"I didn't expect you to come so fast and bring so many soldiers."

"I got a lot of support from Qiang Luo on the way."

Xue Wanjun smiled and said to Siye, "You don't know, when I was in Taoyuan, I met a spy from the captain's mansion of the pro-army. This kid is very powerful. He originally went to Qiangluoli over there to inquire about information. However, when he heard that King Tianzhu sent people to pull the Qiang tribe into rebellion, he boldly persuaded one Qiang tribe to counter the rebellion with him, and pulled three more through that Qiang tribe. As a result, one of the Qiang tribes was killed in the first battle. Zhu Wang's Qiang tribe continued to send out troops non-stop, and when I arrived at Taoyuan with my troops, this guy had already recruited more than 1 people."

Xue Wanjun told Siye that among the more than 1 people he brought, half of them were the tribes that Wang San pulled up. This was because he had to cross Xiqing Mountain, so he only took away the young and strong warriors among the Qiangs. .

When he set off from Lintao, he brought five thousand soldiers of the Qin army, and then recruited thousands of soldiers from the county. As a result, after passing Xiqing Mountain, there were only less than five thousand left, and most of them stayed behind due to adverse reactions. behind.

On the contrary, the thousands of Qiang soldiers led by Wang San didn't have any problems at all, and they came all the way, thanks to their guides leading the way.

"Oh, this king Sanben really wants to see him."

Xue Wanjun asked someone to call Wang San.

"You are Wang San, where's your name?"

"Under the Hui Festival, the humble surname is Wang, the third in the family, and the name is Xuan Ce."

"Wang Xuance, good name, what position do you have in the Pro-Army Captain's Mansion?"

"Under the festival, I worked in the Shandong Army for three years before, and then I was elected to the Pro-Army Captain's Mansion and trained in the Chang'an Lecture Hall for half a year. This is the first time I have officially been on a mission. At present, I am just an ordinary agent and have no official rank. .”

Seeing that he looks very upright, speaks in an orderly manner, neither humble nor overbearing, Siye admires him very much.

"Such a talented person has no official rank. It's really buried. How about it, I still lack a chief of the military intelligence department in the staff department under the general commander's mansion. The official rank is not high, only the seventh rank. If you don't dislike it, you can take a temporary position." For this post, after this battle is over, I will ask His Majesty for your credit."

Wang San was surprised, he was just an agent with no rank and rank, and now he was going to be entrusted with the job of seventh rank?

This has been upgraded to nine levels in a row.

"Under the festival, the lowly position is a person who is close to the military captain's mansion."

"I know, but the pro-military captain's mansion is also an imperial court office, not Li Junxian's personal, they all work for the imperial court, the place is different, now this is a battlefield, I want to call you, Li Junxian has nothing to say. Just say if you want it or not!"

"Yes." Wang San nodded and said, who wouldn't want this rare opportunity, so hard work, isn't it also to make meritorious deeds and become a noble and official.

"Okay, refreshing person, I like people like you. From now on, you will be the head of the Military Information Division of the General Staff Office of the Qinghai Road Army Chief." Siye smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

Next, everyone began to discuss the next step.

Murong Shun suggested to send troops immediately to raid Wushaohai City and destroy Tianzhu King.

Cheng Mingzhen, on the other hand, believed that it was necessary to guard against the coming of the Tubo army behind him, and believed that part of the troops should be stationed on the Dafei Mountains to reinforce the camp.

First, the captives were placed here, and second, it was used as a storage place for luggage.

Grain and grass from Qinghai, Lintao, and Xiping were first transferred here, and then transferred to Junqian.

"Master Wang, what's your opinion?" Siye suddenly asked Wang San.

The three kings were a little excited when they saw the generals with full bills, but with Siye's encouragement, they still expressed their views.

"Under the festival, when marching and fighting, food is the most important thing. Especially now that we are fighting deep into the enemy's territory, and the land of Tuyuhun is not like the Central Plains. It is more desolate and remote here. It is difficult to get food for the enemy. First, it will greatly slow down the marching speed, and second, it is easy to be captured or burned by the enemy, so we have to guard against it."

"The subordinates think that what General Cheng said is more prudent. Staying troops on Dafei Mountain can not only accommodate unwell soldiers, but also detain prisoners. More importantly, as a grain and grass transfer station, it can greatly improve the grain and grass. Safety."

"Hahaha, well said." Siye greatly admired, "This is also what I want, then Cheng Mingzhen will be in charge of staying at the Dafeiling barracks, and more than [-] people from your headquarters will stay behind, and the soldiers who will follow up will also Let's stay in the camp together."

In this way, Siye is equivalent to leaving [-] Qin soldiers, [-] county soldiers, and [-] Qiang soldiers for Cheng Mingzhen.

Together with Guo Xiaoke and Xue Wanjun, he will lead [-] Qin troops, Murong Shun's [-] Tuyuhun troops, and more than [-] Qiang soldiers. A total of more than [-] people will rush eastward to attack Tianzhu King of Wuhai City.

(End of this chapter)

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