Chapter 969

After the matter was settled, Wang Er was delighted, and the old blacksmith graciously treated guests in front of a haggis soup cake stall.Luo Cheng, a bystander, was also invited by the old blacksmith.

A bowl of haggis noodle soup per person, simple but affordable.

After eating the soup cakes, Wang Er followed Wang Yazi to meet Liu San, while the old blacksmith and his son went back to blacksmithing.

Luo Cheng also bid farewell to them and left.

On the way, the young emperor sighed a little, never thinking that such a situation would happen in his own empire.

"Wei Zheng, I think it's worth reflecting on the matter of Liu San and Liu's wife. Although this is just an isolated case, I believe it's not just an isolated case. It must be a common phenomenon among the people."

Wei Zheng flicked the whisk around persistently, "Does Your Majesty have any opinion on this matter?"

When Luo Cheng thought that a rascal like Liu San would pawn his wife, he couldn't help getting angry, and immediately said, "This shows that there are still a lot of gaps and loopholes in the court law. For example, a rascal like Liu San, what qualifications do he have to pawn his wife? The court Pawning of wives should be strictly prohibited, not only prohibiting pawning wives, but also prohibiting selling wives and children, they are all good citizens, what right does a person like Liu San have to sell others?"

Only slaves can be bought and sold, but lovers are forbidden to buy and sell. Turning lovers into slaves is the power of the court. Only those who break the law and commit crimes reach a certain level, the court will degrade them into slaves, while ordinary people, Neither can have this qualification.

"Secondly, what right does Liu San have to sublease the open fields assigned to him by the court for rent collection? These fields are for them to support themselves, not for rent collection to enjoy eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. For Liu San If this kind of behavior of a kind person, his open field should be taken back, and it should be sent to the frontier to cultivate the field."

Wei Zheng persuaded, "Your Majesty, although Liu San is not a good person, he is not to the point where he needs to be exiled. This is also unfair to him."

Luo Cheng was still very angry, "I heard that Liu San's wife is a good woman, hardworking, thrifty and filial, but she just met a scumbag husband and ruined her life. I think the court should legislate to protect such a woman, for example, in Daqin In the Marriage Regulations of the Law, a clear decree was made to allow Liu San's wife to divorce this Liu San, and to have the right to half of the property, including the open fields and garden land allocated by the Liu family."

Divorce has actually existed for a long time, but under normal circumstances, the conditions for divorce are very high and it is not easy, especially for women who want to take the initiative to divorce.

Generally, if a woman violates the seven-out rule, her husband will divorce her wife. Apart from taking away her own dowry, the divorced woman has no right to dispose of the family property.

Unless it is the women of those famous noble families, they will have the opportunity to take the initiative to reconcile with their husbands.

Who can ordinary women reconcile, and where can they go back after reconciling?After getting married, her natal family is no longer her own family, and after divorce, her husband's family is no longer her own family. Even if they can share their property and fields, it will be difficult for them to continue living in the local area in the future.

Wei Zheng suggested, "It's better to punish people like Liu San, such as punishing him with hard labor." He does not approve of divorce, and where can Liu go after divorce, but he is indeed opposed to pawning his wife.

"There are rascals like Liu San in the world. It's really a good man without a good wife. It's unreasonable for Lai Han to take advantage of the flowers."

"Your Majesty, in fact, this pawn wife is just like usury. Even if the imperial court prohibits it, it is hard to stop it. It can only be said to be a little restrained."

"No, I'm angry when I think about it. I think Liu San's case can be dealt with in this way. For example, let the government convict Liu San, then sentence them to divorce, and then let Liu's wife be married to Wang Er by the government. Wife, half of Liu San’s property is divided between his wife, and Liu San will be sentenced to exile, exiled to the frontier to control the fields, and see how rascal he is.”

"What about Liu San's three children?"

"Does Liu San have any clansmen? If there are clansmen, you can hand over the child to the clansmen to take care of them, and then entrust Liu San's property to the clansmen. After the child becomes an adult, return the child. If there are no clansmen, or no one is willing To accept the child, you can also consider letting Mrs. Liu take the child to remarry the Wang family, and the Wang family will take care of it. If it doesn’t work, the imperial government can take over and send it to an orphanage.”

Luo Cheng believed that if he left it alone, his wife would be mortgaged this time, and might be sold next time, and even his children might be sold by him in the future.

"Your Majesty, remarriage is a feasible solution." Wei Zheng felt that this arrangement was not bad. Since Wang Er was willing to pawn his wife, even if he couldn't find a daughter-in-law, he would be willing to rent him. Of course, he would be more willing to remarry.

"Wei Zheng, write a letter to the Political Affairs Hall immediately, ordering the relevant yamen to investigate the illegal affairs of pawned wives across the country. Those who pawn their wives will be sentenced to divorce, and those who pawned their wives will be sentenced to exile and exiled to the frontiers. Go to garrison for control. For those who buy their wives, they will be ordered to make up the marriage registration, and they will be husband and wife."

Since you want to sell your wife, you are not qualified to own this woman anymore.

As for Dianfu who bought his wife, the imperial court simply let the temporary couple get married.

"Of course, if a woman is dissatisfied with her husband, she can make the marriage ceremony invalid and give her freedom."

Wei Zheng was clear about the emperor's efficiency, so he immediately wrote a letter with a hand scroll, and asked Habayashi to send it to the prime ministers of the political affairs hall in the large army for discussion.

"I feel that our local bureaucrats are still lacking. We don't have enough management of private illegal matters such as pawning wives and usury. I think that we should strengthen the local bureaucrats. Especially in the villages, today's one county five There are Lizhengs in the township, but there is no township head and yamen in the township, and it is not enough for the Lizhengs to take turns to be on duty in the township."

"Your Majesty, at the beginning of the Sui Dynasty, it was also proposed to set up yamen and officials at the township level. However, there are more than a thousand counties in the country, and there must be five or six thousand at the township level. Even if a township only sends one official, it must be added. Five or six thousand, that's too much." Wei Zheng pointed out the practical difficulties.

Luo Cheng thought about it, if each township appoints a head, it is indeed possible to add five or six thousand new heads. Are these heads officials or officials?Do you want the court to pay the salary, and after you have a township head, do you have to assign officials and so on?
"I think it is possible to restore the Qin and Han Dynasty pavilions in the townships, change one pavilion for ten miles to one pavilion for each township, and set up a pavilion chief to be responsible for the education of the village, household registration, tax collection, maintenance of law and order, catching thieves, Civil litigation, etc. The pavilion chief has patrol inspections, responsible for public security, codes and signatures, litigation disputes, signatures, household registration and taxation, joint defense captains, and militia captains."

Emperor Luo Cheng believed that the imperial power did not go to the countryside, which led to the lack of the imperial court's rule over the countryside, and there were many gray areas that could not be controlled.

(End of this chapter)

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