Chapter 967

With fewer people, more land will be left. This is a good thing, but it also brings about a problem, that is, there seem to be not enough women all of a sudden.

"How's that?"

"It is difficult for young people to marry a daughter-in-law. In the past, it was much easier to marry a daughter-in-law. Although a bride price must be given, the woman will have a dowry. But now in the past two years, it has become more and more difficult to marry a daughter-in-law. It seems that there are fewer young women at once. Therefore, in many places, the betrothal gift is now higher, but the dowry is less, just like this, there are still a family with hundreds of women begging, breaking the threshold."

The old blacksmith pointed to the three sons behind him, "One of my three sons has married and started a family, and the other two are still bachelors. Now to marry a daughter-in-law, it will cost [-] to [-] yuan. "

Sixty-six thousand is 66 guan, and eighty-eight thousand is as high as 88 guan. For ordinary farmers, this is really a lot of pressure. After all, they have just been stable for a few years, and many old debts are still unpaid. I have a surplus.

"It is indeed expensive." Luo Cheng also said.

"So, now there are people like that. They buy Turkic women, Goguryeo women, Silla women, Baekje women, etc. They are much cheaper. Some only cost [-] or [-] yuan. Money will do."

"I'm afraid these are slaves?" Wei Zheng said aside, "The imperial court has a law that good and bad people don't marry."

"It's okay, those people will help you get rid of the tooth and make it good. It can be done for you after spending a few thousand dollars."

The common people think in a relatively simple way. When it is difficult to marry a wife, they don't care whether the other party is a bearded woman or a slave. As long as she is a young woman who can bear children, that's fine.

After all, the dowry price of 12 is too much pressure, not to mention that in some places, it is said that it even costs 13, [-], etc., which is really unaffordable.

You can't watch your son in his twenties and still be a bachelor, right?
In the past, the imperial court strictly forbade the marriage between a lover and a slut. Those who violated the law would not only have their marriage invalid, but would even be sentenced to prison and reform through labor.

But now the imperial court has relaxed a lot in this regard, mainly offering flexible solutions.

Just like what the old blacksmith said, good and bad people don’t get married, but now the restrictions on slaves returning to good have been relaxed a lot. As long as you pay money, you can apply for registration with the government. It's all possible to get rid of it.

After obtaining good citizenship, you can naturally marry your beloved.

Now this has also become a profitable business for the people. They select young female slaves from major slave ports, no matter whether she is from Goguryeo or Turks, and then sell them to various places in the Central Plains, selling them to those in the countryside who cannot find a wife. people.

Originally, in the major slave ports, female slaves without special skills or particularly beautiful were not very valuable. The most valuable were those young and strong male slaves, as well as those who had special skills or were very beautiful.

These people operate in this way, so the worthless female slaves revitalize and increase their value, and they can make a lot of money by changing hands.

There are also some people who are simply simpler. They either go to the surrounding areas, or in those remote mountainous areas, find those backward indigenous barbarian tribes, and start a matchmaking.

In fact, it is a disguised form of buying and selling people, such as the Dabie Mountains, Bahan and other places, and even Lingbiao and other places, there are still a large number of barbarians. Their daughter found a good husband's family from the Han family. In fact, this good husband's family is not good. The key is that these businessmen pay gift money on their behalf.

Send a lot of goods from the Central Plains, or simply give money directly.

Sometimes, with tens of thousands of dollars, those local barbarians can be knocked unconscious, and then marry a daughter at the same time.These people took the women away, turned around and married those bachelors again, and collected [-] to [-] yuan, making a lot of money.

Luo Cheng was speechless after hearing this.

Although no official had reported these trivial matters to him before, he did not doubt the authenticity at all, because even in later generations, this situation is very common.

People in big cities can't find a wife, so they go to the countryside to look for it, and country people can't find it, they go abroad to look for it. Even in the early years, all kinds of trafficking and trafficking emerged one after another.

As the saying goes, where there is demand, there will be a market.

In fact, there were many men who could not marry a wife in the Sui Dynasty, but at that time, many people could not even eat enough to eat, so there was no such urgent need to marry a wife. After all, food and clothing came first.

But now everyone's life is generally better, and life has hope, even if they just have enough food and clothing, they urgently want to marry a wife and have children.

This is people's pursuit of beautiful things and a better life.

This era also pays attention to the preference of boys over girls, and the past was difficult, so there are actually a lot of cases of drowning girls and abandoning girls. Although the war also brought a large number of male deaths, the imperial court's large-scale immigration policy, and today's life has improved, This makes the demand for marrying a wife infinitely magnified.

For a time, it was hard to find a woman.

Naturally, such a marriage intermediary market has been born.

"I also took care of a few people before and introduced them to me, but I got a few of them, but they were not very satisfied." The old blacksmith said with some regret, his boy is also good-looking, smart and hardworking, Knowing how to craft, the future life will definitely not be so bad.

But the girls brought by Renyazi are either too old, too ugly, or look too thin. Most importantly, these people can't speak a word of Chinese, just like dumb, even It's not as good as the dumb. After all, although the dumb can't speak, most of them can understand.

But these bearded female slaves can neither speak nor understand, and they spend tens of thousands of dollars to marry them, so they can only give birth.The son has no official title, and he cannot take concubines. If he is not satisfied with the marriage, he will be in trouble.

And he also heard that some people spent tens of thousands of dollars to marry them, but later this woman ran away again, and the bamboo basket was empty, so the old blacksmith has not taken a fancy to her until now.

"If it doesn't work, why don't we let the second, third, and third woman come over first, let's talk about giving birth to the baby, and then slowly search for it."

"Dian one, what is Dian?" Luo Cheng asked in surprise.

"Dian is a woman," the blacksmith saw that Luo Cheng didn't seem to understand, so he explained that in the past, there were already Dian wives.Some people can't get wives, but some people have wives but are poor, so some poor men pawn their wives to bachelors and make a contract for three to five years. After three or five years, the wives will take them back .

To put it bluntly, a pawn wife is a tenant wife who rents a wife. The pawn wives of the bachelors can only rent because they cannot afford to marry. What to do with the rent, of course, is to have children.

Generally, it takes two to three years for a pawn wife, almost exactly to give birth to a child. After the expiration, the woman keeps the child and then returns to the original husband's home.

Luo Cheng was shocked, "It can still be like this, isn't it against human relations and against the law?"

(End of this chapter)

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