Chapter 958

After finishing the discussion, the emperor returned to the harem and stayed alone for a long time.

"Bring a jug of wine."

The waiter fetched a jug of high-quality tribute wine, the emperor looked at it, but he didn't let the waiter pour the wine, but directly picked up the jug and got up and left the palace.

The emperor carried the wine and went all the way to the Xianju Hall.

The Xianju Hall is the residence of the Supreme Emperor and the Empress Dowager. The hall is adjacent to Xijiacheng in the west, Yiwansui in the east, Jixian Hall in the south, and Jiuzhouchi Royal Palace in the north.

In the distance, Luo Cheng heard the sound of tinkling from the Xianju Palace.

"What is the emperor doing?"

The servant reported that the Supreme Emperor was forging iron.

Luo Cheng couldn't help smiling, and when he went in with the wine, he realized that it was not the Supreme Emperor who was forging iron, but the Supreme Emperor was instructing several princes to forge iron. When it came to forging, the Supreme Emperor was giving instructions, while Wu Wang, Chu Wang, Liao Wang and other princes were watching and observing, waiting in line to receive the hammer.

This scene surprised the emperor.


King Wu was more sharp-eyed, and he saw the emperor coming in at once, and ran over happily.

Luo Cheng picked up King Wu and walked over. When the prince saw the emperor coming in, he seemed a little nervous and flustered, and stopped beating the hammer in his hand.

Luo Cheng glanced at him and said with a smile, "Go on, or the iron will get cold and you won't be able to move."

After getting the emperor's words, the prince picked up the hammer and beat again.

"You go on, I'll have a drink with your grandfather." Luo Cheng put down King Wu, then reached out and rubbed the head of King Liao of Chu, and walked to the side of the porch with the Supreme Emperor to drink.

"Why are you free to come to my place today?"

Luo Cheng poured a glass of wine for the Supreme Emperor, pointed at the princes in the courtyard with a smile, "Why did father think of letting them make iron?"

"These children are considered caring, and they know to come to me every day to see me, an old man."

"Then it seems that the studies given to them by the Chongwen Museum are not very important."

The old man glared at Luo Cheng, "They are just some children, if they are bound by schoolwork all day long, how will they grow up?"

Luo Cheng's rule is that the princes have to go to the Chongwen Museum to study at the age of five, leave the palace at the age of 12, and start a mansion, and the country will become a vassal.Every morning, they would first go to the emperor's study room to say hello, and then go to study.

He didn't force the princes and princesses to come to the Supreme Emperor to pay their respects, but now it seems that these little guys are quite filial, knowing that the Supreme Emperor is lonely, they often come to accompany him.

The Supreme Emperor also likes these grandchildren and granddaughters. Every time they come over, he always prepares a lot of delicious food for them and tells them stories.

Luo Gui also prepared a set of blacksmiths in the palace. Sometimes when he had nothing to do, he would beat and beat a few times to exercise his body.Once the princes saw it and wanted to play it too.

So Luo Gui simply taught them how to forge iron, and taught them how to do it when he was free.In his opinion, although the princes were born noble, they were still children, and it was too early to study at the Chongwen Museum at a young age, but it was not easy for him to intervene.But blacksmithing is also beneficial, firstly, it can exercise the body, and secondly, it can also know the previous history of the Luo family.

"Our Luo family came from blacksmiths. I think your grandfather was an apprentice blacksmith when he was in Xiangyang. Later, he made contributions with the army and earned a title. I left Chang'an and went to Shandong. I also supported my family by blacksmithing. When your brothers were six children, each Everyone helps blacksmithing, this is the history of our Luo family, there is nothing to shy away from."

"Father is right. A hero starts from the current situation, regardless of his background. Only those with ambition and ability can achieve things. And even if you come from a noble family, if you don't know how to make progress, you are just a dude, even like Changsun An. Just like those people, they become prodigal sons, sinners of the dead."

Luo Cheng was more thoughtful, thinking that letting the prince and the others forge irons sometimes was a way of cultivating hands-on ability and exercising the body. It didn't mean that as a prince, he could only study and practice martial arts. You can't even tell the difference between leek and wheat seedlings.

"Father, how do you say I will deal with those rebels?"

"I heard that you arrested a lot of people?"

"More than 2000 people participated in the conspiracy."

Luo Gui nodded, "It's amazing."

"Almost half of the old nobles and gentry have participated."

"But I heard that there were not many people who conspired to cause trouble, but you deliberately indulged and even fanned the flames deliberately, so that's why you attracted so many people?"

Luo Cheng smiled.

"Not very kind."

"I just squeezed out the pustules in advance."

"But no matter what you say, this is still too involved after all. Although you killed a hundred people, it is too much. If you really do this, you will inevitably leave the name of a tyrant and make a very bad start. Actually, I used to I have also read a lot of books, and I have read in books that killing people is actually just a manifestation of lack of control and a helpless choice."

Luo Cheng suddenly admired his father for being able to say such a truth.

"But now that these people are arrested, if they are not killed, it will be a hidden danger, and it cannot be regarded as nothing happened."

The old man thought for a while, and he looked at the emperors and grandchildren who were slamming irons over there happily, "Then I won't kill them, but I won't let them go."

"how to say?"

"Xiao Wu, haven't you been immigrating to the frontier all the time? Not only did you immigrate many people from the Central Plains to the frontier, but you also exiled many criminals to the frontier. As far as I know, many of these official slaves are prisoners of war and criminals, right?"


"Since you can release those officials and slaves for good, and move to the frontier. Why don't you deal with those people in the same way, spare their lives, don't kill them, but you can take away their titles, dismiss them as citizens, and confiscate their money. Confiscate their property, and then exile them to the frontier, so that they will live forever in the frontier."

In the borderlands of Changliu, one cannot come back. For example, before Lingnan, there were many Changliu people from all dynasties and generations.

Dad meant that many of the conspirators this time were officials, aristocrats or powerful scholars, and most of them were relatively capable, among other things, at least they were all scholars.

And what is most lacking in the borderlands?
Not only is there a shortage of people, but there is also a shortage of scholars.

Therefore, exiling all these conspirators to the four sides can enrich the strength of the government and garrisons in the border areas.

"These people are indeed a threat if they are placed in the Central Plains, but if they go to the borderlands, without the connections of family in-laws, without the support of the current land and money, what threat will they have?"

Luo Cheng thought about it, and it was indeed the truth.

These people tried their best to rebel, but he arrested them all at once, and they were vulnerable. If they were all dispersed, they would be exiled and distributed to various frontiers. Three or five here, six or seven there, they would be lost. In the past environment, without those connections and financial resources, what kind of disturbance could they cause?
"Changliu, thank you, Father, this suggestion is really good."

"Actually, I believe that your prime ministers must be more thoughtful than I am. If you are undecided, you might as well listen to the opinions of the prime ministers. Isn't there a saying that if you listen to one side, you will be dark, and if you listen to both, you will be clear. As an emperor, You can’t just listen to what you like to hear.”

"Been taught a lesson."

After returning from Xianju Palace, Luo Cheng found Wei Zheng.

"The more than [-] families involved in the rebellion this time, and their three clans, all their properties will be confiscated, their officials and titles will be confiscated, their citizenship will be removed as citizens, and then they will flow around."

"More than two thousand families, combined with the three clans, may be tens of thousands of families." Wei Zheng was a little happy to see that the emperor had changed his mind not to kill people, but he still felt that it was too exaggerated.

"This is my last tolerance." The emperor did not allow any further changes.

"Among these rebellious parties and clans, those who are honored in the annals of our Daqin clan can be exempted from being implicated." The emperor added another one.

Wei Zheng nodded and understood what he meant. Changsun Anye rebelled and implicated the three clans. As his brother, Changsun Wuji must be implicated, but the emperor will never implicate Changsun Wuji. There will be many such situations, so If it is a relative, an exception can be made to exempt from implication.

This is also the kindness of the emperor.

But it is still possible to implicate tens of thousands of families, not to confiscate tens of thousands of families at a time, and they are all families of nobles, nobles, officials and powerful officials. This wave is a bit ruthless.

(End of this chapter)

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